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Listings by dxc381

Please find all the active listings published by dxc381 below. Publisher has posted 36 listings. You may click on a listing to visit its detail page to learn more about the listing.

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3d Fine Art Gallery
posted bydxc381inFla Archives
Use your keys to walk around in 3d space looking at the paintings on the wall.
PriceUSD 30.00
(0 ratings)
XML Fine Art Gallery
posted bydxc381inFla Archives
This realistic, XML-driven, 3d-like gallery looks just like you're walking through a real art gallery!
PriceUSD 30.00
(0 ratings)
Real equalizer - as3
posted bydxc381inFla Archives
This is a very easy-to-use as3 music player and real equalizer. You only need 2 lines of code to put it in your file. The bars bounce based on the music and the button changes color on rollover. You can customize both colors and the song that plays.
PriceUSD 5.00
(0 ratings)
Share this page with friend(s)
posted bydxc381inFla Archives
This space-saving “share this page with friends” or “send this page to a friend” file lets your users share the page they’re on with one or one hundred of their friends at once.
PriceUSD 6.00
(0 ratings)
Thermometer Goal Meter (XML)
posted bydxc381inFla Archives
Simple, XML-driven thermometer that shows how close you are to your goal. Great for fundraising or donations, or any other goal. The goal amount, the current amount, and the sub goal amounts can be set in the xml. No need to open your Flash file!
PriceUSD 5.00
(0 ratings)
Snake Game (Flash)
posted bydxc381inFla Archives
In this updated, flash version of the old-school snake game, all you need to do is get the apples without running into yourself. As the game goes on you get longer, making it harder to avoid yourself. Everything can be customized in the xml or flash file.
PriceUSD 10.00
(0 ratings)
Tabbed Menu for HTML Content
posted bydxc381inFla Archives
This is an easy-to-edit flash menu with a sub-navigation for html content. You can customize button width, all colors, links, and button text all from an easy-to-edit xml file without opening your Flash file.
PriceUSD 8.00
(0 ratings)
XML Resizeable Fullscreen Dark Gallery
posted bydxc381inFla Archives
When you hold your cursor over the buttons they grow tall to indicate the active image. While the next image is loading, the current image gets dark and a preloader pops up. Everything editable in the xml, without opening the Flash file.
PriceUSD 15.00
(0 ratings)
Bouncing Soccerball/Football
posted bydxc381inFla Archives
Simple animation of a 3d soccer ball bouncing in the grass. The ball is 100% vector and totally resizable. This football would be great for any world cup, soccer, or sports-related website.
PriceUSD 4.00
(0 ratings)
Interactive Spider Animation
posted bydxc381inFla Archives
Resizable vector tarantula animation. You can call its actions using buttons like in the left example. You can also have it react when rolled over or clicked like in the example on the right. Also does a random action on roll over and dies when clicked.
PriceUSD 5.00
(0 ratings)
Flash Menu for HTML Content
posted bydxc381inFla Archives
Button width, all colors, alignment, links, and button text are all customizable from an easy to edit xml file, without opening the Flash file. This menu is created 100% with actionscript, no movie clips are used making it only 5kb!
PriceUSD 6.00
(0 ratings)
Dark XML Fullscreen Web Template
posted bydxc381inFla Archives
This website template is fully resizable, customizable in the xml, and only 29kb! You never even need to touch your Flash file.
PriceUSD 20.00
(0 ratings)
XML Fullscreen Web Template
posted bydxc381inFla Archives
This website template is fully resizable, customizable in the xml, and is only 23kb! You never even need to touch your flash file.
PriceUSD 20.00
(0 ratings)
XML Resizeable Fullscreen Gallery
posted bydxc381inFla Archives
When you hold your cursor over the buttons they grow tall to indicate the active image. If there are more image buttons than fit on your page, then the whole menu scrolls back and forth based on your mouse position.
PriceUSD 12.00
(0 ratings)
XML Easing Menu
posted bydxc381inFla Archives
Sideways menu that randomizes its height & animates, using easing, to the active height. You can have as many items as you like. In the xml you can define the max height, minimum height, active height, button width, background colors, and text colors.
PriceUSD 6.00
(0 ratings)
Resizable Gradient with Tiled Background
posted bydxc381inFla Archives
Very simple resizable tiled background with a semi transparent on top. This file is very easily customized. You can change the background to tile, the colors, alphas, offset, and angle of the gradient.
PriceUSD 4.00
(0 ratings)
Daily Calendar with Images (XML)
posted bydxc381inFla Archives
Lightweight (4kb) daily calendar with images that can be either random, or on a weekly, monthly, or yearly cycle. Show off your artwork, comics, photos, or products just like the tear-away calendars at the bookstore.
PriceUSD 8.00
(0 ratings)
Randomly Generated Clouds With Blur
posted bydxc381inFla Archives
2kb vector clouds that are randomly generated so they will never look the same twice. These clouds are fully customizable to fit your needs. You can edit the number of clouds, where they will go, min and max speed, size and many other variables.
PriceUSD 4.00
(0 ratings)
XML World Timezone Clocks
posted bydxc381inFla Archives
This is a very light weight (7kb) world/timezone clock. All you need to do is add the cities and their timezone offsets into the xml file and upload. You don’t even need to open the flash file.
PriceUSD 10.00
(0 ratings)
Animated Mailbox Contact Button
posted bydxc381inFla Archives
Simple 3d animated mailbox that would be great for an email contact button. When rolled over the mailbox opens and two envelopes of mail with stamps come out. All you need to do to make this work is put whatever you want inside the onRelease function.
PriceUSD 4.00
(0 ratings)
RESULTS 1 - 20 OF 36