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Site Navigation

Results 1-2 of 2
Framed Click Through
This example code shows how to place a frame around an external link from your site, similar to the method AskJeeves.com site uses. This enables a few things. Useful for displaying a banner ad and/or easy navigation back to your site. This example consists of three parts: linkto.htm, which contains links to a few websites in the convention necessary for the framed click through to work; frame-click.asp, which will track the referring page and the requested and open a frameset and the link being requested; and frame-navigation.asp, which writes out a link for the referring page (or home page when none is detected) and a link to remove the frame to view the target link.
(0 ratings)
Building a Yahoo!� Style Navigation Bar
This sample will demonstrate how to quickly build a simple Yahoo! style navigation bar that displays the paths a user has taken to get to a given directory, and also displays a table of links to the sub-directories of the current directory. Full source code available for download.
(0 ratings)
Results 1-2 of 2