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Most Popular Scripts | PHP | Scripts & Programs | Development Tools

Results 1-20 of 366
Smarty is a template engine for PHP, facilitating the separation of presentation (HTML/CSS) from application logic. This implies that PHP code is application logic, and is separated from the presentation. The Smarty design was largely driven by these goals: * clean separation of presentation from application code * PHP backend, Smarty template frontend * compliment PHP, not replace it * fast development/deployment for programmers and designers * quick and easy to maintain * syntax easy to understand, no PHP knowledge required * flexibility for custom development * security: insulation from PHP * free, open source
(5140 ratings)
phpJobScheduler - your simple PHP replacement to cron jobs
PHP scheduler - a replacement for cron jobs on Unix or scheduled tasks using Microsoft Scheduler. phpJobScheduler is a scheduler that runs using PHP and MySQL, other databases should now be compatible as all code now uses PHP/PDO for database connectivity (no root/admin access is required). Now using phpJobScheduler you can easily set times when a PHP script should run; automating tedious tasks such as trimming a database table, or emailing a member when their membership fee is due. Schedule a task to run hourly, daily or weekly - scheduled data is stored in a MySQL database via PHP. Some of the features: - easy setup - runs silently (no screen output) - saves run logs to database - saves error messages to database - runs remote scripts in a secure folder - schedule PHP scripts to run: 1-59 minutes hourly daily weekly - add scheduled tasks - modify existing scheduled tasks - delete existing scheduled tasks
(244 ratings)
PriadoBlender is a tool to let you distribute your PHP scripts as an executable EXE. It is similar to the PHPCompiler that was available for a couple of months a year or 2 ago. PriadoBlender isn't a true compiler in the computer science sense of the term. True compilers take the high-level code and turn it into machine/assembly code. Instead, PriadoBlender takes your PHP code and the PHP interpretor itself and blends them into standalone, PHP executable goodness. Version 0.2 features a new GUI wizard, no more reliance on MMCache and output EXE's licensed only under the PHP license.
(240 ratings)
Seagull Application Framework
Seagull is an OO PHP framework with the core modules licensed under BSD, and has the following design goals: - independence of data, logic & presentation layers - extensible component architecture - reduction of repetitive programming tasks - simplifying data access - comprehensive error handling - module workflow routines - form handling without the donkey work - component reuse - authentication management - integration with PEAR libraries - PHP coding standards - platform/PHP version/browser independence - self-generating documentation - quality end user docs
(181 ratings)
phpCodeGenie (PCG) is a code generator for database driven applications. PCG can generate entire working basic database driven applications for you. PCG can generate code from different databases. While the core version generates mostly PHP Code, phpCodeGenie can be modified to generate code in any programming language - Perl, Java, C#, ASP etc.. Just design your database tables and phpCodeGenie can write the php scripts and programs for you. phpCodeGenie will build data entry forms, insert scripts, database lister scripts, edit record forms, update record scripts, delete confirmation scripts, delete scripts, search forms, search scripts etc.. It provides a core basic code from which you can build on.
(179 ratings)
MX Widgets Suite
Powerful HTML controls for database binding - For the Dreamweaver MX PHP developers who need to implement enhanced dynamic forms, the MX Widgets Suite offers a powerful alternative to the regular HTML controls. Unlike standard MX forms development, that requires manual coding to implement the application logic, our product relies on the power of the server side language and JavaScript to enforce an accurate and user friendly forms completion. MX Widgets supports: ColdFusion, PHP and ASP VBScript. Features: --Editable Dropdown; --Dependent Dropdown; --Date Picker; --Comma separated menu; --Comma separated Checkbox; --A total of 13 different widgets; --PHP, ColdFusion and ASP support; --Compatibility with all Dreamweaver form generators.
(156 ratings)
PHP DocWriter
PHP DocWriter is a set of PHP classes that generates simple StarOffice/OpenOffice.org Writer documents. It builds the document following the file format specification so you don't need to have OpenOffice.org installed, though if installed this class can generate other document formats like MS Word, PDF, RTF, StarWriter, LaTeX, XHTML, HTML, etc. Currently supports pages, paragraphs, text styles, images, tables, text boxes, headers, footers and drawings among other things.
(90 ratings)
PHP Source Code Utility
Highlight PHP syntax and optionally add line numbers to PHP source code or files, with several output options. Files to highlight are chosen in a form and temporarily uploaded to the remote server, or you can use this script on your local server to aid PHP development.
(84 ratings)
HTML2Text, HTML to plain text converter
This class converts HTML to plain, formatted ASCII text. By default, the text is wrapped to 70 characters, and some basic formatting is applied to preserve some of the HTML formatting. For example:<br> <ul> <li>Paragraphs are indented</li> <li>Heading tags <h1> - <h3> are all caps</li> <li>Horizontal lines, <hr>, are converted to hyphens</li> <li>Links are preserved as a footnoted list at the end</li> </ul>
(81 ratings)
The Japha Programming Interface
The JPI is an effort to create an easy to use, highly re-usable library of components and classes for use in every day programs. It is based on the Java API (though it might as well be any API), to give Java programmers and others an easy way to find documentation and ease into the use of the language.
(75 ratings)
PHP Runner
PHP Runner is a simple but useful program to preview a PHP file easily without saving or uploading to server or using other programs to run your designed file. PHP Runner has a friendly interface with useful tools like as most used PHP functions' buttons to make scripting more easier and faster. More information and documentation is available in the website.
(63 ratings)
PHP OO Multilevel Template System
A very fast and powerful object oriented template class with multi-level template parsing. Includes such features as blocks, includes, and loops with or without section for empty lists, fast variable and template substitution, sub-templates and much more.
(57 ratings)
Tool that generates PHP persistent object classes that perform object-relational mapping (ORM). The generated code stores and retrieves objects from many types of relational databases: MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, Microsoft SQL server, SQLite, etc.. Supports own Object Query Language (OQL), generates database schema instalation classes, Web forms classes and report classes. Provides a Web based and command line interfaces to execute the tool.
(48 ratings)
Code Faster
Code Faster is a PHP Framework, based on Fast Template PHP template engine. Will create all neceassary files to have a project ready and run ... or almost ready :-). Features * Create class file * Create administrator PHP and HTML template file (list,add,modify,delete,activate) * Create user file * jQuery UI for administrator * jQuery Validator for generated forms * jQuery Colorize for tables * FCK Editor for administrator * Configuration pages for administrator * Additional classes included (Mail, Calendar, FTP, WordCleaner?, Captcha, Pagination etc.)
(48 ratings)
Advanced Graphs and Charts for PHP
Add Powerful reporting features to your Web / Intranet pages and applications. With advanced graphing you will be quickly adding impressive and dynamic charting capabilities bringing your data alive ! The PHP graphing scripts provide a very easy way to embed dynamically generated graphs and charts into PHP applications and HTML web pages.Very easy to use and add professional quality graphing to web pages / applications in minutes. Many new chart styles added to the Extented Collection. Try for free.
(48 ratings)
Mantis is a PHP/MySQL-driven web based bugtracking system. It is simpler than bugzilla and easily editable. The software resides on a webserver while any web browser should be able to function as a client. It supports multiple projects and email notification. Supports over 18 languages.
(44 ratings)
Convert Your MySQL Database To A Full PHP Web Application In Few Minutes
PHP MySQL Wizard is a smart PHP code generator, with absolute zero knowledge of coding the wizard can generate PHP web applications (which you can freely distribute) driven from your MySQL databases, saving you hours of tedious programming. Using the generated application both administrator and/or users will be able to view, search, sort, edit and delete records from your MySQL Databases . The wizard has many friendly and easy to use features such as: fully customizable appearance of the generated application (select or create your own style) ; Set validation rule for user entries (MIN or MAX range, special character checking) ; Custom error alerts ; Ability to set Lookup columns (to handle foreign keys) ; Advanced security options ; Ability to generate unlimited number of projects, and more Try your free Non expiring demo version now to experience how easily the wizard interface can generate for you a quality work in just few clicks....
(34 ratings)
PriceUSD 48.00
PHP Code Executer
It saves you a lot of time and frustration by enabling you to run scripts directly. You copy PHP and/or HTML and/or JavaScript code into the text area. When you click 'Execute Code', it executes the code. When you get a piece of code on the Web, and want to test it, you do not have to copy it into your editor and save it to a specific location and then run it again through your browser from that specific location. No, you just use this baby. It is extremely easy to use and contains no banners or spyware.
(33 ratings)
session manager
This session manager helps you managing your website's sessions, it is really esay to install and even more easy to use. All your session data is stored in MySQL to help you making statistics of your site which are lost when a visitor leaves unles you make another script to store them in db, with this session manager forget about making extra scripts to store session data in a db.
(30 ratings)
PRADO: component framework for PHP 5
We have recently developed a component framework for PHP 5 named PRADO. The component model of PRADO follows closely to that in Borland Delphi, Visual Basic and ASP.NET, and it is event-driven. A PRADO application is a collection of pages each of which is a hierarchical tree of components having properties, events, assets, templates, and so on. Components are highly configurable and they can inherited or composed together to form new components. A wonderful thing about PRADO is that it is event-driven. Unlike traditional procedural programming, developers now concentrate more on responding to different component events. For example, you can write an OnClick event handler function to respond to the user click on a button, or you can write an OnTextChanged event handler function to respond to any content change in a text field. People familiar with desktop GUI programming may find Web programming with PRADO is very similar to that.
(27 ratings)
Results 1-20 of 366