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link-preview-generator - Cover Image
Node.js library for getting url preview data.
(0 ratings)
Sending POST requests with AJAX for absolute beginners
There are times when you want to update the website without the need to refresh whole page, but really there's no need for it. I'm going to teach you guys how to communicate to server using AJAX without refreshing the page and frustrating your users!
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Javascript benchmark
In computing, a benchmark is the result of running a computer program or a function, or a set of functions, in order to assess the relative performance of an object, by running a number of standard tests and trials against it. This is a method which can be used to do a relative measure (benchmark) of the Javascript function performance.
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[jQuery Tutorial] Delete Selected
Heres a small tutorial for those interested in jQuery. It teaches you how to delete all items that are selected via a checkbox.
(0 ratings)
[jQuery Tutorial] Posting Server Side
In this tutorial I will show you how to post to a sever side script using jquery and print the results depending on what is returned.
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JavaScript redirect page
This article helps you to learn how to use Javascript redirect possibilities and show you some code easy code examples.
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Javascript Sliders
The javascript slider object does not use any other javascript framework. So the length of the script is very small. It will make it easy to deploy the slider on your site.
(6 ratings)
Create a Slide-In Panel with jQuery
This tutorial will explain how to create a slide-in panel effect with jQuery. Basically, this means a hidden panel the slides into view when it is triggered by a button or other action. This is often used to display a contact form in a fun way. As it turns out, this is very easy to do.
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Porting Mouseenter / Mouseleave Functions
Mouseenter and Mouseleave functions in IE is one of the main reasons why developers would sometimes have to tweak their applications specifically for IE. Not only is IE the most popular browser, the specific mouse-related commands are very easy to configure that it will effectively let the developers build an interactive application in no time. Of course, they would have to add additional functions, but an application that uses the ability of a mouse in an application would have to consider IE as it main browser. This function alone could be found in IE and other browsers would have to use a counterpart which is mouseover and mouseout. But a distinct difference in
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Handling Non-Get Requests
The easiest way of transferring data for an Ajax based application is to use the GET form in XHR. Although there are browser challenges a developer would face, using this function is still the best way to transfer data. Because of browser incompatibility, the workarounds in GET has been relatively easier. Implementing better security may seem to be a bit hazy for now but as long as the coding is stable and simplified, the application could be easily secured. There are even recommended steps that could be used if a developer wants to integrate JS Client for an API. But the challenge comes if the developer wants to implement functions that do not use GET. This is usually don
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Customizing JSON Response
JSON is a very useful output for JavaScript. As an output that is specifically built for the same programming language, it is expected that it could work without any problem with JavaScript and Ajax based applications. Although there is still browser incompatibilities expected from JavaScript and Ajax based applications, it should be expected that almost any function by JavaScript especially on DOM could be well received by JSON. With the compatibility provided by JSON, the options are almost endless when they are properly developed with JavaScript. Ease of user interaction and even increased security could be expected if they were just done right. But the interaction with
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Proper Handling of Onerror Event
Onerror event is one of the many functions developers have to exhaustively use if they are building highly interactive Ajax or JavaScript based application. This form of error handling in JavaScript aids developers in properly handling unexpected errors on events or when an expected form of data has not been received. Aside from instructing the browser on the options available when error happens; onerror could be used by developers to know more about the application. This could be used to detect bugs in the application so that a remedy could be proposed as soon as possible. The basic coding for onerror event goes this way:
(0 ratings)
DOM HTML Attributes
Adding HTML in an Ajax based application is one of the smart moves a developer would have in building a lightweight online application. By using HTML, developers are harnessing the best the HTML would provide – a lightweight source of data with simplified functions that could be easily called. The familiarity of HTML is present in almost every developer that adding HTML is no problem at all. JavaScript takes this familiarity a bit further by providing developers the ability to manipulate the attributes in HTML. By doing so, developers would have more power in controlling HTML according to their preferences. This could be done in DOM wherein developers would have more control
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Events in Select Objects
JavaScript and Ajax based applications could launch any function with the right input. Although this could be found in other programming languages, JavaScript have the ability to launch certain functions even if the inputs are unconventional. For example, the regular input from users could come in a form of data or clicking on a certain link. While this could be found in JavaScript as well, additional input could be used to launch certain functions in an Ajax based application. By combining these functions with the ability of the application to launch purely in the client side, developers could achieve a highly interactive application. These functions are often based on th
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Using Functions Try, Catch and Finally
Handling errors and exceptions in JavaScript is a very tricky task for developers. A single error or exception could mean something is wrong in the general coding of the application. This would prompt developers to seek the source of the problem and provide solutions as fast as possible. Unfortunately, digging deep and making some changes there will require precious time and resources – all of this is done just to deal with one exception and/or error in the JavaScript and Ajax based applications. But there is another way in dealing with these exceptions and errors. The application has already been laid out and making some changes on the actual coding could be costly
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Limiting JavaScript Access to Other Websites
Security should always be the priority of every developer no matter what their programming language they are working on. But security has been on the special focus for JavaScript developers because of the security flaws reported on JavaScript and other Ajax based applications. Although the client side is always susceptible to different type of attacks, none of the client side programming languages have the same trouble compared to JavaScript. You can blame the openness of the programming language in terms of development for its insecurity but this is the sole reason why Ajax has become so popular in just a short amount of time. One of the security measures a developer coul
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Using Two or More JavaScript Scripts
An ideal scenario for lightweight Ajax and JavaScript based application is to use one script only. An effective application is not necessarily about the dazzling scripts that you can add in your online application. You need to have a smart application that could cater to what the user needs. Sometimes, your users only need a simple HTML and JavaScript application wherein it will only have one script. As long as you answer what they need from an online application, you should be able to have a satisfying application. But there will always be a time that you would need to install more than a single script in your Ajax based application. By creating two or more scripts for th
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Server Timeout Avoidance Using javascript
Often when executing a batch process to convert or move records of data your script execution is subject to a timeout specified in a configuration parameter on the various servers in any of the Web server, dynamic server-side scripting or database server. There are several options. The method described below is the most efficient method. A less superior option is to specify a meta refresh timer or javascript timer routine for the page onload body event, which would cause major delays if a page process completed before the timer refreshed the page. Placing javascript within the body onload event would require an inline html output using the javascript DOM functions in order to display a detailed report of the progress for each page and output of the closing HTML/BODY tags. The method implemented below is a cleaner and simpler approach. The structure of the code is generally the same for all applications exhibiting the batch procedure. This method uses a browser to launch the script.
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Sharing your Google reader shared items
I use Google reader all the time, and its cool sharing items that you read about. The only problem is I don’t know many people that use Google Reader and therefore not that many of them see what I share.So how can we get around this?
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MetaTags For Websites, Documents & Articles
Find all the metatags availlable for front pages, documents and articles. Article also includes a metatag generator.
(0 ratings)
Results 1-20 of 66