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Wordpress Store Locators Plugins

Collection of Wordpress store locators plugin that will allow you to map specified store locations on maps.
Results 1-5 of 5
Cardinal Store Locator plugin for WordPress
The Cardinal Store Locator plugin for WordPress was built with the Google Maps API, WordPress Settings API and my open source jQuery Store Locator plugin and integrates with WordPress core features such as custom post types for location data and custom taxonomies for location categories and filtering. It was programmed following the WordPress Coding Standards, is responsive by default, can read Snazzy Maps styling, makes use of Handlebars for simple info window and location list overrides in addition to several other features.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 80.00
Store Pickup Google Maps - Woocommerce (Wordpress)
Key Features:- Configure multiple pickup locations for the customer to select from Map based search during checkout Selected pickup location displayed in customer’s Account View Order page, order emails, and in the Order Admin Set a cost for pickup, or a cost per pickup location Add and display Store contact information and operating hours
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 16.00
Ajax Store Locator - Wordpress
Top Feautures of this Plugin are :- Supports Responsive Layouts ? Language support using CodeStyling Localization(Plugin). Bulk Import and Export of Locations Admin Dashboard for Locations Management Social Sharing of locations (Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest) Auto and Manual Plotting of Location Addresses. Drawer Panel for enlarged map view. Category filter for locations Configurable Layout (Browse and Search Modes) Directions to the Locations and more Features…..
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 20.00
SimpleMap is quickly becoming one of the most advanced and most used mapping plugins for WordPress. SimpleMap allows you to quickly and easily export all your location data via CSV or the WordPress core exporter. It also allows you to add custom markers to your Google Maps.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 30.00
Google Maps Store Locator for WordPress
Also referred to as a dealer locator (locater), shop finder, and zip code or zipcode search. Its strength is in its flexibility to allow you to easily manage a few or a thousand or more locations through the admin interface.
(0 ratings)
Results 1-5 of 5