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Collection of Magento Catalog extensions to help you enhance your catalog look and feel. Extensions in this category includes product grids, lightbox for images, drop-down menu, etc.
Results 41-60 of 121
Gift Cards
posted bymageworxinCatalog
This Magento Gift Cards extension is a very powerful and easy to use implementation of a must-have gift cards functionality. With our extension you can choose to let your shoppers easily buy three types of gift cards from your store: gifts cards delivered via e-mail, print-out gift cards, and classic gift cards to be sent via post office. The extension provides plenty of configuration options so that you could tune it up to feet your specific needs.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 119.00
Magento Sold Together Extension
Magento Sold Together displays bought together or related products in a neat, comfortable and modern way. With this extension, customers are encouraged to place additional products in their carts, increasing your cross-sells and total purchase amounts. Magento Sold Together module displays frequently bought products to customers on product page based on the selected product. It gives exposure to your products and increases conversions.Each product can be selected with its checkbox beneath it. On checkout all the checked items will be added to the cart along with the product in view.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 69.00
Product Sorting Sequence - Drag and Drop
posted byBaleinCatalog
Product Sorting Drag and Drop extensions allows you to arrange your products in a sequence. In Magento by default we are having product sort options like Position, Price Ascending and Descending and etc. This default function will gives you option for your website user to filter the products based on this sorting method. Position Sort , where you need to give the numbers starting from 0 to n(number). The least numbered products will be displayed in ascending order This Module uses the position sorting method to display the products in the frontend but instead of numbers it will gives you option to drag and drop the products in whatever position you wish to display.You can able to do this from the admin panel while creating and editing the categories from the adminpanel. For the demo http://demo.blackqubers.com/index.php/admin Username : admin password : admin123
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 55.00
Magento Card Design Tool
If you're running an online store, it's time to live with the trend! Keeping pace with popular trend is of the essence, given the changing shopping behavior of millennial generation! Cards are the most popular and widely used piece of expression by all. Personalized designing can add new flavor of affection and emotion and there cannot be any better platform to exhibit one's emotional quotient?
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 299.00
Magento Add Free Product to Cart
posted bygoaheadinCatalog
The module gives you a possibility of defining such promotions as 'Buy Canon Power Shot & get Camera Charger for Free', 'Spend $300 & get a 50% discount on HTC Touch Diamond', or 'Buy 5 items and get Black Berry 8100 Pearl with free delivery'. You can give your client a product for free or suggest getting it with a specified discount. The information with the offer appears in a pop-up window or the product is added to the cart without any notice, so your clients will be in a daze after viewing the real ability of getting one more product absolutely for free.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 99.00
Magento Photo Gallery
posted bygoaheadinCatalog
The Photo Gallery Magento extension allows you to create eye-catching photo galleries and attract more attention to products offered in your store. Main Features: -> Improve your store performance using attractive image gallery; -> Show the gallery to target audience only; -> Improve gallery navigation (add photo gallery to top menu, enable breadcrumbs) -> Create SEO-friendly URLs for album and photo pages and much more!
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 99.00
MB - Super Menu Magento Extension
posted bycmsmart1inCatalog
Are you looking the most advanced Magento website with Mage Menu Extension to remove the magneto menu default system? Now you should choose our Super Menu Magento Extension. Super Menu not only replaces your default top menu navigation but adds sidebar navigation to your websites. Super Menu extension allows you to replace Magento top menu by a better and more friendly menu. With the extension, you can easily manage items for displaying in the menu, customize menu styles, and divide it into multiple columns. A friendly navigation like this is a main factor that helps you increase conversion rate. Importantly, it can help you simplify manage menu items on your Magento website. You can add unlimited items for the menu. These items can be displayed in 2 menu types: top navigation and Sidebar navigation. You can add up to 4 content types for the menu item as well: category listing, product listing, fixed link, and flexible custom content.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 51.86
MB - Product Labels Magento Extension
posted bycmsmart1inCatalog
Using Product Labels extension, it allows you to add label image for a bunch of products at the same time by using predefined conditions. You can create different conditions using product attributes and stock status. You can also select certain customer groups or date range for displaying product labels. When you edit a product, you can also select or upload image label for only that product. In Product Label tab, you can set 2 different images for category and product page. You can also set custom text and style for matching your design.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 36.86
MB - Custom Stock Status Magento Extension
posted bycmsmart1inCatalog
ur customer stock, which is unlimited statuses and flexible ways that allow you to assign custom stock statuses for products simply. You can create unlimited custom stock statuses. Then you can assign these statuses to products in 2 ways: Using Quantity Range and setting custom stock status for a particular product. Especially, you can use icons to attract more customers visiting your site. You can easily upload icons for each custom stock status. The icon will be displayed next to stock status in product detail, product listing and shopping cart page. Also, it allows you to display custom stock status in different positions: Product page, Category page and Shopping cart.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 49.86
MB - Automatic Related Product Magento Extension
posted bycmsmart1inCatalog
MB - Automatic Related Product Magento Extension is a powerful module that allows customers to create, save related desired products, even automate the process of creating related products. With the Automatic Related Products extension, you can forget about outdated way of adding related products. The extension helps you automatically display related products for each block according to its predefined conditions. It also allows you to create different blocks for product detail, category and shopping cart page, display several blocks in the same page, and set start & end time for block display. Additionally, you can set customer group & store view for each block. Your customer will get more your products by recommendations for every product in minutes. Create dynamic rules according to a certain item to make the related products block more engaging and relevant to people who browse your store.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 36.86
Product Attachments Magento Module
Magento product attachments module by Aspirant Apps to add multiple files under product and CMS pages. The file formats includes DOC, PDF, ZIP, PPT and other popular formats. The customers can add title, description for each file to let users know information about the file. Merchants can set the download permissions to the limited customer groups like registered / non registered users, wholesalers, retailers etc.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 69.00
Magento GeoIP Redirect by Amasty
posted byAmastyinCatalog
Automatically define visitors' locations by IP and redirect them to relevant information. Segment store visitors by location to increase probability of purchase thanks to proper content presentation, familiar currency and language. - Auto detect visitor's IP address - Redirect to all or particular urls - Exclude only specific urls - Redirect to store views based on IP - Currency change based on location
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 89.00
Magento Product Attribute Filter Extension
posted byappthainCatalog
Marketplace having scores of products, inundates shoppers with vast amount of choices. When shoppers wish to find a product to their requirements it becomes extremely time consuming. So to alleviate this problem, Apptha has introduced a new Magento extension for product attribute filter named Advanced filters, which lets the shoppers filter and find the products based on their requirements.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 99.00
Magento Extended Mass Action Extension
posted byappthainCatalog
Extended Mass Action is a Magento extension which lets website administrators to perform editing actions in a mass scale. Editing actions upon products and their attributes like size, color, capacity etc can be performed in bulk from the grid page itself without needing to edit individually through the edit page.
(1 ratings)
PriceUSD 99.00
Magento Quick View
posted byAmastyinCatalog
Enable visitors to quickly view product details and add products to cart right from the pop-up window on a category page. Reduce time on catalog browsing and enhance customer experience. - Product details preview on the category page; - Ability to add products to cart/wishlist right from the pop-up; - Quick view button customization; - Ability to submit reviews from the pop-up; - Simple catalog browsing process.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 69.00
Product Attachments
posted bykodematixinCatalog
File Downloads & Product Attachments Magento extension provides functionality for file downloads available from within Product pages. Extension allows instant file uploading and attachment feature to products. Files also can be attached to a product by easy way under Product File Attachment tab on a product page from admin panel. Attachment file can have access permission. For example, you can deny access to a file for non-registered visitors from configuration option (Product attachment configuration)
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 22.00
Magento Photo Gallery Pro
posted byAmastyinCatalog
Create eye-catchy product photo galleries, albums and slideshows. Visibly improve your product pages' performance and let customers examine your store items in details. - Create photo albums with multilevel structure; - Choose customer groups to show product pictures to; - Use flexible album settings; - Link albums to any product page you need; - Let customers upload product images to your pages.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 99.00
Magento Private Sales Extension
Every business tries to attract more customers and win their loyalty. To obtain this different technologies and methods are used. Using individual landing pages with unique products assigned to the customers is one of the most efficient ones. Magento Private Sales Extension is developed to serve this purpose. It generates a landing page that admin can add to a customer or a group of customers. Pages are divided in two categories: individual and default landing pages. Individual landing page contains special groups of products for each particular customer in the “Private Sales” section. The customer is selected from the list and products are assigned to his landing page. Default page includes a certain amount of products that are general for customers if individual landing page is disabled for them. The products are defined in Manage Products section. When the landing page is completed it contains title, description and individual or default sets of products.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 60.00
Advance Product Designer Magento Extension
Advance Product Designer is an online product designer tool that allows your customers to create their own printable designs that they can use on the products they order. It can be used by any ecommerce entrepreneur looking to sell custom printed products like t-shirts, trousers, caps, cards, certificates, mugs, photo frames, mobiles skins and covers, laptops skins and covers, posters, hoardings and lots more. And customizing these products is as easy as it can get. Your customers can simply select a product from your store and start designing by adding their own text with various effects like curve & shadow, or add their own images and clipart and edit them. They can also use the brush tool to create their own designs and patterns. And if they don't want to get into the details of designing, they can simply select one of the many awesome design templates added by you in your store and customize them as they like.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 375.00
Magento Hide Price
posted byAmastyinCatalog
Hide product prices and "Add to art" button from guests or certain customer groups according to your business needs. Customize messages and buttons and personalize shopping experience in your Magento store. Hide product price; Disable adding to cart, comparison and wishlist; Organize private sales; Choose customer groups who can view prices; Encourage people to contact you for pricing
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 59.00
Results 41-60 of 121