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Most Popular Scripts | ASP.NET | Tutorials & Tips

Results 101-120 of 654
File Uploading in ASP.Net Using C#.
File uploading has always been a tedious task for the web developer community. Either we have to use a third party component or write several lines of code. With the advent of ASP.Net file uploading has become a lot easier, importantly without the need for third party components. All we have to do is to use the ASP.Net HTML File control and write a few lines of C# code.
(6 ratings)
VB.NET 2005 Tutorials: Common Controls and Handling Control Events
VB.NET 2005 Tutorials: Common Controls and Handling Control Events - In this tutorial we will be learning how to use common control like Control Hierarchy, Label and LinkLabel, TextBox and RichTextBox, PictureBox, GroupBox and Panel, Button, CheckBox and RadioButton, ListBox, CheckedListBox and ComboBox, DomainUpDown and NumericUpDown, MonthCalendar and DateTimePicker, TreeView and ListView, Timer, TrackBar and ProgressBar, HScrollBar, VScrollBar, TabControl and Handling Control Events.
(6 ratings)
Gate to Delegates in VB.NET
This article explains what are "Delegates"? And what is their role in .NET framework. The author uses VB.NET code to provide working examples of "Delegates".
(6 ratings)
How to use ImageMap Control
Explains how to turn an image to navigation menu with ImageMap Control. In the past, developers would break an image into multiple pieces and put it together again in a table, reassembling the pieces into one image. With the new ImageMap control, you can define images with distinct regions called hot spots which are identified using coordinates.
(6 ratings)
ASP.NET 2.0 Training : Data Bound Controls
ASP.NET 2.0 Training : Data Bound Controls - In this tutorial you will learn about Data Bound Controls - The Hierarchy of Data Bound Controls, Simple Data Bound Controls, Composite DataBound Controls and Hierarchical Data Bound Controls.
(6 ratings)
ASP.NET 2.0 Training : Data Source Object Model
ASP.NET 2.0 Training : Data Source Object Model - In this tutorial you will learn about Data Source Object Model in ASP.NET 2.0, the Rationale of DataSource components, Data Source Control Internals, Tabular DataSource Controls, Hierarchical Data Source Controls, The SqlDataSource Control: Usage and Data Source Parameters.
(6 ratings)
VB.NET 2005 Tutorials: Validation
VB.NET 2005 Tutorials: Validation - In this tutorial you will learn about User Input Validation, Required Field Validators, Comparison Validators, Range Validators, Regular Expression Validator, Custom Validators, ErrorProvider, Enabling Controls Based On Input and Other Properties of Validation.
(6 ratings)
VB.NET 2005 Tutorials: Dialog Boxes in Visual Basic .NET 2005
VB.NET 2005 Tutorials: Dialog Boxes in Visual Basic .NET 2005 - Most Windows applications request for user input. Dialog boxes are one means of requesting users for specific kinds of inputs. Therefore, VB.NET allows its designers to create a number of different types of dialog boxes. Standard Dialog boxes are included in classes that fall within the purview of the CommonDialog. FileDialog, ColorDialog, FontDialog, PageSetupDialog, PrintDialog.
(6 ratings)
How to bind a DataGrid to an array
It simply shows how to bind a DataGrid to an array using C# code.
(6 ratings)
Implement Microsoft HTML Help Workshop in your Web application
Ever wondered how Microsoft have implemented Windows XP help? Ever wondered how MSDN authors develop their articles? Ever wondered how come when you press F1 in most application you are presented with something describing that part of the application? You will be amazed if we told you that all of the above cases are developed using the same tool: Microsoft Windows HTML Help Workshop. We believe now you need not us to explain more why Microsoft Windows HTML Help Workshop is an important and vital tool for most software developers and content writers / distributors.
(6 ratings)
Using PlaceHolder Control in ASP.NET
ASP.NET PlaceHolder Control is not like other standard ASP.NET controls. It has no user interface and doesn't produce any HTML output on client side. This tutorial explains how to use PlaceHolder control and solve common problems when create dynamic user interface.
(4 ratings)
Using Web Parts and Controls in Web Pages
ASP.NET 2.0 Free Tutorials : Using Web Parts and Controls in Web Pages - In this tutorial you will learn how To create a page for containing Web Parts controls, To create content for the main zone and To create a user control.
(4 ratings)
Creating an ASP.NET 2.0 Application
ASP.NET 2.0 Tutorials : Creating an ASP.NET 2.0 Application - In this tutorial you will learn how to Create an ASP.NET 2.0 Application, Examining the Interface, The Hello World Application, Designing Web Forms, The Embedded Web Server and Important folders in the ASP.NET 2.0 Applications.
(4 ratings)
Keyboard Shortcut in ASP.NET
Keyboard shortcuts are well known facility in Windows desktop applications. Shortcuts can increase efficiency and usability of your user interface. This tutorial explains how to enable keyboard shortcuts in ASP.NET web application.
(4 ratings)
What is Common Language Runtime(CLR)
The CLR is the layer of the .NET Framework that makes language independence work. Written mostly in Microsoft's new language, C#, the CLR provides services that any .NET program can use. Because of .NET's component architecture, software written in any language can call upon these services. Microsoft has also submitted a subset of the CLR to ECMA, the European information and communications standards organization. This subset is referred to as the Common Language Infrastructure (CLI). CLR provides following services:
(4 ratings)
Developing a Shopping Cart in ASP.NET
In this tutorial we are going to develop a simple shopping cart consisting of two pages, an order page, where your user will be able to check the available merchandise and order the same and the second is a cart page, where the selected items will be shown in the cart.
(3 ratings)
Data Paging in ASP.NET
This tutorial explains what is and why we need data paging and how to implement it in ASP.NET web application with simple GridView paging, custom GridView paging or paging by using DataPager class.
(3 ratings)
Web Parts in ASP.NET
Many websites often organize their content into modules that allows for personalization. In ASP.NET 1.1, you needed to build your own personalization framework. This article discuss how you can do it with Web Parts, new feature introduced in ASP.NET 2.0.
(3 ratings)
Basic Introduction about MSMQ in .NET Framework
Message Queuing or what you can call as MSMQ itself is an asynchronous programming. This is because the clients does not wait for the server to read the data sent to it. But there is a difference between the MSMQ itself and the asynchronous programming. In MSMQ world, all the sender and recipient transaction can be occur in disconnected and connected method, while the asynchronous programming, the transaction can only occur in connected mode. Message Queuing is kind of email for application to application communication. But MSMQ has lots more features to offer, such as guaranteed delivery ,transactions,confirmatio ns, express mode using memory and so on. With MSMQ you can send,receive, and route messages in a connected or disconnected environment.
(3 ratings)
Using Stored Procedures with MSSQL and ASP.NET 2.0
If you haven't used MSSQL stored procedures before with SQL Server and in your ASP.NET 2.0 pages then you need to read this article. In this article I will list down basic questions like the following :what is a stored procedure? How can I create a stored procedure? How can I use it from within my ASP.NET 2.0 web pages? And how can I return an output parameter value to my ASP.NET web page? A stored procedure is a script of SQL code that is stored in your database under a given name. The SQL code for the stored procedure may contain programming logic (using T-SQL IF and CASE statements for example) and SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE statements as well. There are many benefits using stored procedures instead of writing pure SQL code. 1. Reduce Network Usage between WebServer and Database Server. 2. Code Reuse. 3. Faster in performance . 4. Enhance Security as you can only give your user execute permission on your stored procedure.
(3 ratings)
Results 101-120 of 654