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Most Popular Scripts | PHP | Scripts & Programs | Development Tools

Results 101-120 of 366
Edit Database Field PRO (Ajax + PHP)
Do you want a library which help you to display and live edit mysql records in your php projects ? Edit Database Field PRO is a web script which help you to display the field you want from database and you can edit it with Ajax ( without reloading page ).The Field can be edit in different types : text , textarea, select , radio button, date , slider, colorpicker, switch on/off button, google map location box, video player autogenerate from youtube links; (soon: time and upload).Also you can add to the editable field filters ( is email , is url and others ). Features You can search field in MySQL databse and: display it on different ways: simple text color box on/off status button google map box – autogenerated from location that you want video player – autogenerated from video link ( youtube.com ) Real-time edit ( without reloading page ) it on different ways: in text input box in textarea box in dropdown select
(3 ratings)
PriceUSD 14.00
HTML Purifier
HTML Purifier is a standards-compliant HTML filter library written in PHP. HTML Purifier will not only remove all malicious code (better known as XSS) with a secure yet permissive whitelist, it will also make sure your documents are standards compliant, something only acheivable with a comprehensive knowledge of W3C's specifications. Tired of using BBCode due to the current landscape of deficient or insecure HTML filters? Have a WYSIWYG editor but never been able to use it? Looking for high-quality, standards-compliant, open-source components for that application you're building? HTML Purifier is for you!
(3 ratings)
Create setups for your programs using the NetInstaller. Users only have to upload two files - everything else will be decompressed online on the server, created and configured; problems with CHMODs or the upload of hundred of files are not required anymore.
(3 ratings)
Morecache allows you to easily cache parts or all of your script's output. This is useful if you have slow database queries on data that is viewed more often than it is changed. Morecache works by using output buffering to capture the output when it is first generated, and storing it in files from which it is retrieved afterwards. This can result in a huge speed increase.
(3 ratings)
KLOC Calculator
posted bymayankinUtilities
Calculates the line of code (LOC/KLOC) of your programs. Option to include and exclude file extensions from the count. Can calculate from N number of directories at one go. UPDATE: Now takes all information via interface, also new option for automatic sub-folder scanning.
(3 ratings)
PHPortal Application Builder
A web framework to build and manage an unlimited number of websites. Looks very similar to Zope, PHPortal presents a very simple manner to exercise a highly sought after result; Highly portable, secure, re-usable programming to manage under one umbrella an unlimited number of websites. Writing to directories that are not left or preset as writable directories which allows for true "free hand" web-run software. 100% separation of code and design dynamic as well as static templates. Offers over 20 standard content-type formats that can be used to dynamically transform one content type to another. Built in with a XML-RPC server makes all PHPortal objects XML-RPC aware.
(3 ratings)
Date_Calc is a calendar class used to calculate and manipulate calendar dates and retrieve dates in a calendar format. It does not rely on 32-bit system date stamps, so you can display calendars and compare dates that date pre 1970 and post 2038. Some of Date_Calc's features: comparing number of days between arbitrary dates, validating dates, calculating leap years, calculating the day of the week, calculating week of the year, calculating first and last days of the month, calculating next/prev week day, and calculating arrays of days for use in calendar displays.
(3 ratings)
ZanPHP Framework
ZanPHP is an agile Web application development framework written in PHP5 that uses different design patterns and best practices to create applications more quickly with good quality code.
(3 ratings)
phpPeanuts framework
PhpPeanuts is a framework for developing database-backed applications in PHP. It supports high and sustainable developer productivity by default reasoning and the 'once and only once' principle. It features the extended dynamic scaffolding of complete web-based applications (user interface and ORM) from meta data, including CRUD, relations and Query By Example. Its dynamic nature and high adaptability allow a very agile development style to remain highly productive (thus enjoyable) in later phases of development and maintenance.
(3 ratings)
Zebra_Pagination, a generic pagination PHP class
A generic pagination class that automatically generates navigation links given the total number of items and the number of items per page. Can generate links both in natural as well as in reverse order, can be easily localized, supports page propagation via GET or via URL rewriting, and the appearance can be easily customized through CSS, and is SEO-friendly - uses rel="prev" and rel="next" and solves the problem of duplicate content on the first page without navigation and the first page having the page number in the URL. Please note that this is a *generic* pagination class, meaning that it does not display any records! It is up to developer to fetch the actual data and displaying it based on the information returned by this class. The advantage is that it can be used to paginate over records coming from any source (arrays, database, etc). Zebra_Pagination's code is heavily commented and generates no warnings/errors/notices when PHP's error reporting level is set to E_ALL.
(3 ratings)
PSX is a framework written in PHP to create RESTful APIs. It provides tools to handle routing, API versioning, data transformation, authentication, documentation and testing. With PSX you can easily build an REST API around an existing application or create a new one from scratch. More informations at http://phpsx.org
(3 ratings)
ProgressBar.class.php is an easy to use solution to prevent timeouts for time consuming operations and loops in PHP.
(3 ratings)
PHP Installation System
The PHP Installation System is an abstract class which can be used to create a web-based installation script. It provides all the basic interface tools of gathering configuration information from the user while allowing the author to perform all PHP commands throughout the installation process. PIS takes care of all the overhead and lets you concentrate on installing your script! Installing a script shouldn't be complicated. This script addresses that.
(3 ratings)
Due to many people are building Dynamic Web Sites that need forms of various types, I am building a program designed for Web Developers to make forms to update config flat based files or Update MySQL database options for dynamic web sites. Can be used for installation forms or online update forms. Will output HTML forms or php forms. It is all pretty much automatic, reads the file (or pasted code in the window), gets variables and values, makes the form with input fields and the Lang files. Then you customize as per your needs. The MySQL make text fields, change to your needs. Wile you are building a new program you can add, remove and edit the values on the fly as you build. once you are finished update config to write the files and build the form, config and language files. It will make config, language and form files from an existing form, paste the form into the window. Once you make the form, you can edit the Lang files with the Lang editor, or make a new Lang based on the form. Types of config. $cfg['variable'] = 'value'; $variable = 'value'; $variable = value; In the window you can paste your existing config into and choose the type you want and it will build it. will read $variable = 'value'; or just one per-line name, thisvariable thatvariable
(3 ratings)
Beautify PHP
This program tries to reformat and beautify given PHP source code files automatically. Basic features: automatic indentation of PHP source code according to given number of spaces; automatic newlines, if required; includes settings for braces according to C or PEARL style; can make use of PHPs integrated code highlight option; can limit number of chars per line.
(3 ratings)
Php Syntax Highlighter
This small script convert your PHP code into a syntax colored html text. It is usefull if you want to display your PHP code on a html page with nice colors. Ideal for document and tutorial writers.
(3 ratings)
Check PHP Configuration with phpinfo()
This simple code will output data to help you deal with configuration issues. This is a built in function in php. Detailing data refering to current status of php version installed.
(3 ratings)
minPHP: A PHP Framework
minPHP is an extremely lightweight, object oriented MVC PHP framework. Its requirements are basic: PHP 5.1, with PDO support (if you want to take advantage of its built in database access layer) - making it very easy to deploy in a wide array of environments. minPHP is a great alternative to CakePHP, CodeIgniter, or Zend Framework for developers who don't want to include unused libraries in their code base. This is especially useful in commercial software development.
(3 ratings)
Plugable Items
Plugable Items are a collection of PHP classes to create small tables with information on your website. Current modules contain Plugs that show server statistics, message of the day, Images, calendar. The classes are very easy to create yourself.
(3 ratings)
PHP License Manager Pro
PHP License Manager Pro's AJAX interface allows you to view and change licensing restrictions for your software with ease, in real-time. Users can be presented with one of three licensing models: a time-limited trial, a use-limited trial or a required upgrade at your discretion. To prevent unauthorized use or distribution, usage can also be restricted to an IP address. PHP License Manager Pro lets you: control who uses your software, control where your software is used, reduce piracy of your PHP scripts, control the terms of the license and facilitate e-commerce with PayPal Express Checkout support. PHP License Manager Pro gives you: detailed tracking and usage statistics for your software, maximum flexibility for setting usage restrictions, per-client license management and the ability to manage product orders. PHP License Manager Pro is installed on your server and secure.
(3 ratings)
PriceUSD 149.00
Results 101-120 of 366