Security Systems
Sekure JavaScript
posted byKageinSecurity Systems
Using an Anti-Leech method, this script allows you to protect as many .js files as you wish. The protected .js files can only work on the URL you specify. And if someone tried to download your protected .js file, they will only get an error script. Perfect for WebSites that like ultimate security. Works best with Pragma No-Cache.
UA Block (Perl Version)
posted bywebmasterinSecurity Systems
This is the Perl version of UA Block, which allows you to block user-agents you specify in the file from accessing your website. Works great against e-mail harvesters, spiders that copy your website, etc.
ArtistScope Link Protect
posted bysupportinSecurity Systems
Originally created to prevent bandwidth and link piracy, Link Protect can manage downloads of your pages and images. If the call is not from within your site or an authorized site, a customizable default image is displayed. The links in your protected folder are undetectable and safe from searches and hack visits. You can specify domains from which you will accept links such as your other sites or those of authorized associates. Almost any type of file can be protected with Link Protect - gif, jpg, zip, html, exe.
PriceUSD 35.00
GuardMe professional
posted byzjorginSecurity Systems
GuardMe pro is a professional anti-leech program
with many features. It makes it impossible for any websites other than those you specify to link to your images,files, or documents. So stop paying extra bandwidth charges, get GuardMe Pro today.
posted byfilerinSecurity Systems
This is an easy to setup antileech cgi script. This Antileech script only has 5 easy variables to setup: Location of your data directory, the url to antileech.cgi, the url to your website, the name of your website, and your password. It also allows you to add as many sites as you want to the leech list.
posted bypreggieinSecurity Systems
AntiTrader provides an easy solution to the problem of password theft and trading. AntiTrader will sit and watch the traffic on protected areas of your web site quietly and transparently in the background.AntiTrader will watch every hit from every member who's logged in and counts their Class C subnets. AntiTrader watches subnets as well as IP addresses. If the number of subnets a user accesses the site from exceeds a configurable amount in a set time period, AntiTrader kicks in with your preset instructions. You have the option of setting AntiTrader to either notify you by E-mail, automatically disable the abused ID or do both and it will do it automatically.
posted bymarkjrinSecurity Systems
filter.plx is a fairly rudimentry spam filtering system coded in perl. When a piece of email comes in, two separate sets of rules are executed, one batch on the message header, another on the body. Of the second batch, one of the rules is a list of regexes that are matched against the body of the letter. It's pretty configurable to those comfy with unix and perl. You can adjust the threshold, or individually disable various rules.
The E-Mail Protector Script
posted bych.rueegginSecurity Systems
This script protects your e-mail addresses from being grabbed by the most widely used e-mail collecting robots. The emp.cgi script works by checking whether an e-mail collecting robot accesses your web site. If this is the case the script hides your e-mail address. If the script is configured to run in bellingerent mode it also prints out a list of 10,000 invalid e-mail addresses, thereby rendering the database pretty much useless.