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Image Gallery Bridges

Results 1-2 of 2
xTechnos Content Slider
xTechnos Content Slider is jFlow base slider. You can add both images and content in the slider, to make it easy a seprate post type is created. Use following code in any php file (of the theme) to install xTechnos Content Slider: $xtn_custom_content = new xtncustom_content(); $xtn_custom_content->my_content_slider();
(4 ratings)
WP-Gallery-Remote includes albums and images from any Gallery installation using Gallery's Gallery Remote Protocol. Images are display as thumbnails in you posts and pages. Thereby you can choose between a plain output of the thumbnails and a CSS and Javascript based carousel mode. Have a look at the screenshots to see how that looks like. If the Lightbox Plugin is available and activated, clicking on a thumbnail opens the respective image using the lightbox effect. If the plugin is not available or activated, the image is shown in a new browser window.
(0 ratings)
Results 1-2 of 2