Slide Shows
posted bypeterinSlide Shows
Slideviewer.cgi is designed to cut down the work needed for presenting an HTML slideshow by having all the images and titles defined in a file and the script does the rest. Features include: Next, Previous, Start and End buttons, Ability to go forwards or backwards, Choice of autoforward or manual change of slides, Dynamically resize the images, Set a cycle mode to have continious viewing of your show, Jump to any slide in the show by specifying the slide number, Jump to any slide via a slide index popup window, Jump to a randomily selected slide, and more.
Dale Bewley's slideshow
posted bydaleinSlide Shows
This script allows you to create a client pull slide show from a series of html documents. One particular use may be: Let's say you download a number of pictures and want to create an html file for each graphic in a particular directory; You can then use this script to link each together in a self advancing slideshow. You also have the option of displaying the filenames as HREFs in one frame and the pictures in another, so you don't have to watch the show in a linear fashion.