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Results 21-40 of 66
JavaScript: Detecting Caps lock
I wanted to see if you could detect caps lock in JavaScript. Why? As a small usability touch, basically alerting users that caps lock is enabled when they are entering passwords for example. I�ve wrapped up the logic in a simple function that can help you detect caps lock on a key press.
(0 ratings)
Roll your own script.aculo.us effect
Scriptaculous Javascript library comes with a nice set of effects; if they're not enough, roll your own.
(0 ratings)
Better DOM for JavaScript
Data Mart is a subset of the data resource, usually oriented to a specific purpose or major data subject, that may be distributed to support business needs. The concept of a data mart can apply to any data whether they are operational data, evaluational data, spatial data, or metadata. A data mart is a repository of a business organization's data implemented
(0 ratings)
JavaScript Tips for ASP.NET Developers
ASP.NET server controls make your life easier on the server-side, but you may still need to do some client-side programming to build a powerful UI. JavaScript is the most powerful language on the client-side, and this white paper and the accompanied source code are specifically composed for ASP.NET developers.
(6 ratings)
Selective printing
Separate CSS rules assigned to print media type, helps printing designated parts
(0 ratings)
Bookmark Us Script
This is a tutorial that shows you how you can easily create a Bookmark Us link on your website. This will bring back old customers to you by helping them to remember your site.
(3 ratings)
Document Object Model Manipulation
This script introduces few functions (appendChild, nodeValues...) commonly use for DOM navigation. It features a live example which has been tested on IE & Mozilla/Firefox.
(0 ratings)
Arrays in JavaScript-Part II
Having got a brief idea about Single Dimensional Array in JavaScript let us see in this section how to define and access Two Dimensional Array in JavaScript.
(0 ratings)
Arrays in JavaScript � Part I
In this JavaScript � Part I Tutorial you will learn about Array Definition, Defining an Array in JavaScript, Shorter form, Literal Array, Accessing the elements in an array, Editing the values or elements in an array, Single Dimensional Array in JavaScript The array concept is used to store a set of values in a single variable name. So this is a very important concept in any programming language, Let us see how to define and handle arrays in JavaScript in this session.
(3 ratings)
Java Script Math Object
We saw in previous sections the String and Date Objects of Java Script. Now in this section let us see another object of Java Script mentioned earlier in our sections namely the Math Object.
(0 ratings)
Java Script Date Object
We saw in previous section the String Object of Java Script. Now in this section let us see another object of Java Script mentioned earlier in our sections namely the Date Object.
(0 ratings)
Java Script String Object
As we have seen in earlier section String object is a widely used object in Java Script. Let us see in this section what the String Object is used for, how to use that in Java Script, some of the methods used in String Object in brief.
(0 ratings)
Java Script Objects
Important aspect of Java Script a programmer must be aware of is it is an Object oriented Programming language. This in other words means that it is possible to use built in objects available in Java Script and also it is possible for a Java Script programmer to define their own objects and their own variable types. Let us see in this section how to make use of built in objects available in Java Script.
(0 ratings)
Java Script Boxes (Part II)
As a continuation of the earlier section where we have seen alert box, we will see in section briefly about confirm box and prompt box.The confirm box is one that pops up with two buttons namely OK and Cancel. This box namely Confirm box is used to verify from the user for acceptance. If the user accepts then the user presses the Ok button and there by the confirm box returns with a value true and if the user rejects then the user presses the cancel button and there by the confirm box returns false value.
(0 ratings)
Introduction to Java Script
In this Java Script tutorial you will learn about Introduction to Java Script, Origin of Java Script, Need of Java Script, Differences between Java and Java Script and Uses or Advantages of Java Script.Java Script was developed by Netscape by a person named as Brendan Eich. Though it was introduced as a client0side scripting languge and is most geenrally used like that there is no restriction for one using it in server side also. The original name that Java script had when it was intrduced was Livescript.
(0 ratings)
Java Script Features
Having got a brief introduction about Java Script in the previous chapter let us see the features of Java Script in this section.While designing using HTML the persons doing the designing using HTML need to be a good designer and would generally, need not be a good programmer. So in such situation the Java Script acts as a programming tool and is a powerful scripting language and helps the HTML designers to design the website or webpage effectively and interactively in a very simple and efficient way.
(0 ratings)
Java Script Boxes (Part I)
There are actually three types of popup boxes that can be created using Java Script. As per the needs of the user the programmers creates any of these types of popup box using Java Script.The three kinds of popup boxes that can be created using Java Script are namely.
(0 ratings)
Java Script Variables
Just like any programming language the variables in Java Script are also used to store values. The value of the variable can be edited as required by the programmer.Some of the rules for forming variable names are as follows: Variable names are case sensitive.They must begin with a letter or the underscore character.Having seen about the simple rules for framing variables names now let us see how to declare a variable name.
(0 ratings)
General Structure of a Java Script
Having known briefly about the features of Java Script let us start with a lighter section of knowing about how to pace a Java Script within a HTML page, and how to execute this and so on.This can be done by using the area Java Script.
(0 ratings)
Conditional Statements in Java Script � Part I
Just like any other programming language the conditional statements in Java Script are used for decision making purpose.If a programmer wants to execute certain statements only , when a desired condition is satisfied or have the true value then this conditional statement namely if statement can be used.
(0 ratings)
Results 21-40 of 66