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Most Popular Scripts | ASP

Results 41-60 of 1000
Poll Pro
Instant visitor information...because results are stored in an online database and shown dynamically. And since it isn't cached, the results are shown instantly. * Poll Pro allows your website visitors to vote on the current online poll. They can view the results of the current poll dynamically (including their own vote). Or, they can view the results of previously archived polls. (Serious or fun...it's up-to-you.) * YOU (the site owner) get color graphs and data showing your visitors' opinions, anytime - from your browser-based administration (unlimited number of admins allowed). Admin can limit voting to once per visitor on a per poll basis, define questions, define response selections, and the colors associated with each response for the graphed results. * Unencrypted ASP source code and guides included. Poll Pro is now free of charge, even for businesses. No catches, no adware, and no spam. Enjoy.
(64 ratings)
DRT-AFFstar is an affiliate management script that offers a comprehensive way to manage all your affiliates' banners. It is easy to setup and configure; you only need to change three variables, and add the path to your default banners.
(63 ratings)
Help Desk 6 by Expinion.net
Award winning, web-based support & knowledgebase solution, for customer service professionals. Representatives can save time, share info, and present a polished image, from their online browsers... inexpensively. * This is NOT just a FAQ system or 'chat' software, but a tool loaded with features for admin agents and that will encourage your visitors to provide feedback without feeling intimidated! And your business saves time and expenses because the multi-level categories and search functions help keep your knowledgebase useful and informative. (Less tickets will be submitted!) * Enable complete communications and information sharing between your support technicians and clients...from anywhere and anytime. (Ticket email notifications are sent out automatically in HTML, and are customizable. But, you can also send emails between agents to keep information flowing.) * Source code, manuals and support included, for only $249. * Visit for online demo.
(61 ratings)
PriceUSD 249.00
Web Calendar
Add a dynamic events calendar to your website or intranet, manage and display daily, weekly or montly events. Simply click into specific days and navigate montly or yearly forwards and backwards. An MS Access, MSSQL or MySQL database is used as backend. Can either be password protected, or allow anyone to add/edit events. Multilanguage with autoselection. Easily configurable. Upcoming events display, yearly recursive events, like birthdays or national holidays edited once. Event email reminder. External configurable WYSIWYG event editor. Selectable event category filter. Montly or yearly calendar layout.
(61 ratings)
ASP Chimera Calendar & Task List software � Totally Free
Chimera Scheduling Software is easy to use free asp based calendar task list software. The calendar is easy to install and supports ether an easy to use access database or MySQL database for backend data storage. If you are looking for software to allow yourself or your staff to manage their time quickly and efficiently on a web based application Chimera is the right FREE solution for you. The software also features other advance features like time reporting. Download and demo our software on our home page for free.
(60 ratings)
nCubed Free Members Only
The nCubed.com Free Members Only script was developed in response to the many requests from online development communities requesting a simple password protection schema. Adding the password protection to your page is relatively simple: Add two "include" files, insert a couple of conditional statements, add your members to the allowed members list and you're done... easy peasy. What if you know nothing about ASP/VbScript? No worries at all. The files you download are all but ready to use. There are comments in the code explaining exactly what you need to do and what not to touch. All you really need to do is copy and paste your content into the appropriate area and add your members to the allowed members list.
(58 ratings)
SiteDynamic Instant Website
SiteDynamic Instant website is a cost efficient, fast and easy pre-built website. SiteDynamic generates real pages (database independent). Only the admin area uses a database, thus making it completely ressourceless. Search engines and spiders will crawl all your website pages for an optimal ranking. Highly skinnable and language file based, it is the ideal solution for Internet professionals and private users looking for a ready to run website.
(57 ratings)
PriceUSD 99.00
JiRos Statistics System
Who are visit your homepage, when did they visit and where are they coming from? Tracks:Page views, Unique Visitors, Visits, Returning Visitors, Operating system, Browsers, Color depth, Screen resolution + much more...
(57 ratings)
PriceUSD 7.95
ASP Guestbook Free
posted byPhillyinGuestbooks
Free ASP Guestbook is an easy to use web-based content management guestbook. Simple to install and use. Multiple language support. Easy to integrate into your website. Allow or disallow HTML in your guestbook. 100% Free and open source under the GPL.
(54 ratings)
Knowledge Environment for Web-based Learning
posted bydkeatsinEducation
KEWL is a complete online learning management system, full features comparable to commercial systems. Content creation and management, online worksheets, online tests, discussion forum, chatroom, instant messaging, internal email, notice board, FAQ, course and personal calendar, interactive whiteboard, workgroups, connect to central admin system, automatically parsed glossary, search engine for content, readings list, organizers, bookmarks, content annotation, output content to CD-ROM or static content mirror, numerous management features. Download version 1.0 from FTP site or version 1.1 from CVS. ASP developers welcome to join Open Source project.
(54 ratings)
Boardwalk Finance
Boardwalk Finance is a complete business solution, allowing web-based management on an integrated, centralized platform. It includes: PRODUCT MANAGEMENT, SHOPPING CART MANAGEMENT, service management, contact management, project management, contract management, quote management, order management and invoice management. Using Boardwalk Finance, you can utilize one solution to fulfill customer orders from start to finish. It also provides for inventory management and stock controls, as well as client/vendor tracking. Get it all as one configurable, customizable, and affordable software package. Send e-mails to any contact in the system (or group of contacts). In addition, Boardwalk Finance integrates with our other web-based software packages for: SHOPPING CART, time sheets, help desk management (CRM), asset management, Just-In-Time (JIT) Inventory Planning, calendars, project manager, sales force automation and web statistics. Source code included and allows for UNLIMITED USERS.
(51 ratings)
PriceUSD 65.00
Ideal for the small to medium business, SuperInvoice will organize your billing process and impress your clients. At the heart of SuperInvoice is its powerful, yet functional and to the point invoice management system. Unlike other invoice software that blather on about a ton of extraneous features, SuperInvoice gives you what you need without the need for fluffers.
(51 ratings)
PriceUSD 99.00
ASP Access Database Tutorials
This is a group of 3 tutorials that guide you through the process of using an MS Access Database in ASP. The tutorials teach you how to connect to a database, add data to the database, update the database, and delete from the database. The 3 tutorials together allow you to build a simple Guestbook for your web site.
(51 ratings)
Automatically create thumbnails with all images from given folders, with autoresize. Images are opened in a window whit their original size by a mouse click. Add to your web site the capability to list your image collection. Features: Images autoresize Pop up window shows the full size image by clicking on the thumbnail Image info are also displayed Easy to install and configure Simply add images to your folders to show them
(51 ratings)
SMS Web Ad
SMS Web Ad is both an SMS Gateway (by which you can create your own script using ASP, PHP and PERL) and an ASP based SMS advertising system which allows you to administrate unlimited advertisers that support the costs of SMS. Some features: CREATE YOUR OWN ASP, PHP AND PERL SCRIPT FOR SMS SENDING; sending up to 160 characters per SMS; Sending over 200 countries; Deferred sending; Editable SMS cost for each advertiser; Customizable advertising text, both on sending form and SMS text; Customizable sender name; Editable max number of SMS/day for each advertiser; Control panel for each advertiser; Control panel for web administrator; Reports for each advertiser; control panel for each end user. NEW: Now you can use your customized form to send SMS, using our server as a gateway. A phonebook has been added, in order to send several SMS simultaneously. End user can now sign up for advertisers sending list!
(51 ratings)
Database grid with records edit, delete, add, search, filter and export to excel, database and table selection, page navigation, field sort and search in page. This application fills a sortable, pageable html table with records from a database. Features: database and table selection, records edit, delete, add, export, filter and search. Works with MS Access, MSSQL and MySQL databases.
(50 ratings)
EZNewsletter - Cover Image
EZNewsletter is in Version 4 and has been completely rewritten. Aside from a new look and feel it is now mobile friendly. You can now compose and send a newsletter from your phone! As always this app is double opt-in. If you have ASPUpload installed on your server then you can upload images for use in the newsletter and it now uses an MSSQL Database. Create Templates, you can create and edit multiple templates! You can add more admins and assign them rights! This script is totally customizable...totally EZ!
(50 ratings)
Active Server Pages 3.0 by Example
ASP by Example assumes a basic knowledge of VBScript and teaches you how to create dynamic web sites quickly and easily. Using real-world examples, ASP 3 by Example teaches proper, accepted coding techniques that will cause fewer problems and allow you to apply your knowledge to more than simply the task at hand. Topics include: ASP, objects, cookies, applications, and database access.
(49 ratings)
ASP Rating component for Dreamweaver
This extension allows inserting an original rating feature from the Dreamweaver menu, internally using Ajax & ASP. You can select visually, when inserting from Dreamweaver, your own original rating images or use the default emoticon images included inside the extension. The use of Ajax allows the voting actions without reloading the container page. Votes are saved on text files, no database required.
(48 ratings)
PriceUSD 9.90
Cute Editor for ASP -- ASP Rich Text Editor
(New 6.6) Advanced online web based WYSIWYG HTML editor. It enables ASP Web developers to replace your standard Textarea to a rich textbox. cross-browser, cross-platform support, Insert clean HTML from MS Word,complete page editing, Easy to use API. It will replace your Textarea to a richtextbox. This web-based WYSIWYG content editing tool empowers end users with an intuitive, easy-to-use interface for creating and publishing web content. It can integrate seamlessly with your own ASP applications. Immediately, your clients can enjoy the freedom of creating and publishing web content that suits his or her content management systems (CMS), while developers maintain control over a Web site's look and feel. With the familiar and easy-to-use interface, developers can throw away the frustrations of training business users of HTML syntax as well as that of training to use a new tool.
(48 ratings)
PriceUSD 129.00
Results 41-60 of 1000