Image Navigator
Image Navigator provides and easy way to display big image and/or flash movies in a limited area which is very useful on sites optimized for small resolutions or portfolios with the need to showcase detailed, high-resolution pictures or photos.
Main features: Easy to use
Only 2kb!
Unlimited size of the image!
Images and AS3 SWF files
Advanced configuration: Link to the image/swf
Image navigator padding
Image navigator size
Philip Seyfi,
PriceUSD 6.00
Flash Analogue Countdown Clock
An all-vector, scaleable Flash countdown clock movie (ActionScript 2.0). Counts down to a target date based on the user's system clock. Multiple versions included: 4-day/hours/minutes/secon ds, 3-day/hours/minutes/secon ds, 2-day/hours/minutes/secon ds and hours/minutes/seconds. An 'end countdown' function can be configured within Flash.
*Easily customizable:* by editing an XML config file, you can adjust:
* target year, month, date, minute, second
* target date's time-zone, relative to Greenwich Mean Time * number color
* number background color
* border colors
* text label color
* sound effect volume
PriceUSD 8.00
Flash Animated Hit Counter
An all-vector, scaleable, animated webpage hit counter. The Flash file makes use of a simple PHP script which keeps track of the unique pageloads (by using cookies) and total pageloads by writing to a text file. The file 'spins' the final numbers into place from a starting value that you can specify in the XML config file.
You can also adjust:
* the number of 'number windows'
* whether commas are shown or not
* the number of 'decimal windows'
* the background color of the windows
* the border colors
* the alpha value of the window highlight
* fade-in time
* blur amount
* spin speed
* delay time
* easing animation type
* sound effect volume
* whether you're tracking total or unique pageloads
Users can click the counter to reload the current count and 're-spin' the numbers to the most recent count.
PriceUSD 6.00
Flash Slot Machine
An all-vector, scaleable, slot machine game reminiscent of the old-style 1-payline, 3-reel, 6-icon machines.
An XML configuration file controls:
* button colors (off, up, over states)
* individual sound effect levels (spin, stop, coin drop, handle pull, winner loop)
It is possible to change the following within Flash:
* Payout amounts for each winning spin
* Payout odds by adjusting an array containing each reel's icon frequency. So for example, you could increase the likelihood of a '777' jackpot by increasing the number of 7s on each reel's icon array.
* The slot machine's vector reel icons
* The slot machine's 'skin'
* Money/Credit initial and reset amount
The file uses a Flash-based Shared Object 'cookie' to store the user's score.
PriceUSD 10.00
Flash Digital Counter
An all-vector, scaleable Flash 'counter' movie. Counts up from or down to a target value by a specified rate.
Easily customizable:* by editing an XML config file, you can adjust:
* number of digits
* number of decimal places
* commas shown or hidden
* starting number
* end number
* stop at end number
* increment rate
* interval rate
* number colors
* glow color
* glow radius
* sound effect volume
PriceUSD 10.00
projekktor webTV video player
Projekktor is a flexible, brandable webTV platform - built with Adobe FLASH - allowing you to provide a stunning video viewing experience to your site�s visitors combining the flexibility and interactivity of the WEB with the comfortableness of preselected video content.
Projekktor gives the possibility of programmable ADVERTISEMENT or TRAILER -injections and -overlays - each with optional callbacks for detailed tracking and eCommerce purposes.
The integrated 'mini'-browser enables you to provide video-specific information and links to external resources. All presented in a fully rebrandable environment to fit your CI.
Projekktor handles your FLV, H264 and SWF content serverd via RTMP, progressive- and "pseudo-" HTTP streaming, optionally garnished with multilingual subtitles and/or audio-comments.
Pageear - free pagepeel / peel away ad
posted byWebpicassoinMovies
The PageEar (also called Magic Corner, PeelAd, peel away ad, page peel) is a nice advertising form on websites. Available as stand alone version and also as plugin for Joomla, Wordpress and Typo3.
- Plays MP3-Files on startup, open and close of Pagepeel. - Possibility to leave peel open and wait for userklick to close. Close text is editable. - Place it on the left or right upper corner - Open and close automaticly after X seconds - Speed of the small pageear could be changed - Flashcheck (Adobe� Flash Detection) - Reflecting image on corner - Color of the pagecorner - Link target on external side or own (self, new) - Downwardcompatibly up to Flashversion 6 - Runs on nearly all Browser (FireFox, InternetExplorer, Opera, Safari, etc.)
Art Flash Gallery SWF Object
posted byartgalleryinMovies
Art Flash Gallery SWF Object is based on Adobe Flash (cs3) technology. It will help you easily post any images on your site in a matter of minutes. Flash gallery will organically blend with any design thanks to multiple appearance settings. - Gallery parameters configuration via XML- Advanced appearance configuration possibilities - Multiple image transition effects - Convenient thumbnail bar
Easy Chat Pay-Per-View
This is Pay-Per-View online video chat system, which allows models to earn money for each minute of
video chat. Webmasters can earn on commission.
PriceEUR 699.00
FLV / H.264 Video Player I
It plays YouTube streaming videos! and any kind of video file that Flash Player supports ( FLV / H.264 encoded video including MP4, M4V, M4A, MOV, Mp4v, F4V). The code is very clean and it's easy to customize the player's design.
PriceUSD 18.99
Sound visualization component. Usage examples included in the download package ( Flash CS3, ActionScript 3.0, Flash Player 9 and above).
PriceUSD 5.00
Flash reflection button
Stylish Flash reflection button, very easy to change colors and text.
PriceUSD 5.00
Image Gallery XML
Highly customizable image gallery, XML driven.
You can easily put the scroller any position you like, set the images to any dimensions. You can customize the scroller movement.
Here is a list of variables you can change:
- verticalMenu
- imageWidth & imageHeight
- bigImageWidth & bigImageHeight
- menuX & menuY
- bigImageX & bigImageY
- spacing
- inColor & outColor & coloringSpeed
- minScrollSpeed & maxScrollSpeed
- scrollEaseIn & scrollEaseOut
PriceUSD 10.00
Works with buttons and movie clips
Very simple to use. Just drag and drop, and of course set few parameters
It can displays text and movie clips
4 different opening and closing effects (Blur, Fade, Zoom and Rotation)
Choose the speed of each effect.
Square or rounded corners
You can customize borders(color, thickness), background(color), opacity, font(size, color, type), padding, space between the mouse cursor and the tooltip, and much more...
PriceUSD 20.00
To help you make cool effect application easily. We developed MultimediaViewer3D. It is a XML driven virtual 3D multimedia container, you can add image, text, swf, video, audio to it. It is written in ActionScript 3.0 and made to be a Flash CS3 component. You can use it as menu. We made API documents and tutorial helping you to handle it as easy as possible.
PriceUSD 14.00
Easily create slideshows without the need for ActionScript. Build slideshows with component parameters, XML or dynamically generate them from the contents of a web folder. Over forty customizable effects provide a variety of transition options. The ideal solution for loading sequential images in Flash.
PriceUSD 44.95
gridNavigation (AS2+AS3)
A thumbnail based navigational system or a portfolio/photo gallery in a grid or pyramid style layout. The thumbnail content is clickable and zooms in to display the selected full size content while the other thumbnails are pushed aside. Content can be external images, animated SWFs or movie clips. Content can be added or changed directly in the Component Inspector, through ActionScript or using an external XML file. Available for ActionScript 2.0 and 3.0.
PriceUSD 54.95
Word Search Game
This component will create a Word Search game in few seconds.
You can customize items:
-List of words to search
-Number of rows
-Size of words
-Color of words
-Color of finded words
-Color of letters
-Size of highlighter line
-Color of highlighter line
-Color of finded line
PriceUSD 19.00
jrBoard is a cool announcement board with plenty of features. You can edit the amount of cells and rows. You can choose the amount of messages and the time they appear. You can have mouse over interaction and let people click to get a new message.
PriceUSD 50.00
KI Media Player
This is an ActionScript 3.0 dynamic FLV player. You can play both older FLV files or newer H.264 videos with latest Flash player installed.
Dynamic XML Playlist
Supports H.264 Videos
Toggle Fullscreen Option
Centralized Coding
PriceUSD 20.00