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Most Popular Scripts | JavaScript | Tutorials & Tips | Development

Results 1-20 of 44
Using Regular Expressions in JavaScript
Regular expressions are represented as samples for searching set symbols combinations in text lines (this search refers to comparison to the sample).
(15 ratings)
Building a Javascript array
Here are the basics of how to make a simple javascript array for your HTML page. To get you started, first you have to call the scripting method you are going to use. In this case we will call javascripting method.
(6 ratings)
Formatting numbers for decimals and significant digits
This useful tutorial shows you how to format numbers for a specific number of decimal places or significant digits in JavaScript.
(6 ratings)
Writing Classes in Javascript
Writing classes in JavaScript doesn't give full functionality of an object oriented language, but it at least gives data hiding and encapsulation which are very useful specially when JavaScript is not a strongly typed language. It is very useful in cases when you need to handle multiple objects , instead of having arrays for all kinds of variables and then managing those arrays in methods you can just write a class to handle one object and then make many instances of that class. This also gives the name space resolution to the variables so that you can avoid using global variables and still use variables across procedures.
(6 ratings)
Audio Player made with PhoneGap and jQuery Mobile
From this tutorial you will find out how to play and record files from your device. After reading this tutorial you will be able to build your own Audio Player and Audio Sound Recorder using PhoneGap and jQuerry Mobile.
(3 ratings)
Javascript Input Box.
Tutorial and Code for Javascript Input Box. Can be used to get client side user input for further processing
(3 ratings)
Basic array building with javascripting
This is for those new to javascripting. This tutorial will show you how to create a javascript array in the internet browser.
(3 ratings)
Build a Photo Gallery with PhoneGap and jQuery Mobile
This tutorial will cover a basic photo gallery app. You will learn how to use jQuery Mobile grid layout, how to get files from the device’s file system and list them and how to show a picture. Using PhoneGap and jQuerry Mobile technology you can build portable apps that will work on Android, iPhone and other mobile phone OSes.
(3 ratings)
Left() function in Javascript
The tutorial and code of Left() function in JS
(3 ratings)
Web Code Optimization
Google and Yahoo! know that speeding pages to their users is crucial. Both companies have invested millions of dollars in the server capacity and software enhancements that it takes to quickly serve search results to millions of users everyday. However, the optimizations that these companies perform do not stop at infrastructure investments. They optimize the delivery of their data right down to the data itself. In the case of Google and Yahoo!, these smart coding practices were most likely designed into the development of their applications. Unfortunately, many Web authors and developers are forced with the task of applying smart optimization practices to an already complete Web site. There are ways that you can easily perform the same types of optimizations on your existing Web site code. Using a good Web site optimization tool is the best way and it can lead to substantial savings on any Web site. The following article is an illustration of how much can be saved on a typical Web page using a Web site optimization tool like w3compiler to apply some of these techniques.
(3 ratings)
Defining arrays using literal notation
Literal notation is a new way of defining arrays in JavaScript that's extremely flexible and robust. Learn about literal notation in this tutorial.
(3 ratings)
JavaScript Array object
posted byadmininDevelopment
Explanation and listing of the Array object in JavaScript and its methods and properties.
(3 ratings)
Capture Image, Video and Crop using PhoneGap and jQuerry Mobile
In this tutorial we will access the device’s default camera application, the photo library and we will record a video with PhoneGap. Also at the end we will do a basic crop on a selected image from our gallery using HTML5 Canvas and JavaScript.
(3 ratings)
Javascript For Loop Code Syntax Example
Loops are the most common and complicated part of any programming language. First of all what is loop or iteration? Loop is used for executing a set of statements or instructions repeatedly. To perform the repetitive task, Javascript provides us 3 types of Loop. For Loop is one of them. In this free javascript tutorial i am going to discuss on only For Loop. If we need to run multiple statement within a loop then the statements must be enclosed by curly braces { }. But for a single statement no need to wrap the line within curly braces because, for any iteration/loop if the condition satisfy then by default first line of code will be executed. This statement is also true for other programming languages. Keep in mind two things when you want to write a loop statement: 1. Statements that you need to iterate 2. Termination or exit from loop
(0 ratings)
Javascript logical AND OR NOT operator code syntax
To build a logic most of the times we need to use AND, OR, NOT operators in our conditional statements. Javascript also provide us all AND, OR, NOT operators. Since different programming language has different AND, OR, NOT syntax, sometimes we forget the language specific code syntax. This article or javascript lesson provide you the code syntax or example of the above three operators.
(0 ratings)
Javascript IF ELSE IF conditional statement
For a Javascript beginner, understanding the “if else” conditional statement is very much important. Its impossible to write conditional statement without “if else”, so read the article carefully. In this lesson i will try to give you a complete understanding on “if else” conditional statement to build up your desire logic. Keep in mind that the “if” code block will be executed if the underlying condition return TRUE value. If return false value then “else” code block will be executed. So lets start to learn the most common Javascript “if else if” code syntax.
(0 ratings)
Introduction to Touch events in JavaScript
This tutorial looks at touch related events in JavaScript and how they are used to detect and respond to touch and swipe events. With touch based devices ever growing in numbers, grasping touch related events in JavaScript is as essential as understanding the age old mouse events.
(0 ratings)
AddressPicker Plugin Whith JQuery
When creating websites, we very often ask a user to insert his personal details including a mailing address. This time, rather than using a conventional field, we will use a widget called jQuery UI jQuery address picker.
(0 ratings)
Build a Compass App with PhoneGap and jQuerry Mobile
In this tutorial we will access the Compass feature from PhoneGap. With this feature we can obtain the direction that the device is pointing to. To demonstrate the use of this feature I built an application that acts as a Compass, it points to the North. This only works on the device.
(0 ratings)
Accessing the accelerometer in PhoneGap
In this tutorial we will take a look at how we can capture the devices motion in the x, y and z direction. The accelerometer is a motion sensor which detects movement changes relative to the current device orientation. At the end of this tutorial we will make an object move around the screen. This tutorial was made on a Mac using Aptana Studio 3 and was tested on a HTC Desire device running on Android 2.2.
(0 ratings)
Results 1-20 of 44