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Most Popular Scripts | Flash | Fla Archives

Results 61-80 of 1000
Bug smasher game
Flash component game. Squash as many bugs before times runs out! You can modify the settings of the game and its assets. Coded in as2.
(9 ratings)
FCS FLV Player
posted bycortinFla Archives
FCS FLV Player is designed for streaming with Macromedia Flash Communication Server (FCS) .FLV video files only. It only requires the user to have only Flash Version 6 player installed. The differrence between a component and an .FLA file is the amount of control you have over the features and design of your video player. A component allows for reusable code to be easily modified from within flash, this is a fast solution to implement video but, you cannot modify or add any additional features or change basic design parts of the player. Our FCS FLV Player with the source code allows you to easily change any of the features or design of the player by editing the code in Flash MX or Flash MX Pro 2004. Your player is ready to go when you recieve it, it can be uploaded to your server, you can modify the FlashVars in the html file to point to your FLV video file and it will work. You can completely control player functionality and design by modifying the FLA files actionscript code using Flash MX or Flash MX 2004: Our FCS FLV Player supports the following features: ABOUT An optional button to show a logo or other related information when the about button is clicked AUTOPLAY When you pass the flash variable AP=off the FLV file will load but, be paused so, you can embed multiple video players into a single page and using flashvars choose which ones will play when the page loads and which videos will be paused. MUTE When the mute button is clicked all audio is turned off and the video is paused PLAY Starts when the video begins or when the play button is clicked after a movie has been paused STOP Is when the video ends or when the stop/zoom buton is clicked, this returns the movie being played to the begining PAUSE This button will pause the video at the point in the timeline and when clicking the play button, the video, will play from the point on the movies timeline that the pause button was clicked BUFFER The buffer value can be hard coded or set as a variable using FlashVars SCRUBBING Moves the video timeline every time the video scrubber is moved to a position on the movies timeline ZOOM The Zoom button opens a larger sized browser window and stops the smaller player from playing, cuurently the zoom turns the 320x240 video player to a popup 640x480 video player Tracking the end of the video or total time is done automatically by FCS communicating dirctly with the SWF file.
(9 ratings)
PriceUSD 99.00
Flash Button Component
With this component you can set up a navigation bar in seconds. -Buttons have got an alpha channel shadow, so you can overlay pictures and textures. -You can modify the color of each button with a real time preview. -You can load either .html pages or .swf movies -Each button has a "selected" animated state and a reverse animation on "deselection" -Custom component UI -Only 40 Kb
(9 ratings)
TS Flash Video Player
TS Flash Video Player is a Flash video player for web sites. The sources are included and you can create your own interface in Flash or directly with HTML and Javascript, this makes this product highly customizable in features and look and feel. There are versions available to copy and paste directly into a web page and more visual versions packaged as Dreamweaver plugins (extensions). TSVideo has been implemented using the potential of Action Script 3.0 and the improvements that Adobe Flash CS3 introduced in the media support.
(6 ratings)
PriceUSD 29.99
This is an XML carousel gallery having wide range of options to customise. Your thumbnails and main images can be square or rectangle and it will be displayed in circular, elliptical and or several other sub-structures as per choice. Automatically resizes the image to specified size and fits within the shape without gap. It can display infinite number of images as it loops the thumbnails while rotating.
(6 ratings)
PriceUSD 20.00
Actionscript Experiment on Whiteboard Drawing API
This flash mx actionscript experiment shows you how to create a whiteboard application in flash mx. This experiment allows users to have full control over the line's color and clearing option. In this experiment, the knowledge of drawing API, restrict and maxChars will be useful.
(6 ratings)
Matrix Effect
An effect made very simple, same clip is duplicated on stage by copy/paste to cover an area. The clip contains one text field to fit one character, this one character color is set dynamically by random() function. Script contains only 5 code lines.
(6 ratings)
3D Piano and Simulated Motion Blur effect.
This is a grand piano turning with a simulated motion blur effect. Included in the fla download is a text tutorial on how to apply a motion blur to this or any other movie clip you might want to create.
(6 ratings)
This is a bot that chats and that can be easily customized! How to configure the XML Best way to learn is to look at the XML included, the root node can be named anything, and after that the node names are the key words, the program takes a sentence, breaks apart the words and searches the keywords in order till it finds some text.
(6 ratings)
Click Sounds
TNT Click Sounds 1. Free click sounds library, can be used with macromedia flash or separately from Macromedia Flash.
(6 ratings)
Flash XML Navigation Menu
This is an easy to use navigation solution for your site. All the thing that you need is just edit the xml file to add new link. It has a very attractive background and sound to each navigation button.
(6 ratings)
Text rotation
I saw this effect once and I thought it was pretty neat. Unfortunately, I haven't used it yet. It's a component so you can modify it as much as you want to. BTW: sorry for the colors!
(6 ratings)
Quick Menu XML
Flash Menu, easy to use, all you need is to edit an external file with a text editor and upload the menu file and configuration file on your server. This flash menu can auto scroll up and down when mouse is close to margins or it can have a scroll bar. Flash program is not needed to use and configure this menu; however, the source file is included in case you want to make advanced customizations.
(6 ratings)
PriceUSD 25.00
Flash Paypal e-commerce template
This template is containing an administration area. From this area you can, easily add, modify or delete your admin information and all your products information as books, video and music with just one click. This template lets you to sell your products on line through PayPal. You can choose between 16 different currencies. The user send the produc's items number, price and amount to Paypal�s shopping card by clicking the �buy� button. All pages in this template are changeable by you via your own admin area.
(6 ratings)
PriceUSD 100.00
Gallery by Andrei
This image gallery is unique because it preserves the width of the image after loading, and rotates the image horizontally to allow full viewing. This is excellent if you have those giant panoramic image which extend for a very large width. This gallery allows for easy categorization of your image in separate folders. Like the other Flash image galleries on TUFaT.com, this gallery includes an XML configuration file. This gallery, like all scripts on TUFaT.com, includes FREE UPGRADES forever. It also includes 100% of the Flash source code, and a simple documentation file in the form of a Word document. Free user-to-user support is available on the support forum
(6 ratings)
Flash MP3 Player
Download four unique skinned MP3 players for your website for one low price. The programs are constructed with Flash and XML and are very simple to load to your site. They come complete with source code at an affordable price. Download a free version without the source code as well.
(6 ratings)
PriceUSD 5.00
Animated Loading Bar
Copy the preloader clip form root of the file and paste it in first frame of your flash file, move all your other content to second frame. When file loads the preloader will stop the timeline and will play the loading animations, when loading is done then it will tell its parent level to go to and play second frame (your file content). Can be edited with Flash MX.
(6 ratings)
Clouds animation
A clouds animation clip, with images in timeline , easy to edit, you can put it as a header or a background in Flash/HTML websites.
(6 ratings)
Eyelash is a lightweight Flash portfolio application . The Photo Gallery uses PHP to read image list from a directory of images, generates thumbnails, and outputs a Flash layout of clickable thumbnails that click to the full-size image. Images added to the folder are automatically added to the gallery. It features mouse-overs with a fade in/fade out effect and a vertical scroll bar for additional thumbnails. Now incorporates next and previous buttons with rollover effect. Also comes with multiple album feature, directly instanciated from folders. Images are sorted via the PHP NATSORT function.
(6 ratings)
PriceUSD 19.00
FlashBOMB ListBoxer
This Component will create simple or complex Drop Down Option menus and ListBox menus quickly and with the utmost in configuration ability An external UI with a powerful help system is included to make your specific configuration needs smooth. This component took over a year to complete and we use it every day in our own development projects. As with everything we do, our goal was perfection to the degree that time (the enemy) allows.
(6 ratings)
Results 61-80 of 1000