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Results 321-323 of 323
Content Management Component for PHP
posted bySalesinSoftware
ActivEdit is a software component that empowers developers with the ability to increase efficiency of client or in-house Web publishing & content management capabilities. Developers embed a Word�-type processor into a Web page which enables the ability for end-users to publish dynamic, formatted pages on the Internet simply by clicking the save button.
(9 ratings)
PHP Coder
PHP Coder is an IDE (Integrated Development Environment) especially developped for PHP programmers. Through tight integration of the PHP interpreter and the PHP documentation, PHP Coder gives you a time-saving Development Interface. Features are Full Integration of the PHP Interpreter and the PHP documentation, Integrated Preview window, Full Syntax Highlighting for HTML and PHP, AutoComplete for frequently used text constructs, Project manager, Tag Buttons and all the standard editing functions like almost unlimited undo, copy and paste, searching, and more.
(73 ratings)
posted byrpetraininSoftware
HTML-Kit is a full-featured text editor designed to help HTML, XML and script (PHP, Perl, ASP, JSP, etc.) authors to edit, format, lookup help, validate, preview and publish web pages. Newcomers to HTML coding can benefit from letting it point out errors and suggest improvements. Experts can save time spent on common tasks using the customizable and extendible editor while maintaining full control over the code.
(65 ratings)
Results 321-323 of 323