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Top Rated Scripts | PHP | Scripts & Programs | Development Tools | Application Framework

Results 1-20 of 72
Achievo ATK
Achievo ATK is an object oriented Web-application Framework, written in PHP. It is targeted at developers who wish to focus on business logic, instead of coding HTML. Where other application frameworks mainly provide a large set of utility classes, ATK provides a complete framework that requires only small amounts of code to get usable applications, while maintaining full flexibility. In other words, even 10 lines of code get you a working application, but everything generated for you, can be 100% customized.
(5 ratings)
BlueShoes PHP Application Framework
BlueShoes is a comprehensive Application Framework and Content Management System written in PHP 4. - 285 classes, 168'132 lines of documented code, - Object-oriented, - Well documented using PhpDoc (like JavaDoc), Manuals and HOWTOs, - Stable code using an automated testing environment (PhpUnit), - Available with opensource and commercial license, Give your web projects a kickstart using BlueShoes.
(3 ratings)
SA PHP Framework
SA PHP Framework is a full application stack which implements the Front Controller Pattern. Originally written for PHP4 was fully rewritten to take advantage of the PHP5 object model. It features "search engine friendly URLs", page events, validity checking for the GET parameters and it's tightly integrated with Smarty.
(3 ratings)
Saros Framework
The Saros Framework utilizes PHP5's object oriented functionality as well as design patterns that are tried and true to help you create an advanced PHP website or application as quick as possible. The Saros Framework lowers code duplication by utilizing programming techniques designed specifically to solve the common problems developers come across when creating a website.
(1 ratings)
WebSite-PHP Framework PHP
WebSite-PHP is a PHP Framework which has the distinction of being fully object-oriented, and not requiring special knowledge of HTML or JavaScript. Knowledges of PHP and mechanisms for object-oriented programming (OOP) are still required.WebSite-PHP is an easly Framework on PHP 5.2 and compatible with the database MySQL. With his 100% object programming you have a maximum reusability of the framework components and your job.
(4 ratings)
PRADO: component framework for PHP 5
We have recently developed a component framework for PHP 5 named PRADO. The component model of PRADO follows closely to that in Borland Delphi, Visual Basic and ASP.NET, and it is event-driven. A PRADO application is a collection of pages each of which is a hierarchical tree of components having properties, events, assets, templates, and so on. Components are highly configurable and they can inherited or composed together to form new components. A wonderful thing about PRADO is that it is event-driven. Unlike traditional procedural programming, developers now concentrate more on responding to different component events. For example, you can write an OnClick event handler function to respond to the user click on a button, or you can write an OnTextChanged event handler function to respond to any content change in a text field. People familiar with desktop GUI programming may find Web programming with PRADO is very similar to that.
(27 ratings)
OpenBiz - a php business software framework
OpenBiz provides a PHP framework that assists professional IT developers and consultants to build web-based enterprise applications.�With the help of OpenBiz, you have a clear Model View Controller (MVC) architecture, your business data object is based on Object Relational Mapping (ORM), and you can quickly implement your business logic and presentation logic by constructing the XML metadata files using OpenBiz Eclipse plugin.�
(3 ratings)
web.framework is an MVC framework for PHP5. It features actions and action-chains, the ability to call to other actions or action-chains from an action-chain, pre- and post-actions with exceptions, validators for simple check forms, support for DB configuration in framework configuration, support for template systems (such as web.template and Smarty), a router for making URLs nice-looking, tokens, authorization frames, AJAX, clinet-side validation, advanced validators, good integration with web.template and more.
(3 ratings)
Sourdough Framework
Sourdough is a comprehensive web application framework for PHP5. Sourdough provides developers with real-world solutions for common system components such as User Management, Session Handling, User Authentication, Exception Handling and Logging, Template System as well as Form Building and Handling. It does also include a database abstraction layer with excellent support for the popular MySQL database as well as support for many other database systems like MSSQL, PostgreSQL, and the new lightweight SQLite. Sourdough's extensive feature set can also simplify or eliminate many common, and often tedious, programming tasks.
(9 ratings)
Symfony is an open-source web framework written in PHP5. Based on the best practices of web development, thoroughly tried on several active websites, symfony aims to speed up the creation and maintenance of web applications, and to replace the repetitive coding tasks by power, control and pleasure. If you have been looking for a Rails/Django-like framework for PHP projects with features such as: * simple templating and helpers * cache management * multiple environments support * deployment management * scaffolding * smart URLs * multilingual and I18N support * object model and MVC separation * Ajax support ...where all elements work seamlessly together, then symfony is made for you.
(9 ratings)
PHP2Go Web Development Framework
PHP2Go is a development framework designed to help experient developers and begginer programmers to create Web-based Systems. It's and object-oriented, structured and hierarchical set of classes and libraries developed using PHP, XML and JavaScript. The main goal of PHP2Go is to be a complete code repository to build systems with code reuse, object orientation, separation between logic and presentation code and database transparency. All the components of the API have the same purpose: to create an object oriented abstraction layer that runs over the powerful PHP API, providing an organized, structured and easier way to create HTML documents, HTML forms, database or file data sets, reports, HTML templates and much more. Visit the project home page to get more information, including help tips and online demos.
(13 ratings)
phpCodeGenie (PCG) is a code generator for database driven applications. PCG can generate entire working basic database driven applications for you. PCG can generate code from different databases. While the core version generates mostly PHP Code, phpCodeGenie can be modified to generate code in any programming language - Perl, Java, C#, ASP etc.. Just design your database tables and phpCodeGenie can write the php scripts and programs for you. phpCodeGenie will build data entry forms, insert scripts, database lister scripts, edit record forms, update record scripts, delete confirmation scripts, delete scripts, search forms, search scripts etc.. It provides a core basic code from which you can build on.
(179 ratings)
PhpLens is a PHP Application Server for rapidly creating database driven Web applications. With phpLens, data can be presented as html tables with facilities to create, edit, paginate, search and delete records. Over 150 properties for modifying phpLens behaviour are provided. Developers can use phpLens in two ways, as a PHP class that is called from PHP code; or they can build their Web application directly from a browser based wizard interface called the Grid Builder and then generate the PHP code. PhpLens works with many databases: MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, Microsoft Access, FoxPro, Interbase, Sybase, and many others (including DB2 and Progress through ODBC). Also integrated with Smarty template engine. <b>New in 2.0:</b> Inline editing of multiple rows in the data grid, and popup hot updates which dynamicly change based on your selection.
(5 ratings)
PriceUSD 300.00
Seagull Application Framework
Seagull is an OO PHP framework with the core modules licensed under BSD, and has the following design goals: - independence of data, logic & presentation layers - extensible component architecture - reduction of repetitive programming tasks - simplifying data access - comprehensive error handling - module workflow routines - form handling without the donkey work - component reuse - authentication management - integration with PEAR libraries - PHP coding standards - platform/PHP version/browser independence - self-generating documentation - quality end user docs
(181 ratings)
PAS is an application server for PHP. Created to database business applications. It let you apply the MVC (Model View Controler) pattern to your applications. Separation between business logic and presentation. Event Management, Database Registry, templates to manage Forms, Reports, Package management. Maximum reuse of code. Its main purpose is to speed up development database driven web application by taking care of all the time consuming task. It now comes with a visual package installer to install any PHP / MySQL application in 1 click.
(6 ratings)
EPESI is a web application for managing business information. It makes data organizing and sharing easy, simplifies internal communication and makes workflow more efficient. EPESI has a modular design which makes it flexible and easy to adapt. Its base consists of CRM application with PHP framework, both free and open source, that can be extended with specialized modules.
(6 ratings)
DQER RAD PHP Framework
DQER is a lightweight yet very powerful PHP5 framework with small footprint that provides php RAD (Rapid Application Development) environment with focus on security. Most php frameworks does not provide adequate level of RAD and as result development of applications (or plug-ins) become unnecessarily time consuming, better say endless routine process. We aim to change that with DQER! Features : Fast, Lightweight, Secure, Fully PHP configuration independent, Object-Oriented,Fully configurable, Released under LGPL.
(3 ratings)
Programming Simple REST Web services with PHP
REST web service is best suitable for Web. Representational State Transfer (REST) is an architectural style that specifies constraints, such as the uniform interface, that if applied to a web service induce desirable properties, such as performance, scalability, and modifiability. In the REST architectural style, data and functionality are considered resources and are accessed using URIs, typically links on the Web.
(3 ratings)
TinyButStrong is a library that enables you to dynamically create XML/HTML pages and any other files based on text source. It's a Template Engine for the PHP language. It enables you to easily display information from your database, but also to seriously harmonize and simplify your PHP programming. TinyButStrong is oriented to HTML but not specialized to Html. This means it can work as well with Text files, XML, RSS, RTF, WML, Excel (xml), ... The OpenTBS plug-in enables your to merge OpenOffice and Ms Office documents. TinyButStrong's trumps: * simplicity : 1 file only, 1 Php class only with 6 methods and 5 properties. * visual / WYSIWYG editors (such as Dreamweaver or FrontPage) friendly * database friendly, * fast development,
(7 ratings)
Orbicon Framework Engine
Orbicon framework engine is a CMS engine available for licensing to experienced professional web developers. The framework has been developed for enterprise enviroments and has proven itself in three CMS products - Orbicon Lite, Xtreme and Enterprise. In addition to the Orbicon Framework Engine source code, the source also includes source codes for the desktop, Magister, Venus, and Mercury document databases, Attila search node, modules manager, cache manager, SEO manager, update center wizard, installation wizard and more. It comes in bundle with the latest YUI! and other helpful 3rd party tools.
(6 ratings)
Results 1-20 of 72