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Social Networking

Scripts for starting a social network site or services or adding social features to your site.
Results 61-80 of 171
Fufu provide you a quick and easy way to create an viral media site (with brief-popular named gag site). It was built with lots of features that you need for a premium viral media website and lots more are waiting for upgrade. Your websites visitor are allow to post gag as video type (more than 20 sites available for embed), image type, gif or vine.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 21.00
Flippy LikeZone – Facebook Like Statuses Script
Create your own Facebook like statuses website that have features such as text, pictures, videos and link sharing with Flippy LikeZone. This amazing script will let your business to the next level with Facebook social traffic. Try out our Flippy LikeZone today and earn money while having fun.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 40.00
Twitter Megatrend
- Show a list of Countries and Cities according to Twitter Popularity (updated hourly). - List the top 10 Twitter #trends (#hashtags) for a particular place (updated hourly). - Show Recent, Popular or Mixed (both) Tweets for a particular keyword or #hashtag - Search function integrated. - Search Tweets Localized or Worldwide. - Show up to 100 Tweets at once (with pagination). - Allow users to publish Tweets on his stream using MegaTrend. - Allow Replies for Tweets. - Allow Retwitt. - Allow Favorite Tweets. - Allow Follow user. - Allow Watching of YouTube Videos directly in the stream. - Allow Watching Images directly in the stream.
(6 ratings)
PriceUSD 20.00
'pinBoard - Pro Photo Sharing Social Engine
PinBoard is a photo sharing social networking software like the popular social network pinterest. It provide you with enrich features of a photo sharing site. With pinBoard you can create your own pro pinterest with more and useful additional features that you can’t find on pinterest .
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 14.00
Social Signal Tracker
This script enables to find popularity of a website or web page in social media and bookmarking websites. It shows the amount of likes, shares, clicks, comments, tweets, +1s, pins, bookmarks, stumbles, etc for a specified URL.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 30.00
Jamroom - Powerful Social Networking Software
Whatever YOUR network is about, you can build it with Jamroom. The BRAND NEW Jamroom 6 features dozens of updates and improvements, including a full range of responsive skins and designs to help you connect with others and build the network you want. The Jamroom team has been providing unparalleled service, value and support for over 15 years. See why so many users rave about Jamroom and wish they had started using Jamroom earlier.
(112 ratings)
Facebook Post Generator
The objective of this script is make possible to update your facebook pages lot faster. Of course you can use diferent applications to do this like hootsuite, the problem is that if you do it you will have hootsuite label in your posts. With this script you can use your own application and post without any label. You can post to future any number images, videos or urls of post you want from a folder or from an excell file. Manage your facebook pages will never be so easy.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 10.00
SocialCount Php Script
Check social shares, Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Linkedin, Delicious, Pinterest, StumbleIUpon count of any URL.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 7.00
SocialScript - Custom social networking software
SocialScript is a powerful custom social networking software that lets you start your own website for any type of online social community within minutes. It is a fully automated solution suitable for individuals and businesses, packed with various features and plugins, search engine friendly and fully customizable so you can modify and tweak it to fit your own needs. It also includes many unique features to help you fight spammers more effectively than ever. Our product is backed by knowledgeable support staff who are there to assist you with any questions you may have.
(71 ratings)
PriceUSD 149.00
Social Login PHP and MYSQL (G+,Fb,Twitter)
The easiest way to connect your website with social networks by using native API's from Google, Facebook and Twitter but without hard configurations. Why is this script different than others? 5 minutes SETUP! Just change one single config file and you are all set. Add user data to your MySQL Database: Most other scripts don't include a way to store the data in your database. Use latest API's versions Compatible with any PHP/Mysql website Store username,full name, email, gender, and even the avatar image in your database! Social Login has never been easier!
(8 ratings)
PriceUSD 15.00
Social Media Unlocker: Share to unlock
Easily lock your premium content from your users and reveal it after they tweet about your site. Not just Twitter, but also Facebook Likes, Google+1 and LinkedIn Share. Just add 3 lines of code to your page and it will automatically lock your content without any trouble. With our Statistic Page, you can view your most and least shared page and you can also find which Social Media are more suitable to you. You can easily improve your site performance and get more money by increasing your social impact on your site. Full Features - Your premium content will be locked until user share your page. - Support Twitter, Facebook Likes, Google +1 and LinkedIn share. - Dedicated Statistic Page and reveal your most and least shared page on your site. - Lock multiple pages and statistic page will automatically detect. - Uses cookies to detect returning user. - Customizable unlock message and CSS. - And much more.
(6 ratings)
PriceUSD 11.99
Twitter bot
A little bot which scrapes content from a rss feed, sorts, categrizes, hashtags it an finaly posts it on twitter. it is also capable of finding and adding Twitter users to your account in order to increase the size of your followers. Features: -Post from a RSS feed -Increase follower size -Refollow followers -Unfollow Usres which wont follow back -Store posted content in database to prevent double posts in order to minimize the runtime It's fairly simple to set up. Give it a try :)
(12 ratings)
Dating Software
DatingSoftware.com has been a leader in dating software and dating script and is well known for providing excellent success to both dating and social networking sites. The Dating Script currently powers thousands of large and small dating sites over the Internet. The dating software is out-of-the-box and turn-key. With this dating software you have everything you need to start your own dating site. The dating software is 100% customizable and comes loaded with tons of great dating features, free dating templates, and most importantly, free installation and support for life! Main Features: - All Dating Functions - Complete Profile - Advanced Search - Photo Gallery - Speed Date - Match Making - Rate Me - Friends - Blog, Forum, Groups, Events, Classifieds and built-in WEBCAM CHAT function.
(46 ratings)
PriceUSD 49.00
Maintenance BoonEx Dolphin Module
pH7 Maintenance module allows you to set your site in maintenance mode. The module is easy to use!
(22 ratings)
PHP Social Networking Software
Create your Social Networking Website with our PHP Social Networking Software that comes with free social networking templates, free installation and setup, free life time support, and free life time upgrades! Features include complete profile creation, instant messenger, online messages, news feed like facebook, photo and video gallery, music player, groups, events, friends, "like" and share, comments and more! Written in clean and organized PHP scripting along with optimized MySQL database, it can easily support millions of users without a problem. You can buy our PHP social networking software with confident with our free installation and setup to make sure it's working 100% fine before you take it over.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 99.00
Best script social network
Sokial is a social networking script that allows you to create your own social network quickly and easily. Enjoy a light source, clean and unencrypted. Change limitless and add as many features as you want. Our solution is compatible with all mobile phones and tablets on the market today. For more information do not hesitate to contact us.
(9 ratings)
PriceUSD 299.00
Social Swapper Script
Social Swapper is the best Social Media Exchange script currently available. Packed full of features and security its a foolproof website capable of generating substantial monthly revenue. Anti-Cheating! (minimal unlikes/unfollows!) Anti-Fraud! Server Security! Control everything from the Admin Panel! 1.Facebook Fanpage Likes 2.Facebook Website Likes 3.Facebook Website Shares 4.Youtube Video Views 5.Youtube Video Likes 6.Youtube Subscribers 7.Twitter Followers 8.Twitter ReTweets 9.Twitter Favorites 10.Twitter Tweets 11.Pinterest Followers 12.Google +1's 13.Linkedin Shares 14.Stumbleupon Followers 15.Delicious Followers 16.Delicious Website Saves 17.Reverbnation Fans 18.Soundcloud Followers 19.Soundcloud Track Player And More .....
(8 ratings)
PriceUSD 45.00
FB Covers Script
Web 2.0 look and feel Unlimited categories 'Top downloaded' feature 'Featured covers' feature Featured cover slider. One click download Nice cover preview SEO Friendly URLs Upload cover to facebook feature Facebook Comments system Easy search feature Share facebook covers (via AddThis) Built in contact form 2 Advertisement spots. Pages (about us, privacy policy and terms and conditions pages). Nice 404 page
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 40.00
OMG Share/Like to Watch Video Script
OMG Share/Like to watch video script is the best solution to start a brand new website, and EXPLODE the trafic of your website! You add videos and users to see watch them must first to share or like it to watch, in this way your website will constantly grow, and you'll earn fast revenue from your ads. Website comes with administration panel and is ads optimised. Script Features Clear and attractive design OMG Facebook viral system very optimised jQuery Features - jQuery is a lightweight cross-browser JavaScript library that emphasizes interaction between JavaScript and HTML. jQuery is the most popular JavaScript library in use today. Ads Optimized. SEO Optimized. No encrypted pages. Easy to customize Administration Panel to manege Videos and settings. Many other features Demo Front Panel : http://isayomg.com Admin Panel : http://isayomg.com/demo/admin/ Username : demo / Password : demo Price : $69.00
(7 ratings)
PriceUSD 69.00
Twitter Stream
Earn Easy Money & Drive Traffic To Your Website(s) With Your Own Twitter Live Streams Website... Offer 3(!) live Twitter streams on one page You can set 3 different search keywords which will each show a Twitter live stream when clicked. This allows you to specify/extend your site niche and attract more visitors. Integrated 'Follow Me On Twitter' link and 'Tweet Now' button. These built-in links allow you to build your list of followers and keep the buzz about your site going on Twitter. You can use your own images by simply uploading them to the images-folder. Multiple streams of income Earn money from both Google Adsense & the Amazon affiliate program. You can also add text links or banner ads for any affiliate program related to your niche. A link to an Adsense compliant privacy policy is added to the footer of the site.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 3.00
Results 61-80 of 171