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Scripts & Applications

Results 61-80 of 170
URLeSS - Simple AJAX URL Shortening / Shortener Script
URLeSS is a well-built, unique and flexible PHP script built to allow quick, efficient and overall a streamlined URL shortening experience. The script has been built with usability in mind and using AJAX technology it delivers in flying colors. The URL Shortening Script surpasses its competition in every way, with new, innovative features such as password protection and visitor limit restrictions - we're much better and simpler than the rest. The script comes with full email support and peace of mind. Unlimited domain licenses are available. It is not needed to include a backlink or copyright claim on your sites.
(9 ratings)
PriceUSD 4.99
Twitter Friends & Followers Widget
There is a Facebook fans widget, Google friends widget, what about a Twitter friends widget?! This is a jQuery plugin that you can embed anywhere to display pictures of your Twitter followers or friends (whom you follow) and their latest tweets if you like.
(15 ratings)
Realtime Related Stream Bar
A jQuery plugin to create a bar of real-time stream of information related to your post powered by Collecta search engine. Collecta monitors the streams of news sites, popular blogs and social media. So it can show you results as they happen.
(0 ratings)
multi-column hierarchical mcdropdown jquery plugin......
mcDropdown jQuery Plugin is an unique UI control that would allow users to select from a complex hierarchical tree of options. This control is intuitive and it allows for both quick mouse and keyboard entry. After many rounds of discussion internally.........
(3 ratings)
show/hide a nice login panel
When someone click ?Login?, the login panel slide into view. If you click once more on ?login? or on the button ?Close Panel?, the panel will ?toggle? or slide out.........
(9 ratings)
morph effect on mouseenter/mouseleave with mootools......
Add some amazing effects to an unordered list on mouseover with the Element Method: morph and to make the whole list item region clickable with Mootools 1.2. The goal is to take a boring unordered list and to turn it into something fun to click..........
(0 ratings)
Paging Listbox Plugin
Many times in web forms we need to provide a listbox with lots of elements, A good solution is to filter and page these elements to speedup page loading and optimize DB/Network usage.. This is a jQuery plugin to implement a paging listbox on the client-side plus a complete sample code in VB.Net and C# for the server-side.
(0 ratings)
Realtime Related Tweets Bar
With all the buzz lately about Twitter real-time search. Why don't you add a real-time tweets bar related to your posts from your twitter timeline or from anybody or even limit it by a geocode coordinates!
(3 ratings)
MyAjax - Ajax Powered MySQL Table Viewer (with Ajax Search)
MyAjax is a MySQL Ajax Table viewer which allows for sorting, searching, and viewing of large amounts of MySQL table data in a quick and easy to use Ajax web interface. MyAjax features Ajax Sortable Columns, Ajax Search, and Ajax Paginated Results. Uses jQuery for Ajax calls and Javascript functions. Config file includes customisation variables to set which fields to display and their default sort order, which field to search on, results per page and more. * Uses jQuery. * Ideal for large amounts of MySQL data. * Easily browse a SQL database via Ajax. * Only loads data that is required. * Ajax search. * Paginated results. * Set how many results to view per page. * Ajax sortable columns. * Specify which SQL fields to display * Specify which database field Ajax search is performed on. * Fluid table width and clean styling. * PHP, HTML, Javascript. Clean coding.
(9 ratings)
PriceUSD 15.00
XwQuest is a simple a web interface for collecting responses to questionnaires. Each questionnaire is defined as a single XML file that is formatted on the browser. As the respondent fills-in the questionnaire the web interface is updated and reports data back to the server using Ajax.
(3 ratings)
One of the most common problems a web developer usually face is related to continuously rotate a fragment of content. It can be a presentation of headlines, small fragments of news or a list of thumbnails. The nature of the thing being rotated doesn?.........
(0 ratings)
Ajaxed Sliding Shopping Cart With jQuery
Detailed instructions on creating an Ajaxed shopping cart with a sliding basket using jQuery and PHP/ MySQL. The shopping cart is a simple one but very open to developing further.
(6 ratings)
DW Ajax Form
AjaxForm is an extension for Adobe Dreamweaver that allows you to convert a common form into a form that sends its data via Ajax without having to load the entire webpage. It can be inserted easily from the Dreamweaver menu. No hand coding needed.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 24.99
Twitter Intregration Dreamweaver Toolbar
Twitter is one of the most successful products in what the industry refers to as online social networking or social media. The Twitter integration Toolbar provides a collection of tools to help you to integrate Twitter services in a website. Allows maintaining a website connected with user Twitter status, adding "follow me" buttons, and displaying tweets in blocks of content.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 29.99
DrasticTools is a PHP/Javascript/MySQL based open source package with an Ajax-based datagrid with editing support, a configurable tag cloud and a Google mapping component.
(0 ratings)
Mac OS X-Style Dock Menu in Javascript
Remember the time when I introduced Nice List of Open Source Fish Eye Menu? The dock’s ‘fish-eye’ effect, whereby icons expand and contract as the mouse moves over them. Now, we have another solution for it, MacStyleDock function allows this feature to be implemented easily.
(3 ratings)
iCarousel - Open Source Carousel Like Widgets
One of the most common problems a web developer usually face is related to continuously rotate a fragment of content. It can be a presentation of headlines, small fragments of news or a list of thumbnails. The nature of the thing being rotated doesn’t matter too much here because all those kind of applications share always the same idea: Rotating. This objective can be achieve in different ways like fading and scrolling. Well here is iCarousel becomes useful. It’s a one step forward trying to generalize all those types of widgets providing a rich presentation and making the task easy to be done.
(0 ratings)
Sexy Sliding Javascript Menu With Mootools
When trying to conceive ways in which space could be saved on a web page Andy Sellick decided a sliding menu would work well as shown in the images below. He decided to use mootools due to the smoothness of their effects, however, this could just as easily be developed in script.aculo.us or other JavaScript libraries.
(12 ratings)
Yetii - Yet (E)Another Tab Interface Implementation
There are plenty of DHTML tabs scripts out there but most of them are either poorly coded, library/framework dependend or bloated with unnecessary functionality. So Grzegorz Wójcik has decided to come up with this simple, yet functional tab interface implementation. It is called Yetii, stands for Yet (E)Another Tab Interface Implementation. It has the following features.
(0 ratings)
Phatfusion Image Menu with Mootools
Phatfusion has showed us another way to build our menu, he has created a image menu with the aid of Mootools framework. It looks really good and easy to use. It is very similar to the menu design of Mootools Official Website. It has the following features........
(3 ratings)
Results 61-80 of 170