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Results 1-20 of 104
Trusted by 5,000+ happy customers worldwide, phpGrid supports all major databases, and composite key support, built-in WYSIWYG editor, master detail and subgrid, AJAX file upload, CSV, Excel, PDF Export, conditional formatting and much more.
(0 ratings)
We developed PHPTemplateLayer with the wide-ranging features and fast performance required for hundreds of our own websites. PHPTemplateLayer is possibly the easiest PHP template engine to install, setup and learn, even with no prior template experience. Since all control of template output remains with the PHP code, template tags are clean and easy, and no new security concerns are introduced. PHPTemplateLayer is 100% free to use and open source, and now even outputs minified HTML.
(0 ratings)
PHP Grid Control
PHP Grid instantly enables Add, Edit, Del, Auto-filter, Search, Sort, Page, Grouping, Export, Custom Add/Del Calls, Master-detail Grids, Multiple Databases, Customizable Themes and many other features.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 50.00
Edit Database Field PRO (Wordpress Library)
Edit Database Field PRO WL is a wordpress library which help you to display the field you want from database and you can edit it with Ajax ( without reloading page ).The Field can be edit in different types : text , textarea, select , radio button, date , slider, colorpicker, switch on/off button, google map location box, video player autogenerate from youtube links.Also you can add to the editable field filters ( is email , is url and others ). That library is very useful for building wordpress plugins ( backend and frontend ) and wordpress themes. Features You can search field in MySQL databse and: display it on different ways: simple text color box on/off status button google map box – autogenerated from location that you want video player – autogenerated from video link ( youtube.com ) Real-time edit ( without reloading page ) it on different ways
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 16.00
Some of Puja's features: VALIDATE TEMPLATE SYNTAX it is extremely fast no template parsing overhead, only compiles once. it is smart about recompiling only the template files that have changed. unlimited nesting of sections, conditionals, etc. built-in caching of template output.
(0 ratings)
Table Maintenance
Add, Update, and Delete MySQL table records without programming for forms, general validations, etc. Useful for Master Maintenance of setup and parameter tables. All updates and deletions are automatically logged in an auditTrail. The form and the record list is auto generated with navigation for the list. Both can be customised extensively. Default form validation is done for add and update mode. If foreign keys are declared, they are made use of. A method is provided to define explicit foreign keys if DB level keys are not defined. Additional specific validations can be included.
(0 ratings)
PHP common data gateway
This package can set and get values of common data structures. It provides static functions that can be called from anywhere to setup a common data structure with a name and values for named properties. A data structure is created if one does not exist with the given name. Properties may be changed to a given value specifying a string with the name of the data structure followed by the name of the property separated by a dot. If no value is passed, the current value of the property is returned.
(3 ratings)
PHP Javascript Detect Visitors Country
Why you need to detect your client IP Address and their location? You can do many things, such as: redirect them to a right page, pick a display language for them, block some countries that you don't like, set a good theme for your visitors, and show your clients some of your products / services base on their countries, city, location... etc.
(3 ratings)
This package can send requests to different Web services APIs. There is a base class that can send HTTP requests to given API URLs, retrieve the results and return decoded JSON, XML responses, or just the raw response data as a string. Implementation sub-classes can send requests to several types of API Web services. Currently it provides implementation classes to call OpenWeatherMap and GeoPlugin.
(0 ratings)
Portable UTF8 - Library for Unicode Handling in PHP
Portable UTF-8 is a library that enables Unicode support in PHP applications. It is written in PHP and does not need mbstring, iconv, UTF-8 enabled PCRE or any other library. The benefit of Portable UTf-8 is that you can bundle it with your applications and it needs no external support.
(0 ratings)
This class can merge and minify and JavaScript and CSS files. It can compress JavaScript and CSS files by stripping unnecessary comments, spaces, tabs and line breaks. Previously minified images are skipped. The Javascript processing can use JSMin or the Google Closure API. The class can also merge multiple JavaScript and CSS files to minimize the number of server requests. External images used by CSS files may be converted to be inserted in the CSS styles using data URLs. The class caches processed files to avoid processing overhead until any of the source files is changed.
(0 ratings)
Spiceworks External API
Ever wanted to get alerts, tickets, hardware info and other details out of your Spiceworks system? Now you can! By impersonating a user, this small script allows you to request data in JSON from Spiceworks itself.
(0 ratings)
This PHP class is used for economical storage of large vectors of 0/1 values. Bit vectors are useful, for example, in prime number generation. The native PHP array is much too powerful for the job, and far too costly in memory: the overhead is 208 bytes per element (on a 64-bit system), or 1667 times the optimum size. Class bitvec stores packed bits in an SplFixedArray of integers, considerably reducing the storage required.
(0 ratings)
This PHP class implements IoC (Inversion of Control) principle to resolve dependencies between classes and acheive loose coupling. IoC is implemented using dependency constructor injection. Dependencies should be defined in configuration file
(0 ratings)
DBPersister started in 2011 with few lines of code to enhance the way to develop crud applications by php users. DBPersister is an Open Source project with LGPL licence , which means that is possible to reach hundreds of people all over the world working on it with the possibility to edit the code depending own needs. You can use DBPersister to manage data from your database to your application. You can do all boring operations like : load single record save single record (insert, update, replace) delete single record and many others operations without writing SQL code by yourself.
(3 ratings)
MySQLi Query
I created this class to avoid the repetitiveness associated with mysqli prepared statements. It can be seen as a mini framework for running queries. It creates a database connection and accepts queries through the execute method. The execute method parameters are an sql statement, followed by the necessary bind variables.
(0 ratings)
API Client
It helps you to communicate with all types of API ’s. Even if you don’t have CURL on your server the class will fallback to an implementation that uses "fopen" without loosing any functionality. You will still be able to choose headers, request methods, timeouts and other settings.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 8.00
PHP Zip files and directory class
This PHP class is capable of Zipping a single file or even an entire directory. To use this Zip class file, -You have to include this file in your project. -Create class object. -Call the public function compress(); this function takes two arguments, source and destination. You can omit the second argument, and then working folder will be the destination. On success this function will return the Zip file name. -An example file is given to understand the mater.
(0 ratings)
EDDCS Digital Download Delivery Confirmation API
Add Delivery Confirmation Capability to Your PHP Download Protection Software. EDDCS offers delivery confirmation for downloadable merchandise that goes way beyond software that simply tracks clicks. EDDCS monitors the entire download process ensuring that every byte is transferred to the recipient. As more and more products are offered in a downloadable digital format, an increased need for proof of delivery is on the rise. You can be on the leading edge of the battle against Internet fraud by offering EDDCS to your customers as a valuable resource. Help your customers protect themselves from Internet fraud by adding electronic delivery confirmation capability to your software. With our patent pending technology, easy to use PHP API code and integration examples, you can add this functionality as an option in your software products with minimal effort.
(0 ratings)
Zebra_Mptt, a PHP implementation of the modified preorder tree traversal algorithm
Zebra_MPTT is a PHP class that provides an implementation of the modified preorder tree traversal algorithm making it easy for you to use MPTT in your PHP applications. It provides methods for adding nodes anywhere in the tree, deleting nodes, moving and copying nodes around the tree and methods for retrieving various information about the nodes. Zebra_MPTT uses table locks making sure that database integrity is always preserved and that concurrent MySQL sessions don't compromise data integrity. Also, Zebra_MPTT uses a caching mechanism which has as result the fact that regardless of the type, or the number of retrieval operations, the database is read only once per script execution.
(0 ratings)
Results 1-20 of 104