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Database Tools

Results 81-84 of 84
If you use DBM files, this program makes them easy to edit. Each value stored in a DBM file is treated as several "fields", delimited by a user-defined string-- in effect, supporting multiple columns within the one-column DBM format. This program displays a DBM database as a table, and provides auto-sized forms to add or edit records. You can edit your existing DBM files or create new ones. Multi-user access is safe.
(0 ratings)
The DB LiNKeR is a database management system with many features designed especially for the webmaster. It utilizes a flat file database system capable of storing thousands and thousands of records for fast retrieval. DB LiNKeR makes database administration EASY!
(0 ratings)
Webteacher's Webdata
Webdata is an easy database program specifically for the world wide web. It uses your web browser to add, modify, or delete entries into your database. All you have to do is upload 2 files to your Unix server, and type 'perl install.pl'. It will ask you some questions about your server, what password you want, and what field names you want. That's it. It generates a maintenance page called 'admin.html' from which you can immediatly begin adding records. Guests will be able to search by any combination of criteria to suit their needs.
(0 ratings)
Database Doctor Pro
The Database Doctor allows you to manage and display text file databases of any field size. This powerful script can easily be used for a directory of addresses, products, or any list you can imagine. The display script is very customizable, but automated so that it works right out of the box as well. Version 3.0 features include column settings for required fields, unique fields, data types, default input and more. Easy forms for adding new items, preview, editing, deleting, search, sort by field, and will even prepare a page of your data for printing.
(0 ratings)
Results 81-84 of 84