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Email Scripts

Results 1-20 of 27
Spam-Juggler JavaScript API
Spam-Juggler is a free, quick and feature rich disposable email service, that can help you protect your real email address. Would you like to offer your own disposable email service? Spam-Juggler offers an API (Application Programming Interface), available for JavaScript. All you need is to know something about JavaScript and this API, and indeed a web page where you will run it. See example at *: http://hot.as/spam-juggler/api?/example.html - * this is really nasty coding... but, it works... ;) - See source code and examples at: http://hot.as/spam-juggler/api?/view.html See plain JavaScript-source at: http://hot.as/spam-juggler/api?/source.js And, of course, the compressed JavaScript-file - available at: http://hot.as/spam-juggler/api?/api.js Have fun while developing - pong!
(9 ratings)
TPCS Anti-spambot email display
Everybody hates spam! So if you need to post your email address on your website you need this script. This Javascript will break up the details of your email address and make it harder for spambots to harvest your email.
(6 ratings)
Ajax Contact Form
With TSPHPFeedback you can insert contact forms on your web pages, that doesn't requires to reload the page to open the form and send the contact message, due an Ajax based implementation. This script is packed inside a Dreamweaver extension, you don't need programming skills to insert it and you need just a click from the Dreamweaver menu. Your server should support PHP and the PHP mail function enabled (most of servers with PHP do).
(29 ratings)
PriceUSD 9.90
E-mail protektor
E-mail protektor is a small javscript that alows you to put encripted e-mail addreses on your website. This way you can publish any e-mail address right on your website and never worry about spam again. We have developed many unique features that set e-mail protektor appart from many similar free or commercial scripts. Find out more on http://www.emailprotektor .com
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 9.50
Automated Spam Protection Utility
The spam protection tool prevents email address harvesting from your website, while preserving the ease of use and flexibility of standard e-mail links. With the automated utility, webmasters can submit contact pages with many email addresses to protect, and non-technical users can avoid having to deal with HTML altogether.
(18 ratings)
Email Validation script
This nice and simple script that uses regular expressions to check that a form field contains a valid email address.
(30 ratings)
Email Spider Stumper v 3.1
If you have a contact page with multiple email addresses listed and are tired of having the email collection spiders grab your email and SPAM you until you are ready to scream, this is the solution for you. This script allows you to place multiple email addresses on a single page without them being detectable by the harvesters. We don't claim it is bullet-proof, only that we have not been able to find a way around this script. New Version with new features!
(9 ratings)
Easy Email Scrambler
This script encrypts any email link on your webpage to hide them from harvesters and spammers. The script shines in its ease of implementation and extensive browser compatibility.
(15 ratings)
Free Email Encoder
This online tool encodes your email address, and shows a Javascript which you can use right away. Spam should be history. Your email is only visible to human visitors, not to email harvesters. This tool is always one step ahead of spammers. Includes options to create a link with your name (encoded also) instead of email address.
(12 ratings)
SafeMailto: A Safe Anti-Spam Email Encoder
A strong email encoder based on encryption and user challenge (reading a code on a picture) to protect email links. These features make the generated scripts safer to use than most email encoders based on entity code substitution. An email encoder (a.k.a. email obfuscator) is a tool that generates a substitute for mailto links (i.e. standard email links on a website) an email address on a webpage. They aim at protecting your email address from spambots, while making it accessible to users of the webpage.
(16 ratings)
validate email address
Verifies that a string looks like a real email address. It may return false for some valid exotic email addresses. To correct this you may want to edit the valid_chars string in the Validate_String function.
(33 ratings)
No Spam Email Link
Help cut down your email Spam at the source. This script dynamically writes your email address to the page, preventing unwanted email crawlers from grabbing your email address and sending you Spam. Just type in your email address and this form generates the neccessary script.
(3 ratings)
Floating Email-This-Link Script With URL Auto-Capture
This script creates a floating layer with an email-this-link script in it. The layer can be positioned anywhere on the screen, and it will float to that position whenever the window is scrolled. Enter the recipient address and click the send button, and the visitor's email client is opened, complete with a message in the email body that includes the link for whatever page in which the script is placed.
(15 ratings)
ALERT!SPAM's anti spam script
This is a powerfull anti spam e-mail scripts. It prevents you from getting added to a mailing list of a spammer. The script is very easy to use and it is really small.
(6 ratings)
Anti-spam email displayer
A powerful anti-spam script that allows you to display one or several email addresses on your webpage without spam harvesters being able to extract them.
(3 ratings)
Advanced MailTo Email Link Generator
Use this easy code generator form to quickly create mailto links for your page. You can make mailto links that include To, Cc, Bcc, Subject, and Body material. Multiple email addresses are allowed in the address fields, and a convenient popup window lets you instantly test the code in your default email client. Simply fill in the fields, and then copy-and-paste the code into your html page.
(93 ratings)
Email Riddler
Email Riddler is JavaScript tool that encrypts and transform your email address into a series of numbers when displaying it on your site, making it virtually impossible for spam harvesters to crawl and add your email to their list. Highly compact and effective.
(9 ratings)
Unspamable email link
This script "scrambles" the source of your email address when displaying it, preventing spam harvesters from retrieving it when crawling your site.
(13 ratings)
Non-spiderable mailto: links with JavaScript
Bots and spam mechanisms are capable of picking email address up from HTML source code - Use a Javascript to form your email addresses and kiss spam bots goodbye.
(6 ratings)
JavaScript Email Address Encoder
If like me, you are fed up of receiving spam through your email addresses that are posted on your websites, then this is just what you need. Simply enter your email address in the spaces provided and click on the 'continue button' and your email address will be encoded in a Cut and Paste JavaScript ready for your to insert into your website.
(28 ratings)
Results 1-20 of 27