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New Scripts | PHP | Scripts & Programs | Web Fetching

Results 101-106 of 106
Filzhut.net amazon_functions for PHP
Use Amazon.com's XML-API "Amazon Web Services 1.0" to create small product-teasers as well as a complete online-store & start earn provisions on every sold product. It has never been easier to retrieve detailed product-information like Author, Price, Manufacturer, Salesrank, Reviews and much more. The functions include an XML-parser; search-functions for author, director, artist etc.; functions to create pages with detailed product information, search forms, etc. Easy to set up and ready for use in minutes.
(64 ratings)
HTTP Navigator
HTTP Navigator 2 is a set of PHP classes, based on perl's LWP, for sending and receiving HTTP messages. It is no way near as feature rich or stable as LWP, and only supports the HTTP scheme.
(3 ratings)
posted byspaminWeb Fetching
phpMySetiStats is a PHP script that allows you to 'grab' information from your personal statistics page. Additionally, it can display realtime information about running clients. Supports multiple languages. It uses MySQL on backend. Cron is also recommended.
(24 ratings)
phpGrabComics is a little program very useful to get comic strips grabbed in your site. It grabs today's strip from dilbert site. Features: display it in a web page, save in a temp file, save with FTP, save listing of your files (comic album purpouses or whatever else), use different configuration files, and Web-url interface - All user functions can be called trought a web interface. You can build your own extensions to the class to use it with other comic strips sites.
(0 ratings)
Heise News Grabber
This is a PHP script for fetching the news-headlines from Heise.de the biggest german computer-news-portal. The output can be formated with style-sheets. Deutsche Beschreibung: Mit diesem PHP-Skript k�nnen Sie die topaktuellen IT-News von Heise.de in ihre Homepage einbinden. Damit bieten Sie ihren Besuchern hochwertiges Content ohne irgendwelche Kosten!
(12 ratings)
PHP Weather
PHP Weather is a script that can be used to show your visitors the current weather. It parses a METAR, and gives you easy access to all the elements of the report (temperature, wind speed and direction etc.) The data is even converted to both empirical and metric units.
(6 ratings)
Results 101-106 of 106