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Dolphin 7

Rated2.7/5 (47 ratings)
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Smart Community Builder
Product Details

The world's most popular open-source platform for social networking, dating and community sites. Includes video chat, groups, events, video/photo sharing, builders, status updates, IM, Google OpenSocial, OpenID, Facebook Connect and much more. Comes with iPhone App and Adobe-AIR app. Backed by community of over 50,000 web-masters.

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Submitted on
19th January 2010
Last Updated
7th March 2013
Licence Type
License Price
USD 399
Additional Info
CC-BY License

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(47 ratings)
Average User Rating: 2.7/5
Never Again
Reviewed bySero1122onSun, 25th December 2016
Rating 1 - Poor
I Tryed Dolphin one Month and paid 29$ for Monthly licens. The Script was Buggy and the "Suport" only try to sell Modules from the Market. After i told the Boonex "Agents" that i dont want a new licens (The Canceling on ther website wasnt working) they booked a second Licens. For me this is nearly Criminal.
DONT BUY THIS CRAP!!!! verified
Reviewed byHovikJonTue, 24th July 2012
Rating 1 - Poor
Despite of all the warning signs out there with this web site plus the BBB i went and gave these guys the opportunity to redeem them selves, What a BIG F in mistake. Let me tell you little something about boonex. If you want customer service and support, Just forget about it cause you aint going to find it here. Five days after i purchased the software they still haven't uploaded the files to the server. Very plain and simple if your reading this messege. If you still go and buy boonex after you read this, your an idiot.
Webmaster verified
Reviewed bynaluv4u2onWed, 29th February 2012
Rating 1 - Poor
I agree totally with the reviewer who rated this poor. Free is relative, I have been using this script which really should be considered beta with all the script problems and bugs it continues to have. I upgraded several times beginning with 7.0 now thru 7.4 and still the issues remain that I thought would be resolved. My main goal was to have a videocentric social network in my niche and the videos failed miserably. I went from not being able to upload videos at all, to videos that were horrible in quality, to improved quality but can't link or embed anywhere cuz the embed code is crap. This a script that ONLY egghead programmers can appreciate and IS NOT for the average user. Get ready to have a lot of headaches and deal with scammy programmers to "fix" your problems and a user forum full of arrogant eggheads who spend more time insulting the poor souls who have legitimate questions, blaming them and not answering or solving the problems. I would not reccomend this script to anyone. For a so-called "free" programs I have spent in the course of 2 years literally thousands and it still isn't working as it should. If you like stress and headaches then, yeah, go ahead and use this. However, this is the most un-user friendly social networking script I have used and I have used many (including, but not limited to, WordPress, Joomla, JomSocial, phpFox, Drupal, Elgg, Ning, SocialGo, etc. just to name a few). After 2 years of struggling with this piece of crapware I am totally frustrated and it has cost me big in lost time, energy and money. Even to this day, I still cannot get the members on my website to post content because the interface is just too confusing and useless for practical purposes. Steer clear of this script, their marketing department did a great on keeping this crapware on the top of the search engine lists but it's terrible. Take is from somebody who spent more than just a couple of days reviewing it. I hate it, worst mistake of my life! If your site is family friendly then I recommend Ning, superior in every way of those mentioned based solely on userfriendliness and ability to handle videos. But if your site is adult oriented then Ning won't work for you because they dropped Red Light District and stopped allowing adults sites. I'm still looking for an alternative and haven't found one yet. . .
Good program but
Reviewed byGregKonSun, 18th December 2011
Rating 3 - Average
I only give this an average rating due to the problems it's giving me with having to have register_globals turned off or it won't run. This is the only program I'm using that requires this and it's giving both me and my web host fits. Unless this can be easily resolved I'll move on to something else, even though I had purchased this software some years ago.
Not ready for public use... verified
Reviewed byAnonymousonTue, 25th May 2010
Rating 1 - Poor
The core program is indeed free. You have to pay to remove their link and banner at the bottom, but it isn't that expensive. The problem is with the support and the program itself. There is no support. You pick an "agent" to work with, but they are spotty at best and sometimes they just send you to programmers who will charge you. http://www.boonex.com/trac/dolphin/wiki/DolphinDocs - NO useful documentation. There is a user forum, but mostly you'll see people who are asking questions about why things are broken and no one helping. A quote from their site: "The BoonEx team is focusing on development, and generally we don't provide technical support" Imagine a program that has NO support. You have to figure everything out on your own. And it isn't built using any standards. Imagine a program that actively has people who charge you for bug-fixes??? How bad is that? And they have private individuals fixing things that the development team is too lazy to do. And then there are the bugs... wow... He is one users take on them: http://www.boonex.com/unity/blog/entry/Boonex_Trac_Submit_a_Defect_Is_this_a_Defect_or_is_this_an_Enhancement Mods are moderately priced, but so many of them should be in the core program it is rather sickening. So the "free" aspect is pretty misleading. So you owe it to yourself to spend a few days reading the blogs on the site and the forums before you choose this software. I'm into now for more than $650 and a month of development. And I still have a bug list of at least 10 things which people are unable/unwilling to address. Had I known that the program was this much of a mess I would've chosen something else... This review is for 7.0.x. There is a previous version of the software 6.1.6 that had promise but was dropped in favor of 7. Features of 6 were not even implement in 7. Mr Powless below is a nice guy but he makes some assumptions that I "broke" things. Which I did not. Of course, he is hired by people to fix things on this script. So, of course, he has a motivation to make it sound awesome. But don't take my words for it. Go to the forum.
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