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Results 1-4 of 4
Scrape Web Site - Create Graph or Chart
Use this free online tool to scrape a web site and produce a graph. The tool will access the web site you specify and look through the resulting HTML. It looks for HTML tables and if table number is set, will ignore any encountered, up until the table number is reached. Label column specifies which column to take the label from and Data column, which one to take the values from.
(0 ratings)
Free Online Graphing Tool
Graphs are dynamically generated on the fly, based on the parameters you specify. The URL takes the user to a web interface (HTML form). Simply fill out your values and submit the form, a graph will appear. Additionally a URL will be displayed, which can be copied into remote web pages and have techie-blogs generate the graph on your site.
(3 ratings)
This program allows people to upload picture files (gif & jpg) to your website and it then automatically builds a page displaying all pics uploaded.
(0 ratings)
Cayenna Picture/Movie Viewer
This script creates on-the-fly HTML to display JPG thumbnails for your picture galleries. Upload your pics and thumbnails to your website and the script does the rest. All thumbnails, pictures or movies can be resized by the user. The admin can comment on each picture and enable or disable comments picture by picture. In short, this is a photo sharing system that you control.
(6 ratings)
PriceUSD 17.00
Results 1-4 of 4