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Upload Systems

Results 21-36 of 36
StrongCube ASP Upload Component
Strongcube ASP Upload Component helps you to manage your upload and download files within ASP script. Very simple and easy to use. Supports multiple file uploads and save to database. Handle files located anywhere on server for download or show them directly to browser.
(15 ratings)
Miraplacid Upload
MSCUpload is an Active Server File Upload component. It extentds standard Request object capabilities in handling uploaded data. MSCUpload is a perfect way for ASP applications to handle multiple uploaded files and still make another form fields easily accessable.
(0 ratings)
Asp Upload Component
ASP Upload Component is an ActiveX component designed to ease access to multipart/form-data received from client's browser when developing Active Server Pages applications. With this component installed you can access multiple file uploads and other form data just the way it is done with Request object.
(9 ratings)
Easy-Upload is an ISAPI dll for file uploading. It works on any win32 server, and requires no COM object. There is also a standalone windows CGI module for servers that do not support ISAPI.
(0 ratings)
Infinite FX ASP Upload Script
An easy to use script with a comprehensive Readme file. It's designed to use the ASPUpload object available from www.ASPUpload.com. This is a server side object that allows transfer of files from your computer to a webserver running the ASPUpload object using your browser. Very useful if you do not have FTP access because you are using a proxy server with the FTP port (21) blocked, or the FTP server is down. Only a small amount of HTML knowledge is required to set this up. All instructions are included in a readme file. No database required.
(1 ratings)
This is an ASP component/dll which processes file uploads using HTML forms and a web browser. It can handle more than one file per form. Once uploaded the files can be saved to disk or to a database as a binary data stream. Files can also be exported into the csImageFile component for image processing. Form variables can be accessed using the component. Upload progress can be displayed for large uploads. An additional class containing HTTP functions has been included. These allow a script to send a file to a remote server as an HTTP post, and also to receive a file from a remote server as a download. A username and password can be sent if the remote server uses authentication. Form variables can be added for the upload as well as the download. Files can be uploaded from a binary variable or downloaded into a binary variable. There is a free trial available with full instructions. Available as 32 bit or 64 bit.
(4 ratings)
ABCUpload is an ActiveX component that allows you to upload files from a web browser to your IIS web server. It requires no client side software and operates on the server via standard multipart HTML forms as defined in RFC 1867.
(5 ratings)
FileUpload Class
The FileUpload Class allows users to upload files to the server. FileUpload lets the developer control the type and size of the upload as well as the upload directory and the overwrite status for already existing uploads.
(9 ratings)
PureASP Upload
PureASP upload enables you accept RFC 1867 uploads (multipart/form-data encoded forms with input type=file fields) by pure ASP without any external components. Main features include: Upload to SQL/MDB database, Custom file browser, Multiple files/folders download with on-the-fly zip/arj, Multiple files upload along with description, Enables limit of upload size, Binary data manipulation, and more. The FREE ASP script is as a part of ScriptUtilities library.
(0 ratings)
Dundas Upload
Dundas Upload is a free commercial control that enables an Active Server Page (ASP) application to accept, save and manipulate files uploaded with a web browser. Main features include: It ships web-farm ready, MTS support (object pooling), ADO support via safe-array-of-bytes variants, allowing you to persist uploaded files as BLOBs, Handles uploading of multiple files, Upload form data either all at once or incrementally, Lets you specify a maximum allowable limit for uploaded data, a maximum number of files to be uploaded as well as a maximum allowable file size, Implement a progress bar via the ProgressBar and StateServer components, Save uploaded files either to disk or to memory, Capable of performing numerous file and directory operations, Impersonate user accounts other than the IUSR_machinename account, COM registration, MacBinary support, Uploaded files ACL, owner and attribute manipulation, and more.
(3 ratings)
AspUpload is an Active Server component which enables an ASP application to accept, save and manipulate files uploaded with a browser. It features: Ability to upload multiple files at once, Ability to set file owners, Ability to change file attributes, Support for MS Access OLE Object headers, Ability to export files from the database, Automatic generation of unique file names to prevent collisions with existing files, Ability to put a limit on the size of files being uploaded, Ability to preserve files' "Last Modified" timestamp, Directory Listing with sorting, Automatic ActiveX DLL registration, File copying, moving and deletion, Directory creation and deletion, and more.
(0 ratings)
XUpload is an ActiveX control that helps you overcome the limitations of traditional form-based uploading. With the help of XUpload, your users can upload files from a web page displayed by Microsoft Internet Explorer, VB app, or even directly from File Explorer.
(0 ratings)
This is a DLL written in Visual Basic 6.0 that provides file upload capabilities to your ASP pages and applications. Full documentation, which you must read carefully in order to use the component properly, is included.
(0 ratings)
SA-FileUp allows users with a web browser to transmit files from their local hard disk to a Microsoft IIS web server. Files can be of any format, such as Word documents, images or plain text. Developers can use SA-FileUp to receive and process user input, while staying within the context of their Active Server application. SA-FileUp also includes file download and file management components, which allow you to simply and easily download files from the web server to the user's browser, manipulate files, change ACLs and permissions, and register DLLs, all in a single, easy-to-use package.
(3 ratings)
aspSmartUpload provides you with all the upload/download features including: Simple and complete upload, Total control over the upload process (ie. restrict file size, extension etc.), Mixed forms management, Total control over files sent, and Download whatever you want (ie. a file, a database field, etc.).
(0 ratings)
w3 Upload
With the help of w3 Upload, your web user can upload files directly via their web browser. With a few simple steps their files will be on their way to your server. Click the browse button and select which file to upload. Then click transmit to send the files. As a developer, you can specify exactly where the uploaded files will be saved. You can even save them directly into a database or attach them to an outgoing email. This way your customers can attach their own files to emails sent with w3 Jmail.
(0 ratings)
Results 21-36 of 36