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Listings by x360soft

Please find all the active listings published by x360soft below. Publisher has posted 7 listings. You may click on a listing to visit its detail page to learn more about the listing.

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X360 Tiff Image & Fax Viewer ActiveX Control
Imaging activex, ocx used to view and save bmp,emf,gif,jpg,jpeg,png,tiff,multi-page tif and wmf.
PriceUSD 59.90
(0 ratings)
X360 Tiff Image Processing ActiveX Control
Fax,graphic,photo,picture,tiff image activex ocx, processing bmp,gif,jpg,png,tif image.
PriceUSD 89.90
(0 ratings)
X360 Exif & Tiff Tag Viewer ActiveX Control
EXIF,TIFF,GPS embed tags viewer for JPEG,PNG,TIFF image activex ocx
PriceUSD 49.90
(0 ratings)
X360 Tiff to Pdf Image ActiveX Control
X360 Tiff to Pdf Image ActiveX OCX help you to convert TIFF Group Images into a PDF document. It supports Compressed, Group3, Group4, PackBits, Run Length Encoded, Color, Gray scale, 8 bit, 16 bit, 32 bit, and many more Tiff image formats.
PriceUSD 49.90
(0 ratings)
X360 Image to Multi-page Tiff Converter ActiveX Control
Fax,graphic,photo,picture,tiff image activex ocx, converter bmp,gif,jpg,png,tif image.
PriceUSD 59.90
(0 ratings)
X360 Multi-page Tiff Viewer ActiveX Control
Fax,graphic,photo,picture,tiff image activex ocx, bmp,gif,jpg,png,tif image viewer.
PriceUSD 32.90
(0 ratings)
X360 Tiff to Pdf Converter
TIFF,PDF, convert, save for multipage PDF,TIFF image converter
PriceUSD 19.90
(0 ratings)