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Results 1-8 of 8
AudioIsland - Audio and Sound Web Site Software
AudioIsland 2.0 Professional is a web-based Audio Management Website Application. It is designed for the website owner who wants to quickly upload audio files to their own website using a web browser, then share them with others online using webpages from within their site. AudioIsland 2.0 comes with many cool features, including the ability to upload audio files, playback of all the major audio formats (.wma,.wav,.au,.mp3,.swf, .mov, etc.), support for all the major audio players (Windows Media Player, QuickTime, Real, Flash), playlists, and web page audio playback. AudioIsland also allows you to create logins so users can manage their own audio online using your site. AudioIsland is an XHTML and CSS compliant website product. Installation of AudioIsland is as easy as uploading a folder to your server! No database setup required, no desktop software, no Flash plugins, and no registration. Requires IIs website (Windows), ASP/ASP.NET support, and read/write permissions.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 29.00
VideoIsland - Video and Movie Web Site Software
With VideoIsland, you can instantly turn your current website into a professional online Video Portal. Using a web browser, you and your users will be able to upload and share video online right from your existing website! VideoIsland 2.0 comes with many great features, including playback of all the major video formats (Flash Video, Windows Media, Real, QuickTime, MPEG,.AVI, etc.), the ability to upload movie files using your browser, embed video in HTML pages, video thumbnail creator, support for all the major video players, playlist video playback, and more. VideoIsland also allows you to create logins so users can manage their own movies online using your site. VideoIsland is an XHTML and CSS compliant website product. Installation of VideoIsland is as easy as uploading a folder to your server! No database setup required, no desktop software, and no registration. Requires IIs website (Windows), ASP/ASP.NET support.
(3 ratings)
PriceUSD 29.00
HTML 2 Image with embed Mozilla Rendering Engine
Add HTML 2 Image feature in your website with DypsWebCapture component : this dll is embedding a gecko/Mozilla HTML rendering engine as well as an Internet explorer HTML rendering engine which let you take a screenshot of a HTML webpage and save it as JPEG / PNG / GIF / TIF / BMP image or to a stream output to a browser or any application.
(3 ratings)
PriceUSD 75.68
Gchats Flash Mp3 Player
posted bym_ocxinMultimedia
Add Full featured Music player to your website , just copy your mp3 files in a folder and listen to the songs , you may be able to add lyrics of the songs.
(7 ratings)
ASP Turbine
ASP Turbine is a web server tool that integrates dynamic content into Flash rich media, allowing a clean separation between Presentation and Content and simplifying the creation of sophisticated rich media web sites with large amounts of dynamic content. Through its template-based media engine, Turbine 7 can integrate dynamic media and content into XML or Flash templates.
(0 ratings)
Andromeda Streaming Jukebox (ASP)
posted byscottinMultimedia
Andromeda turns your collection of MP3s into a fully-featured streaming Web site with dynamic playlist generation. Many other formats are supported, including: WMA, OGG, MPG, AVI, WMV. It's great as a personal jukebox, on a local network, and over the Internet (bandwidth permitting). Additional features include skins, custom playlists, logons/accounts, and a search tool. Andromeda is also multilingual, speaking English, German, Swedish, Dutch, Spanish, and other languages. No database is required. ASP and PHP versions are available.
(41 ratings)
posted byinfoinMultimedia
T1CSound is a simple ActiveX component that can be used for the generation of sound using system speaker by any applications that support ActiveX components: VBScript and Jscript, ASP (IIS), VBA for Access, Word and Excel, etc.
(0 ratings)
posted byantonsinMultimedia
This simple ActiveX component can be used for the generation of sound using system speaker by any applications that support ActiveX components: VBScript and Jscript, ASP (IIS), VBA for Access, Word and Excel, etc.
(0 ratings)
Results 1-8 of 8