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Billing Systems

Results 1-7 of 7
This script is designed to cope with pincode billing systems. It adds a new dimention to your current pin systems. Currently an ibill module is available, however others could be coded per request. The user can create an account free for X days (definable) which then goes on to be billed onto an ibill pin account. The user never sees pins, nor do you. The script runs every so many minutes to call the ibill page to rebill any accounts that are due. They are removed (and email sent to them and you [optionally]) or left on the system and await another rebill period. You can have as many accounts as you wish each with time frames as long as you wish (definable in seconds). Prices are setup in your pin account. Full administration site available which allows addition of new pins to the system. All you need to do, once initially installed, is setup your pin accounts and edit your webgood page.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 100.00
Authorize Bulk Processor
Bulk Processor is a tool to allow you to upload delimited text files thru the Script and have the script process the orders instantly. This is an excellant way of billing recurring site or service members. Leaves no trace afterwards of the database on your server so nobody can swipe any credit info to fraudulently use elsewhere. Has the option of mailing you a results database as an attachment also in delimited format compatible with most any spreadsheet or database programs you use at home.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 100.00
EasyReceipt is a web-based re1ceipt/invoice script designed with budget in mind. It allows multiple employees to use the same script at the same time without having to worry about sharing violations. With blazingly fast speeds & resources hardly touched, you have the minimized costs & increased efficiency. Prints directly from your PC! Do you have more than 1 store? No problem! Let them all use this handy script!
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 30.00
Billing System Integrations
We provide custom Perl programming settup custom e-commerce sites, for membership/subscription websites. Providing secure payment transaction, integration with most all of the most popular Merchant gatway systems. IE. Authoirenet, PayPal, Versigin PayFlow, Clickbank, Linkpoint and many others. Also setup and designing custom MySQL databases for backend capabilities for secure storage of data.
(6 ratings)
PS CyberStash
Automatic security and billing system for pay sites. Cyberstash is THE LEADING CGI SYSTEM FOR selling PASSWORDS TO MEMBERSHIP SITES BY DIRECTLY interfacing into a cybercash merchant mall Run from your own cybercash server or a merchant account on a mall server. Unlike many other systems, Cyberstash completely PREVENTS your users from submitting duplicate orders causing chargeback chaos. We are an OFFICIAL Merchant Developer Partner Candidate for Cybercash.
(0 ratings)
@1 Invoice Me
Invoice Me is an online invoicing system with automatic billing status indicator. With the correct IDs, customers may search their own invoices and view the payment status (with option to hide paid invoices). C/w search, add, edit and delelte admin interface. When creating a new invoice, administrator can opt to email a copy of invoice to customer. Viewers can print the invoices easily through Print Mode. Also features: Auto Reminder which automatically emails late payment notice (at preset intervals) for overdue invoices, and Auto Mailing which bulk-mails newsletters (immediate or delayed) to all or selected customers.
(16 ratings)
Price 49.95
Total Pins
This script is designed to cope with pincode billing systems. It adds a new dimention to your current pin systems. Currently an ibill module is available, however others could be coded per request. The user can create an account free for X days (definable) which then goes on to be billed onto an ibill pin account.
(0 ratings)
Results 1-7 of 7