EXP Autos
EXP Autos component allows you to manage properties in your website in an easy and effective way while using Joomla! 1.5 . This powerful combination enable you to run a autos website and use the most user friendly open source Web Content Management System (CMS) available today. Everyone can create your own independ platform in Internet for car sell by using auto component. Component use Model-View-Controller Component (MVC) Component Use jQuery library jQuery validation fields,Ajax upload images,Separate equipment for each category,Send User Email if ads expiries,Edit ads and renew an ads,META TAG Support,Dynamic title,Search Engine Friendly URLs,Multilanguage support,Change the layout easily,Use skins.Add vehicle front - end,Unlimited Categories, Top property,Special property,Commercial property,Add duration days,Unlimited images in ads ,Amount of images on top set in admin area,Unlimited Currency, and more...