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Web Search

Results 1-18 of 18
TakeTwo: Google Search
This code example will allow your visitors to search Google via a small input form on your website even if you dont have an Adsense account. This can be easily configured to allow for a "site only: search as well.
(3 ratings)
Smart Suggest — Advanced Auto-Complete
Only one line of code to install! It will convert any HTML text input box to a powerful Smart Suggest box.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 5.00
Google Live Search
Google Live Search is a quick, easy and unobtrusive way to add Live Google Searching to any website.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 6.00
TPCS Google search button
posted bytpcsinWeb Search
This Javascript will allow your visitors to search Google via your website. This is very handy on websites with many pages. This Google search button javascript code is a nice adition to any website.
(3 ratings)
Amazon aStore Search Box
Amazon aStore Search Box is a very simple, portable search box that lets visitors search for products in a specific category in your Amazon aStore. Just customize with your aStore URL and relevant category node number. Then add the script to your aStore page and the search box to any web page. After clicking the search button your aStore will open inside your web site displaying the products that matched the search.
(3 ratings)
Your Multi-Search Engine Toolbar
posted bymultizinWeb Search
This is essentially like a toolbar that will go right above your site and will allow your visitors to search from a variety of different search engines. The best part is, it's free.
(3 ratings)
Beyond.com Javascript Career Center
The Beyond.com Career Center is a full-featured JavaScript which can be easily integrated into your website in a matter of minutes. Your visitors will be able to search and apply to jobs, post jobs and view resumes, and access valuable business and life resources without leaving your site. The JavaScript continuously accesses real jobs that are available on the Beyond.com Network, automatically providing up-to-date information. The Beyond.com Career Center JavaScript includes: 1.)Instructions for quick and easy integration 2.)Completely customizable fit for your site�s unique framework 3.) Advanced job and resume searching functionality 4.) Comprehensive job postings and recruitment services 5.) Live, real-time updated jobs delivered continuously 6.) Career, business and life resources 7.) No ongoing maintenance or support requirements
(3 ratings)
Shopper Comparer� Script
posted bymultizinWeb Search
shopper comparer� is a free script dedicated to helping your visitors find the products they want to purchase--fast and efficiently. With this script, you will be able to set up a completely custumizable homepage (where you can put ads, links & other relevant information) for you visitors to view everytime they use shopper comparer�. Currently, there are four shopping sites (Amazon, eBay, Froogle, & $hop) that shopper comparer� uses to provide your visitors with shopping products quickly.
(3 ratings)
Free Google & Yahoo MetaSearch Script
posted bymultizinWeb Search
This script displays a framed a window that displays Google's and Yahoo's search results side-by-side. This script is completely free and easy to set-up on your own server.
(3 ratings)
eBay Affiliate Search Script
posted bymultizinWeb Search
This script allows you to put on a simple search script with your eBay affiliate ID so you can start getting paid. There is no point of getting your api either with this script. It is simple, it's free and easy.
(6 ratings)
MultiZ's Multi Search Engine Script
posted bymultizinWeb Search
The user may select a radio button, and then that user will be able to search that search engine. The possible search engines that you may select are: Google, Yahoo, Alexa, or Amazon.
(6 ratings)
NetPediatrics Medical Search Engines-Professionals' Version
Your visitors can benefit from having access to NetPediatrics Medical Search Engines. The visitor can enter a term and search for it in more than 27 medical search engines. These search engines are arranged by type of search; free medline, medical articles, medical words, medical abbreviations, medical images, drugs, laboratory tests, syndromes, medical associations, phamaceutical companies, medical conferences, and more by a single mouse click. All these services are provided to your visitors, absolutely free of charge! When your visitors carry out searches from your website, the results will appear in a small pop-up window. This means that your visitors never leave your website, it simply looks like an additional service of yours.
(3 ratings)
NetPediatrics Medical Search Engines-Consumers' Version
Your visitors can benefit from having access to NetPediatrics Medical Search Engines. The visitor can enter a term and search for it in more than 20 medical search engines. These search engines are arranged by type of search; health articles, medical words, medical abbreviations, medical images, drugs, laboratory tests, syndromes, and more by a single mouse click. All these services are provided to your visitors, absolutely free of charge! When your visitors carry out searches from your website, the results will appear in a small pop-up window. This means that your visitors never leave your website, it simply looks like an additional service of yours.
(3 ratings)
Asellus Websearch
posted byViva_inWeb Search
This is a complete search engine with where you can search from one place in more than 40 engines. Included Torry's Delphi, Download.com and Hotscripts.
(6 ratings)
Quick Search Interface To Various Search Engines
posted bydeepakinWeb Search
This is a quick search interface to various search engines. You type a keyword into the textbox and select a search engine. The browser will automatically initiate a search query to the corresponding search engine. This is an variant of <a href=" http://www.hotscripts.com/Detailed/13421.html">Quick search to Altavista Search Engine</a>
(4 ratings)
Marg's Search Thing
posted bymarginWeb Search
An online tool to generate cut-n-paste popup window code that allows you to search all of the major search engines from your site.
(3 ratings)
Altavista Search Engine In Your Links Bar
posted bydeepakinWeb Search
This is a JavaScript code snippet to send a query to AltaVista Web site. You can drag the link onto the Links bar of the browser, and use it as a quick search link bar. By modifying the value of location.href and the other querystrings, this can be extended to any search engine, since most search engines use only GET method to initiate searches.
(0 ratings)
Search Engine
This JavaScript search engine will run the same search across 4 of the major search engines at one time. You just put in your search term(s), select a few options, and then you have pages of search results.
(15 ratings)
Results 1-18 of 18