Collection of Magento Catalog extensions to help you enhance your catalog look and feel. Extensions in this category includes product grids, lightbox for images, drop-down menu, etc.
Backorder for Magento
The Backorder solution will be useful for you to present information in a more convenient format: extension will show special signs and notes for grouped, configurable and bundle products that are available for backorder on your Magento webshop.
PriceUSD 129.00
Call for Price - Mangeto Extension
With this extension it is possible to hide product prices and "Add to cart" button and show a "Call for price" note instead. The call for price Magento extension is used to encourage customer to contact you to find out the price. This is good option when price is 0 or when the final product price should be discussed with the client in person and depends on his final requirements.
PriceUSD 39.00
Magento Product Collections Extension
posted bye-c0mmerceinCatalog
Providing wide and full-scaled functionality for social activity, pinboards become very popular; most of the industry leaders and other e-commerce players already equipped their stores with similar themed boards. This extension brings new vision of photo-sharing. Once enabled, customers can create their collections limited by the products of your store; they can be shared, liked, re-pined, etc. The appropriate section for the collections management is created in the account dashboard. One more useful feature that there Collection Stream page is created as well, it keeps all products added to Collections by the customers and available for all shoppers.
PriceUSD 69.00
Product Sold Count
Apptha’s Product Sold Count for Magento is an excellent extension for ecommerce store owners as it assists them in displaying the number of products sold on all product pages which eventually help customers to identify and buy the best selling product from your site quickly. Try this ingenious product today and maximize product sales in no time!
Magento Product Attachments
posted byFMEextensionsinCatalog
This extension has been developed by fme to allow Magento store administrators to attach pdf files in the product pages which can be downloaded by visitors with/without registering for the web-store. The merchants can attach zip, .ppt, .doc etc files at the bottom of the product page
PriceUSD 69.99
Shopping list
The Shopping List Magento extension is a powerful module that allows customers create, save, and purchase their most desired products with ease.
Often when customers visit your store, they may find products that they are only likely to purchase at a later date. Allowing them to save those products in an easy-to-use shopping list can add to the overall increase in sales.
This extension allows customers to create as many shopping lists as they require. Using these groups ensures they have the ability to categorize their shopping lists in a manner that is easy to use and understand.
Such a module also takes the hassle away by sending reminder emails every day, weekly, bi-weekly or monthly to the customer so as to ensure they never forget their shopping list again!
PriceUSD 35.00
Out Of Stock
Improving Magento product stock alert, Out of Stock notification extensions allow both customers and guest to subscribe to out of stock products.
Both customers and admin can see the subscription. Customer can view all of his subscription in My Account page. Report feature allows admin to view all subscription from all customers for all products. You can also view subscriptions which customers register for one specific product by going to edit page of that product.
Have a look at the Out of Stock Notification product page and start selling more with it.
PriceUSD 45.00
Gift-Baby-Wedding Registry
posted byFMEextensionsinCatalog
Online Gift Registry Magento Extension offers complete set of features for your customers to create online wishlists. It allows them to create and manage online registry without any hassle. From business point of view Magento Gift Registry Extension brings more traffic to your website. How does that happen? Customers create gift registries and notify their loved ones to visit the website and purchase products for them. This ultimately brings more visitors to your website. On the other hand customers are able to fulfill their wishes.
PriceUSD 129.00
Bookings & Reservations
posted byFMEextensionsinCatalog
FMEs Magento Reservation and Booking Extension helps Hotel managers, Event’s organizers, Doctors, Therapists, Travel agents with all-in-one online booking software. It can be used for any online bookable service or product. Now you do not need to worry about losing clients because there was no staff to schedule an appointment or book for a service. You do not need any person to operate this tool. Just keep watching its intuitive and easy to use backend interface about how many bookings you have got.
PriceUSD 249.00
Previous Next Products
posted byFMEextensionsinCatalog
This wonderful tool keeps your customers’ browsing experience at your site smooth and pleasurable. It opens the door of freedom that has become a part of human nature. Everything which involves delay is something disliked by most of us. The quick, more informative, efficient and sticky eCommerce features are catching more and more customers towards online shopping. The goal of this Magento extension is to keep them glued to your site by eliminating useless time consumption while browsing at your site.
PriceUSD 69.99
FME Home Tabs
posted byFMEextensionsinCatalog
Make your homepage more distinguished and modern with the FME Home Tabs extension. This extension smartly exhibits your products in different tabs like Most Rated, Mostly Viewed etc so your customers won’t have to search for any kind. They simply find them in these tabs. In this version you have the option to display nine splendid tabs on your home page. Further we have incorporated custom tab which allows you to present products of your own choice from Magento and also a CMS tab which is WYSIWYG enabled.
PriceUSD 99.99
Ajax Catalog Pro
posted byFMEextensionsinCatalog
AJAX Catalog Pro Magento extension is a very efficient way for page-to page catalog surfing. This Magento module provides two options by which customers can browse all products without reloading all the pages either by clicking the “More products" button or Ajax will auto-reload once scrolled to the bottom of list/grid.
Now your customers will get quicker response while surfing and they will be more pleased to visit your website. Because they will see the whole list of category products immediately without refreshing the entire page.
PriceUSD 79.00
posted byFMEextensionsinCatalog
With the FME’s M-Ajax extension the Front End of your site is equipped with an elegant top bar with “My Wishlist, My Cart, Check out, Login/Register and search options”. A click on the Login/Register icon slides down the Member login and registration tab. Customers can register or login while staying on the very same page which makes your login and registration process quicker and efficient.
A smart search bar has also been added so that instead of hitting search button to view results, customers will find matched products in a drop down as they type in. This extension comes with an auto-complete feature and shows the options related to the keywords before the customers complete punching in.
PriceUSD 65.00
Shop By Brands/Manufacturer
posted byFMEextensionsinCatalog
Featured Brands: Front End is ready with Featured Brands listed with in a Javascript Slider displaying the Brand Logo and Brand Name linked to the Brands Profile Page which has the info for the brands and all products for that particular brand. Featured brands is selected from the Admin.
Brands / Manufacturer: Brands Block lists brands in a Grid format displaying 4 brands in a row. By Default All brands are listed and an A to Z Alphabets are displayed for ease of use. You can Click on the letter to display all brands starting with that letter.
Brands Page: All Brands are listed in a dropdown alphabetical in the left Navigation. Brand Logo, Brand Info displayed on this page and can be modified according to your theme. All products associated with this Brand are listed in the default magento grid.
Product Detail Page: Brand Logo is displayed on the Product Detail page.
PriceUSD 52.00
Magic Scroll for Magento
Scroll through large quantities of images with Magic Scroll. The extension lets you choose how many images to show, the speed, the duration of the carousel, direction (top, right, bottom, left) and links to other pages. It uses CSS to control borders, colors, padding, margin and the arrows.
Perfect for showing related products, recently viewed items, new products, "people who bought this also bought" and for scrolling lots of alternative images of a product so saves space and feels nice to use. Feel free to contact us for help.
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Magic Magnify Plus for Magento
Magic Magnify Plus extension for Magento enables you to magnify images in detail. This elegant effect uses Flash and works on all browsers: Firefox, Internet Explorer, Chrome, Safari and Opera. It works on the iPhone and iPad too - tap the image and it enlarges to full screen.
Customize the settings if you like - simply go to your Magento admin area and choose the colors, sizes, shapes, positioning and more. Contact us if you need any help.
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Magic Magnify for Magento
Magnify images in detail. This smooth effect uses Flash to create a round magnifying glass which can be customised in size. Try scrolling your mousewheel while hovering and change the magnifier size.
If you want it to work on iPad and iPhone, then get the next version up: Magic Magnify Plus.
This magnify extension was created for use on Magento. Contact us if you need any help with the extension.
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Magic 360 for Magento
View your images in their entirety. This 360 degree viewer was built for Magento Commerce. It uses JavaScript and a set of photos spaced at equal degrees to create the spin effect. You can customise the speed, borders, effects, blurring, autostart and other options.
Magic 360 works on iOS devices (iPhone, iPad, iTouch), most Android devices and all major browsers including Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, Safari and Opera.
The Magento extension makes it easy to install and customize. If you need help, please contact us.
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Gift Cards for Magento
posted bymagextensioninCatalog
Gift Cards (aka gift certificates, gift vouchers, gift coupons) functionality is something that every merchant needs, no matter if running an online or offline business. But with e-commerce, gift cards and gift certificates are becoming even more popular because now nor gift buyer, nor gift recipient need to leave home or make any extra efforts to get the advantage of gift cards feature.
PriceUSD 129.95
Magento Shop by Brand Module
Upon getting a lot of brand names in your shop you really need a way to sort and describe all these brands. And your clients might want to sort the products according to their brand or manufacturer names. And our Shop by brand extension is your best helper in this process.
Brands and Logos extension allows you to create a list of brands, using your admin panel. After that a brand (with an uploadable logo) can be added to every specific product, and brands can be displayed as a filter on category view.
You can add logos and create a special description page for every brand, as well as displaying all brands in your shop.
All features are separately customizable and adjustable, including sizes, fonts and buttons.
PriceUSD 69.00