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Link Indexing

Results 1-4 of 4
Adobe ColdFusion Enterprise
Adobe ColdFusion 11 Enterprise Edition offers a single platform to rapidly build and deploy scalable, high-performing web and mobile applications.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 4,249.00
CFML Links Manager
A Complete CFML Links Manager with additional features like listings of tutorials, scripts just like scripts.com and lots of features. Admin interface to add links/edit/delete links. Import export links to CSV and Excel. Multiple checking of link URL's which are valid and which are invalid. Sitemap Generator automatically. Three modes of admin to manage. Complete New Blog System, not pre build but a new interface you like one. Complete security using captcha and verification. Unlimited categories and subcategories. Upload unlimited images and upload tutorials if required. rate links/scripts/tutorials. download as pdf/flash. and lots of features. Check out the url.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 100.00
CFlink is links directories with Ms access or MySql database easy to use and the perfect solution to manage any type of directory. While designed to manage links, CFink is ideal for a wide range of tasks such Press Releases, Yellowpages, Company Directories, or any other categorized database. With a powerful, very fast, and well tested engine, CFlink provides all the tools you need to manage your database effectively.
(0 ratings)
CF LinkManager
CF LinkManager allows you to run a complicated link directory system through easy to use administration pages instead of the overwhelming tasks of database entries or managing static HTML pages. Features: Multiple levels of sub categories, Automatic hit counters to show link activity, User rating system with reviews and one to five star ratings, Allow users to submit suggestions under a specific category or any level of subcategory, Ability to show prices for use as a product resource, Automatic approval of links or moderated additions, Notify users who suggest a link when their suggestion is approved, Integrated search function, Link error reports, Set the number of results per page, Highly functional web based administration area, and Access 2000 and SQL server versions of the database are included.
(0 ratings)
Results 1-4 of 4