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TigerTom's OMNI Scripts

Rated3.3/5 (6 ratings)
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Secure order form, flat-file database and mailing list in one.
Product Details

A set of Perl scripts which has all the usual FormMail features, plus, it can set and retrieve a cookie (for affiliate tracking), send form data to another Perl script, print out the form data selectively in a web page, and email an attached file. Also, it can save the form data (including the tracking cookie), selectively, to a flat file database. It can use PGP to encrypt the form data, OR can weakly encrypt and decrypt credit card information, if your server doesn't have PGP. It can check credit card number basic validity, incorporate a customizable text message into the customer email, and subscribe customers' names and email addresses to a separate flat-file database [a mailing list]. Can be used to bulk-email said customers. Also has limited shopping cart options, in that it can add up prices, add tax and shipping, and display an order-confirmation page, before final processing.

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Submitted on
12th September 2000
Last Updated
25th November 2001

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