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Results 41-60 of 536
Password Secure Acrobat PDF files
Password secure adobe acrobat pdf documents with the help of AxpertSoft PDF encryption tool. It quickly protects document with your desired password, restricts pdf accessibility for its editing, printing & data copying pasting.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 24.90
Free Domain name registration availability search suggestion tool.
Free Domain name registration availability search suggestion tool. Find your dream premium available domain names to register at a cheap usual price. This free automatic tool will provide you available domain name suggestion based on your provided keyword. No need to use your brain to find a good one for your upcoming web project. You don’t have to manually go to any domain registers web site to check for available domains thinking and entering your choices. It will find you short sweet easy to remember domains automatically with in few minutes; no need to spend a full day finding a good domain.
(6 ratings)
RationalPlan Project Management Software
RationalPlan Project Management Software is a great alternative to MS Project with some extra-features like multiproject management and assignments email notification. The application is covering project management area from WBS construction, project planning and scheduling to critical path management, overallocated resources detection, progress tracking, cost estimation, etc. Useful for project planning, project scheduling and project tracking.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 57.00
Related Keywords Generator
This tool provides the long list of related keyword suggestions. It can go three levels deep. When you enter the keyword – this tool query Google and pull up the related keywords suggestions against that keyword. You can use this script for research purpose and can integrate in other PHP scripts as well.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 30.00
Off Page SEO Analysis Tool
This SEO tool allows you to enter multiple domain URLs and script will check the domain from different aspects and give you a report which you can also download in CSV format. The data in the report contains mozRank, Domain Authority, External Links, Anchor Texts, Sichtbarkeits Index, Domain Age, Xovi Value, etc of the provided domains.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 30.00
Unbranded Onlne SEO Tools
Add useful content to your website by offering your visitors SEO tools so they may improve and monitor their websites for free. You can buy the best unbranded SEO Tools with Full Source Code & FREE Upgrades coded in PHP or VBscript (ASP). Simply customize and upload the SEO tools to your server and you're ready to go...it's that easy.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 25.00
MobRedirect - Mobile Detection and Redirection
MobRedirect is a mobile detection & redirection tool kit to provide complete solutions for mobile device detection and redirection. MobRedirect supports all types mobile devices. MobRedirect is helpful to detect and redirect mobile users to mobile site. MobRedirect is a .htaccess script. It is very powerful and Robust script than any other php detection and redirection script. Sometimes in some cases PHP detection and redirection script won’t detect mobile device, but this is not happened in .htaccess script. Features : Detect almost all mobile devices and take action Redirect based on individual devices( Like Apple, Android, Windows…) Sniff out details like Screen resolution, WAP support, Js Support etc. It obeys all the rules set by Google for Mobile devices. Back to desktop version support. Easy installation. And many More…
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 7.00
C# webscraper
This is a C# Visual Studio 2010, web scraper utility. A windows form application that allows a user to enter a URL into a text box and the application grabs the source and outputs it to a local file. This project can be manipulated to allow for multiple site scrapes using a predetermined array or list of URL's and run through them using a loop. the output stream can also be parsed for specific elements, images, files or text.
(3 ratings)
LockMe” – A tool to safeguard your folders. Lock your folders against getting accessed by an unauthorized person. Protect folders with “LockMe” – a Windows based utility, which protect folders from getting opened without unlocking them.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 5.00
CSS Social Media
Modern CSS3 / HTML5 social media button & icon set. Features included: * 102 social elements * 51 buttons * 51 icons * 3 different size (small, medium, large) * 100% CSS gradients * Easy to use & install * Help file is included
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 3.00
Employee Desktop Monitoring
Employee Desktop Live Viewer is specifically designed for monitoring employees in large organizations. It is available in viewer and agent setup files that can be installed in admin and client systems of the organization. Employee Desktop monitoring software can monitor individual or all employee computers in stealth, online and invisible modes. It also schedule online and offline recording of the employee activities
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 29.00
Email Notification Balloon
The program does not connect to the internet. Instead, it checks your Desktop email program's inbox at set intervals, then displays a balloon tooltip above the Notification Area if you have new mail. The program opens a persistent visual notification of new mail. If you did not hear the "New Mail" system sound, or have that setting turned-off, you can glance at your computer from across the room and know instantly whether you have new email, or not. Most of us use the Windows screen saver. This program will not prevent your screen saver from turning on if you have no new mail. Your screen saver will be turned off when you receive new mail, so that the notification balloon can be seen. Unread mail will prevent the screen saver from turning on. No "Windows Installer" is included or needed. The program is not added to your Start Menu and no changes are made to your Registry. The program is a stand-alone executable (.exe) file.
(3 ratings)
Create ID Card ID Card Creater
ID card creater software widely used to design professional looking company ID cards, medical ID cards, corporate ID cards, student ID cards, security ID cards, government ID cards etc to satisfy their personal and business needs at affordable price. Company professional presents exclusive ID card creater software that provides straight forward solution to craft readable and customized identity cards to fulfill private or business needs in fraction of time. Professional ID card creater utility supports various data set series generating options to design instantly printable multiple numbers of employees identification cards with diverse image, text and barcode value in few countable steps.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 38.00
Linkman Pro
Linkman is a bookmark manager that efficiently organizes and validates large numbers of bookmarks. Linkman integrates with Google Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, and Opera browsers. Support for bookmark sync between browsers and among computers is also available.You get the choice to manage your bookmarks by keywords only, folders only, or folders and keywords.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 24.95
Keyword Suggestion Tool
Keyword Suggestion Tool looks up for related and matching keywords based on your search query. Keyword Suggestion Tool helps you find which keywords you should target to increase your website rankings, traffic, authority and profit.
(0 ratings)
AD Management Tool
Lepide Active Directory Management and Reporting software is designed to offer greater controls to AD administrators for effective AD management. This tool comes with built-in features to track down AD objects configured to a network and manage both local and remote objects from a central location. This AD management tool also has the feature of report generation that helps administrators to gather information about objects and resources.
(1 ratings)
PriceUSD 229.00
Access Database File Recovery
RecoveryFix for Access Repair tool has been designed to efficiently handle all MS Access corruption issues and ideally performs MS Access database recovery. With improved scanning system, this recovery tool easily repairs severe to minor data corruption problems
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 99.00
Windows Server Active Directory
For all those who have been looking for an answer to manage Active Directory properly and in an effortless manner, Lepide Active Directory Management and Reporting application is one such important software that you need. Perhaps, it is one such proficient Windows server active directory that can help you manage Windows Active Directory objects for local and remote users, computers, printers, etc
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 229.00
CSS Notification Box
Set of 10 notification boxes created with CSS. jQuery is used to add close function. Features included: * Pure CSS * CSS gradient backgrounds * Image icons for notifications * 10 different box types (success, fail, info, warning, edit, lock, tip, download, chat, task) * Easy customization, setup, change color - icon of the box with one CSS class * PSD files are included * Help file is included
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 2.00
Lepide Active Directory Self Service
With the help of AD self service tool end users can unlock user accounts, reset password and make other updates. This tool thus helps administrators of active directory to pass over certain controls to users for better time utilization.
(0 ratings)
Results 41-60 of 536