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Results 21-40 of 66
JSpacker & Obfuscator
Features: - 3 different packing methods - Caching (timebased renewing) - Skip files from packing/obfuscating (e.g. License Information) - Hidden JS folder - Optional forced error for debugging
(0 ratings)
PHP Task Scheduler - PHP Cron
a word, all your recurrent tasks you have to do on a website such cleaning a log folder, update something periodically, etc, can be manage in this powerful tool. PHP task Scheduler can log output of your PHP file, but you keep all PHP functions!
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 9.00
ApPHP DataGrid Wizard
ApPHP DataGrid Wizard - utility script for generating PHP DataGrid pages. ApPHP DataGrid Wizard allows you easy creation of DataGrid pages. This operation does not require specific technical or programming knowledge. All you need is to select a table, fields for the table, define the data type for each field and choose any other setting you need... In a few seconds you will get page with powerful and fully functional DataGrid component. A Short List of Features * One-Year FREE Updates * Installation module * Multi-Language support * Free DataGrid included * Online Code Editor for pages * Wizard for DataGrid pages * Unlimited number of created pages * Multi-Database support * Multi-Browser support * Multi-Language support
(6 ratings)
PriceUSD 19.90
Site Configuration plugin
Features: Manage all major site configuration from one place Easily integrates with other controllers or plug-ins Supports 3 types of parameters (String, List, File) Localization ready (default English) Establish with any DBMS supported CakePHP framework
(1 ratings)
PriceUSD 8.00
Simple Sanitize
This class automatically sanitizes your data in various ways. Current options include “strict”, “html”, “mysql”, “both” (html and mysql), or “none”. Each sanitizing level handles data a little bit differently. “strict” will return input with only alphanumeric characters. “html” encodes all html-entites. “mysql” escapes all special mysql characters (no mysql connection required). “both” runs the html sanitizing and then the mysql. “none” will give you the data as it is. Optional maxlength parameters included! Before you sanitize a string, you can define the max length (for strings) or max value (for numbers). Strings will be cut off at the maxlength before it is sanitized, and numbers won’t be allowed past that value.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 6.00
RISE PHP for MySQL code generator
The RISE PHP for MySQL code generator renders PHP source code for database access. The generated code implements the classes and methods corresponding to the information interfaces specified in the RISE model. This includes classes for database access and, optionally, classes implementing SOAP/JSON web services and proxy classes assisting the implementation of a PHP SOAP client.
(3 ratings)
Under Construction Builder
All of the code is extensively commented and should (i hope!) be easy enough to modify. It is styled entirely by CSS which should make it easy to style to fit your website design.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 6.00
The Simple Client-Project Tracker
1.Automatically track your projects’ work-time 2.Invoice your clients and include a PayPal option 3.Customize invoice templates to meet your needs 4.iPhone compatibility
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 10.00
PHP Easy Installer - online installation module for web applications
PHP Easy Installer - PHP script for creating an user-friendly installation wizard. PHP Easy Installer is an easy-to-setup PHP script for creating a user-friendly installation wizard. The script is suitable for existing and new web applications. If you plan to create an application in PHP and search for a small, customizable and powerful installation module, then PHP Easy Installer is the best solution for you.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 6.49
nuBuilder is a database development tool where all forms, reports, company data and PHP/JavaScript code is stored in MySQL and displayed dynamically.
(3 ratings)
BullDoc is generally for the projects developed on PHP and which uses SVN or other source control system. The project was built with the following objectives in mind: 1. The documentation sources should be stored in the same repository as the code. 2. The sources should be text files, so SVN could track changes and we always could extract documentation version appropriate to the code 3. There should be convenient to view the result of our authoring. Just open page in browser and see. No additional compiling. It should be easy to edit text – just press “edit” button and make correction right in browser. It is written in PHP which could be bonus for PHP developers.
(0 ratings)
SimPCoRe Content Repository
SimPCoRe PCR is a PHP Content repository that stores content as trees of Nodes with associated Properties. Data is stored in the Properties, which may hold simple values such as numbers and strings or binary data of arbitrary length. Check out http://www.simpcore.org to view installation instructions and tutorials. The new version 1.0 has the following additions: * Ability to create custom Persistence Manager * All content is stored in one database table * Detailed Exceptions * Detailed logging * Multiple workspaces * Query Class * Referential Integrity
(0 ratings)
PHP Easy Installer
This is a very easy-to-setup PHP script for creating an user-friendly installation module. The script is suitable for existing and new web applications. If you planning to create application in PHP and search for small, customizable and powerful installation module - PHP Easy Installer is the best solution for you. Easy to setup, easy to customization and easy to work with. This script allows you to make an installation process a very simple as far as possible. The script may be easily customizable for any project.
(3 ratings)
posted byfrodikinUtilities
Very useful and easy PHP documentator, using compatible syntax with phpDoc. Offers very easy-to-use interface, support for custom documentation templates and languages.
(0 ratings)
IntraVersion: Version Control System
posted bytiminUtilities
IntraVersion is a multi-user web-based document version control system. It can be used as nn Intranet Management System - allowing effective file sharing, or as a Software Configuration Management System... Features: -Easy to Install & Use, -Web-Based, Platform Independant (PHP & MySQL) -Full Check-In / Check-Out. -Store Text & Binary Files. -Multi-User, Non-Concurrent Editing. -Output Macros -Project Build Options -Saved System Commands -Store As Diffs -Flexible Reporting
(3 ratings)
posted bysaddorinUtilities
This package can be used to execute PHP functions from Javascript using AJAX calls. It registers PHP function that may be called from Javascript. Then it can generate the necessary Javascript code to call those PHP functions using AJAX. A separate helper class can be used to generate Javascript code to be executed when the PHP functions are called.
(0 ratings)
Php Syntax Highlighter
This small script convert your PHP code into a syntax colored html text. It is usefull if you want to display your PHP code on a html page with nice colors. Ideal for document and tutorial writers.
(3 ratings)
PHP Installation System
The PHP Installation System is an abstract class which can be used to create a web-based installation script. It provides all the basic interface tools of gathering configuration information from the user while allowing the author to perform all PHP commands throughout the installation process. PIS takes care of all the overhead and lets you concentrate on installing your script! Installing a script shouldn't be complicated. This script addresses that.
(3 ratings)
mkInstaller - an installer for your php scripts
If you distribute php scripts that need an installation, mkInstaller builds an installer, that is another php script. The installer is loaded as a web page that request some information using a form, and then perfroms the installation. Complete information and tutorial at http://mkinstaller.nisu.o rg/
(0 ratings)
MX Navigation Pack for PHP
MX Navigation Pack is a Dreamweaver extension that allows you to insert different navigation bars into your dynamic content. Whether you need a category navigation, a simple page navigation or A to Z navigation, our tool can help you build and implement it in your pages. Supported server technologies: ColdFusion, ASP VBScript, PHP_MySQL and PHP_ADODB -- Page navigation - organize your records into pages and insert slim navigation buttons to help you move around. -- Category navigation - you already have your products organized into categories. So why not navigate through your categories and list all your products with a simple click? -- A to Z navigation - index your records to make them easier to navigate and create your own glossary of terms. -- Records navigation - Simple but effective, this feature will insert the buttons to help you get to the entry you needed.
(0 ratings)
Results 21-40 of 66