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Top Rated Scripts | PHP | Scripts & Programs | Form Processors

Results 1-20 of 243
Ultimate Contact Page
Ultimate Contact Page makes it easy to add a professional contact page to any Wordpress website. Its features include: An AJAX contact form * Formats your address to schema.org standards, so search engines including Google, Bing and Yahoo! can index your physical address in Google Maps * Adds a Google Maps map to the page, with the ability for visitors to get directions to your location * Links to Facebook and Twitter pages * Displays opening hours in neat table (easily editable, too!), using schema.org standards * Uses a shortcode to add the contact page to any of your pages in wordpress! You might be wondering… what is Schema.org? Well here it is from the page: http://support.google.com/webmasters/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=1211158 Quote: schema.org is a collaboration by Google, Microsoft, and Yahoo! to improve the web by creating a structured data markup schema supported by major search engines.
(3 ratings)
PriceUSD 10.00
Responsive Contact Form Script in PHP - HTML/CSS valide
- Responsive Design (mobile-friendly) - Contact Form Script in valide HTML/CSS - E-mail address is checked of correct spelling - Captcha / Security-Code or Security-Question (Spam protection) - 3 Themes / Templates in Responsive Design! - Thank you mail (Autoresponder) - Upload Field (E-Mail Attachment function or upload files!) - Very easy Installation
(3 ratings)
PriceUSD 40.00
Contact Form With reCaptcha
Ajax contact form with Google reCaptcha anti boot, anti spam system. Responsive width, fits nicely on mobile devices too. Easy to customize styling, includes a separated .css file. You can easily add new input boxes (e.g "city", "address", etc), the new data will be sent automatically. Easy to integrate in your site, just upload the provided files on your site and paste these two code lines where you want form to appear:
(2 ratings)
Rampant Contact Script 2.0
A really simple way to add a contact form to your page. Your visitor simply fills in the form and clicks the send button. Useful if you don't want to give out your email address or want to make sure your visitor sends specific information. Requires - PHP enabled server,Ability to send email through server (sendmail),Some php knowledge is helpful but not necessary. Some of the features of the contact script - Simple installation, Your e-mail address is hidden from spam spiders, Specify where the e-mail is sent, the subject and the format. Force visitors to fill in certain fields, Easy integration into your page design. Checks the email your visitor provides is in the correct format. The script automatically detects and formats all of the information posted in the contact form.
(1 ratings)
PriceUSD 2.00
CJ Web2Mail
The CJ Web2Mail is a very simple web page form to your email inbox script. The script has been improved conciderably from the previous version. V3.0 includes multipart email sending which basically means that the script sends both HTML and text emails to you (and for the auto responder). This way the reciever of the email can leave it up to their mail client to choose which one to display: Outlook Express for example, uses HTML (but you can have this turned off, therefore sending both makes sure you get it). The script comes with full data validation and a thank you page which can be customised fully. If you already have a web2mail script, overwrite it now!
(328 ratings)
Evaria Mail Client
The Email Client is a rather advanced contact form script, allowing both text and files to be submitted simultaneously. A variety of functions prevent your visitor from spamming your website and loading malicious programs.
(59 ratings)
Zip Resume Upload Application
Zip Resume Upload Application is a must for any business or company. It is designed to be a secure method of providing potential employee candidates to pre-apply for available positions. By providing this application you can cut down on wasted interviews and lengthy applications. This Resume Upload Application is an all in one form providing a user friendly one page interface, unlike other tedious online resume scripts. You can list your available positions right up front with a short description, or you can add links to categories containing details of the positions, if you like.
(3 ratings)
PriceUSD 19.95
LevelTen Formmail
PHP Formmail processor + advanced visitor session reporting. This script is a quick configure form to email gateway that integrates highly detailed one-of-a-kind visitor session reports.
(537 ratings)
freeCap is a PHP/GD CAPTCHA script which allows you to protect guestbooks, user comment areas or any type of form against spam. It can output in 3 different image types, it uses multiple fonts, multiple colours, has 4 background noise models, features brute force detection and prevention, is not vulnerable to session reuse and features advanced character obfuscation.
(277 ratings)
FormHandler is a PHP written "module" which allows you to create dynamic forms in an easy way. So easy that you can build a fully working form, including field validations, within 10 lines! You can directly save the data into a database or load data from the database (edit forms!). It's possble to validate the fields with built in validation functions or by your own validation function! It is possble to use templates with it! The form is generated by the XHTML 1.0 standard and you are completely free to change the style of the form. Next to that, FormHandler is very lightweight (146 kb). Also it is possible to upload files very easy and there are some extra fields which can be generated! COMPLETELY FREE!
(404 ratings)
Simple Form Script
This script automatically detects all form fields submitted and send the results to an e-mail address. You only need to set the e-mail address. You also have the option to require all fields not be empty. You can also specify a location to redirect to after the form is processed.
(42 ratings)
FormMail: secure, anti-spam form processor
Tectite FormMail captures the output from an HTML form and emails it to you. Spambots are now sending spam to website owners via their forms. You need a secure anti-spam form processor to keep out the junk. FormMail has many optional features including CSV database support, logging, pre-processing support (e.g. encryption), HTML templates, file uploads, checkboxes and multiple selection fields, auto-responding, derived fields, complex field validations, multi-page forms, ....... Extensive documentation is available on our website. Join our free Community Support forum. FormMail contains no known bugs or security flaws, and has a long history. Requires PHP 4.0.0 or later. You can download FormMail and use it completely free! Or, use our low-cost Configuration Wizard to get working forms in less than 3 minutes. Our new on-line Form Designer is available in the Configuration Wizard (low-cost, but not free).
(486 ratings)
Form2Excel and Mail
Form2Excel allows sending every field of a form filled by a user, into an Excel file formatted as CSV and all the form data is sent also into an email... even the uploaded files!. This product is available as Dreamweaver extension form MX and later versions, so you can insert and use it without requiring hand coding or advanced skills. This way you can check and manage easily the data from your web site forms using Excel. The uploaded files will be saved into a folder on your web site and Form2Excel will include a reference from the CSV file to the uploaded files. The uploaded files will be also included as attachments into the email. No advanced configuration required, the fields from the form are identified automatically. Additional info is identified automatically and saved into the Excel file: country, IP, browser, useragent, server time and referrer.
(44 ratings)
PriceUSD 29.99
FormPro lets you easily create sophisticated forms with a various number of field types (input line w/ optional email address verification, fields w/ optional max chars, radio buttons, checkboxes, select lists, multiselect lists, file upload fields). The form submits its data to an email specified in the config section of the script. Each field can be mandatory and then puts out predefined error messages if no value is specified/entered.
(16 ratings)
PriceEUR 7.00
Dreamweaver PHP Forms Toolbar
This package of Dreamweaver extensions make easy the validation, security and processing of forms, including some cool effects. The extensions included are a javascript-based form validator, auto-calculated fields, related (linked) select lists, control check boxes, and PHP-based form to mail, form to excel, captcha security fields, and upload in background fields. This package is supported by Dreamweaver MX and later versions, including all the newest Dreamweaver versions.
(24 ratings)
PriceUSD 128.99
PHP Contact Form
PHP contact form script with spam protection (captcha); sender copy (with or without "send me a copy" checkbox); sending uploaded files as attachments; sending data to different e-mail addresses (different departments) based on user selection; flicker-free skinnable interface (3 skins/styles included); etc.
(772 ratings)
Contact Us - PHP form
A contact us form with email and form field validation. It allows your visitors to send you an email directly from your website.
(18 ratings)
Contact Robot - Easy to use customizable form with captcha
A very easy to use customizable contact form with captcha code verification agasinst spam, you can easy place it on your site by pasting one line of javascript. Some features are: Captcha code verification against automatic spam Pre-scheduled autoresponders (afternoon, weekends, etc) Unlimited custom fields (Name, Phone, etc) Sender can pick receiver departments (support, sales, etc) Easy to be placed on your site, no programming skills needed Same form can be used on all your sites Update all contact settings without editing code on your site.
(6 ratings)
PriceUSD 2.99
Form2Mail allows to email the info of any HTML form, including uploaded files that are sent as attachment into the email, along additional technical and geographical information about the user sending the form identified automatically. The additional information covers the user's browser, IP address, country, the page where the form is located (if sent as referrer), server time and detailed user-agent info sent by the browser. This script is packaged as extension for Dreamweaver, no hand coding and no programming skills required, all you need is to insert the script from the entry located in the Dreamweaver commands menu and all the process is carried out automatically. It�s easy to maintain and update, you can change your form fields at any time and Form2Mail will identify the changes and new fields automatically.
(39 ratings)
PriceUSD 29.99
YASEF Yet Another Simple Email Form
YASEF probaby is the simplest email form you will ever meet while surfing the web for useful PHP scripts. Once you have it up an working on your site it will let your visitors send you an email from a nice pop up window and without opening any email client.
(33 ratings)
Results 1-20 of 243