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Results 1-6 of 6
Wordpress Data Manager - toronet
Programmers can use the plugin to create data managing features by employing fast and simple data managing functionality which gives developers more time to focus on advance features such as special views and galleries. You are able to control and define what the user sees on their screen and in addition, you can save time when developing back-end UI for managing your data.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 20.00
W3 Total W3 Total CacheCache
posted byhseditorinCache
W3 Total Cache improves the user experience of your blog by improving your server performance, caching every aspect of your site, reducing the download time of your theme and providing transparent content delivery network (CDN) integration.
(0 ratings)
Quick Cache
posted byhseditorinCache
Quick Cache takes a real-time snapshot ( building a cache ) of every Page, Post, Category, Link, etc. These snapshots are then stored ( cached ) intuitively, so they can be referenced later, in order to save all of that processing time that has been dragging your site down and costing you money.
(0 ratings)
DB Cache Reloaded Fix
posted byhseditorinCache
The fastest cache engine for WordPress, that produces cache of database queries with easy configuration.This plugin caches every database query with given lifetime. It is much faster than other html caching plugins and uses less disk space for caching.
(0 ratings)
WP-Cache 2.0
posted byhseditorinCache
WP-Cache is an extremely efficient WordPress page caching system to make your site much faster and responsive. It works by caching Worpress pages and storing them in a static file for serving future requests directly from the file rather than loading and compiling the whole PHP code and then building the page from the database.
(0 ratings)
Wordpress Super Cache
posted byhseditorinCache
WP Super Cache is a static caching plugin for WordPress. It generates html files that are served directly by Apache without processing comparatively heavy PHP scripts. By using this plugin you will speed up your WordPress blog significantly.
(0 ratings)
Results 1-6 of 6