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Most Popular Scripts | JavaScript | Tutorials & Tips | Randomizing

Results 1-4 of 4
Generating a random number in JavaScript
A random number is useful- if not required- in the creation of many popular JS applications, such as a dice, random image script, or random link generator. Learn how to generate a random number in JavaScript.
(12 ratings)
Using External JavaScript to Create Dynamic Content
posted byjackinRandomizing
Create the script once and reference in any number of ways. The example goes into Date Stamps, News, Quotes, etc. One file to update and one line to include in the HTML page. You can use this as a fake Server-Side Includes to create site navigation. You update the one .js file to alter navigation.
(3 ratings)
Randomizing Javascript - What can randomization be used for in Javascript/jQuery?
Building the random number generator - Using the following line to return a random number: Math.floor((Math.random() * 100000000) + 1); Building further randomization into the random number generator - To further randomize, you can use power law distribution. Random number generator using the following line code: Math.round(Math.exp(Math.random()*Math.log(10000000-0+1)))+0; Demo includes way to create a random quote generator and random image loader
(0 ratings)
Generating weighed random numbers in JavaScript
posted byadmininRandomizing
Learn how to generate weighed random numbers in JavaScript, so some show up more often than others.
(0 ratings)
Results 1-4 of 4