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Database Tools

Results 21-25 of 25
SQL Developer
SQL Developer is a SQL administration and development frontend with a graphical user interface. It is written completely in Java and runs on virtual machines supporting Java 1.3 or higher. With SQL Developer you can connect to various databases using the JDBC interface. Why use a lot of different software tools to get access to your favorite databases? Use a cross database tool on any platform running Java with one frontend.
(6 ratings)
DIG allows end users to do sophisticated ad-hoc queries and data analysis. No SQL or database knowledge is required. DIG can be installed and used without help from IT. Data can be imported from and exported to text files, Excel, Access, or any database. What sets DIG apart from other query tools is its power, flexibility, and ease of use for data analysis. DIG lets end users get answers from data that normally require a programmer or DBA.
(0 ratings)
DbVisualizer is a database tool for developers and database administrators, helping you with both the development and maintenance of your databases. It is the perfect solution since the same tool can be used on all major operating systems accessing a wide range of databases.
(12 ratings)
JET Code Generator
The JET Code Generator connects to any JDBC based database and exports the schema as an XML formatted file. The user is free to write/modify XSLTs to generate virtually any type of source code from the XML representing your database schema. Then generates code based on XSL Transformations. A complete example is included; with a database, support classes, XSL Transformations, build scripts (ANT, and batch).
(0 ratings)
The DataBrowser is a cross-database, cross-platform data access tool. It inlcludes features such as a schema treeview, table editor, sql query window, and results tableview. The DataBrowser includes pre-formatted connectors for Oracle, SQL-Server, DB2, PostgreSQL, MySQL, and InstantDB. With the Generic Connector you will be able to use your JDBC driver to connect to any JDBC enabled database.
(3 ratings)
Results 21-25 of 25