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Photo Gallery

Results 21-22 of 22
NextGEN Gallery
My latest and hopefully greatest plugin for WordPress is this new Gallery plugin called NextGEN Gallery . It’s named “NextGeneration” to echo the development of games consoles . Hopefully you can see how it exploits some of the tremendous possibilities of jQuery and AJAX/Web 2.0 technologies.
(0 ratings)
DM Albums™
DM Albums takes full resolution photos and automatically builds thumbnails and allows browsing of the photo album in-line with your post, meaning your visitors can view the entire photo album without leaving your post. Once you follow the simple configuration to set up and customize the look of DM Albums™ in WordPress, simply upload full-resolution photos to a directory on your web site, and link to it in your blog post - DM Albums™ will do the rest.
(2 ratings)
Results 21-22 of 22