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QuickPromote 2.0

Rated4.6/5 (7 ratings)
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Copy folder utilility with link resolution & end user GUI.
Product Details

Whether you or your client edit your live website with FrontPage, Web Edit Pro, or any client/server WSYWIG editor, you or your client can add a simple level of review (of completed edits) with QuickPromote 2.0. Edit content in a staged folder, review and then promote the content to a live folder. QuickPromote 2.0 will resolve all link changes required, copy the content from the staging folder to the live folder. It's that easy, but includes advanced file filtering levels as well.

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Submitted on
21st April 2003
Last Updated
11th February 2009

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User Reviews

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(7 ratings)
Average User Rating: 4.6/5
Good script.
Reviewed byAnonymousonSat, 12th July 2003
Rating 5 - Excellent
Aside from it's design for use with WebEdPro, and Frontpage, this script is a great and simple tool to quickly replicate webpages from one folder to the next. It offers a couple levels of file filtering. It also offers a global search and replace of absolute, fully qualified, and relative URLS. You can limit different replacement behavior for 2 gourps of files by type. Not a bad deal at all. Ws
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