Business Listings
Advanced OpenSource Yellow Pages Php Script
posted byscriptslyinBusiness Listings
Advanced OpenSource Yellow Pages Php Script,Earn Money from Listings ,Adsence and magical Ads.
Nowadays business directories or Local Yellowpages are becoming more and more popular. YellowPages Business Directory php Script is one the best business directory or Yellowpages portal script written in php. Nowadays business directories or Local Yellowpages are becoming more and more popular. In a meaning of yellowPages directory or business directory website, a listing page can become a small business web site. If you’re an Individual or company who are looking to start a local business directory YellowPages Php Script software will help you to achieve your business goals. YellowPages Business Directory Php Script is loaded with tons of features and very user friendly in terms of searching and business listing submission
PriceUSD 50.00
Pre ASP Classified Listings.
posted byPreprojectsinBusiness Listings
Pre Classified Listing is the most vibrant and varied classified listings script which you have never seen before. It is fully customized and fully featured Classified Listing System developed in ASP and MS Access. A fully administratively controlled system where admin can control the Site Setup, users, Ads, categories, manage packages, pay pal report and much more. Site look and feel can be easily being edited through a simple CSS style sheet. Specially developed keeping in view the interest for advertising agencies, and organizations particularly interested in listing management.PayPal payment gateway involve for receiving payments for packages. Following are the few main features of Pre Classified Listings.
PriceUSD 58.00
e-Classifieds Basic Edition
posted bysalesinBusiness Listings
The e-Classifieds Basic Edition is an affordable classified ads script written in Perl. It includes such powerful features as: support for fee-based ads, easily configurable categories and appearance, e-mail address harvesting, automatic expiration notices and purging of old ads, support for optional banner ads, easy setup with dynamically generated HTML pages that automatically incorporate your configuration settings, ad counters, logging, Keyword Notify personal search agent, and Privacy Mail.
PriceUSD 79.00