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Error Handling

Results 1-8 of 8
Handle Error simple way in ASP.NET
ASP.NET is more easier than other development technologies and languages. While working on asp.net platform, you may access to system windows event log. Using System namespace you retrieve messages.
(0 ratings)
ASP Error - The HTTP Headers are already written
While redirecting from a page in asp we get a very common error: The HTTP headers are already written to the client browser. Response object error 'ASP 0156 : 80004005 Header Error /test.asp, line 135 The HTTP headers are already written to the client browser. Any HTTP header modifications must be made before writing page content. The Redirect method of the Response object operates by sending the 302 Object Moved response header,
(3 ratings)
Error Messages in ASP
Problems and coding syntax mistales can been in every serverside application. Security of application is very important. You should need to understand what's going wrong in deep of an apllication. This sample of code is an easy to use an error handling message writer. .
(4 ratings)
Disable Error On ASP Codes
Unexpected errors can stop programs and your application coul be down immadiately. But 'On Error Resume Next' funtcion help you to avoid to stop unexpected errors on code. All you need to put this code after a code block.
(0 ratings)
A Custom ASP Error Class with Pop-up Dialog Box
Here you will find an error class called CError that allows you to display a custom dialog box with the option to have a detailed message, a general message, and log the error in a file for later reference. Also uses some JavaScript and DHTML to allow the user to drag the dialog box around.
(3 ratings)
404 Error Page (With a Db an IP Capture)
This example demonstrates how to serve a custom page to users whenever a 404 error occurs as well as log the user info such as ip, referer, request, agent into a database.
(0 ratings)
Implementing Error Logging in ASP 3.0
The author writes "It is important to know what is going on with your site in development and production. By implementing proper error logging, you can quickly track down errors, and provide your team members with enhanced error information." This tutorial describes how to create a simple and effective logging system using the new ASP Error object.
(3 ratings)
Handling 404 errors with email - and a twist
Everyone has seen an HTTP 404 error at some point. You follow a link on a web page, and BOOM - File not found. Perhaps the author spelt it incorrectly, or the page was uploaded to the server by mistake. This tutorial'll show you how to handle this 404 error gracefully by displaying your custom error page, and send an email to yourself so the problem gets fixed.
(1 ratings)
Results 1-8 of 8