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Database Backup & Restore

Collection of PHP scripts for database backup and restore. These scripts will allow you to dump your database either as offline dumps or store them on another server.
Results 21-24 of 24
backupDB() is a PHP script that backs up MySQL tables and databases to a gzip'd file for easy daily backup. Can back up a single database and/or table, or all tables. Structure-only, complete-inserts optional. Can be called interactively or run as a cron job. Works well with doSQL() (also available on this site). Faster and more robust than phpMyAdmin's backup function.
(82 ratings)
Holomarcus MySQL Database Backup
With HMS_BACKUP you can make a backup of your MySQL-database. This backup can be sent by e-mail or uploaded through FTP. This script doesn't need privileges to execute *nix commands. It's 100% pure PHP.
(19 ratings)
Backup DB
Backup DB is a very easy to use MySQL database Backup/Restore utility written in PHP and Perl. The interface is written in PHP to keep things streamlined and the backup/restore processes are written in Perl to avoid PHP's limitations in the areas of safe_mode file ownership and system commands (v1.10 adds the option of using PHP files for the backup/restore process). Backups are compressed to limit storage space, organized by database (for ease of restoring), and saved with the date appended to the filename (to allow multiple backups). You can backup or restore one or more (or all) tables in the selected database at once.
(3 ratings)
Price 11.00
MySQL Dump
Backup program for MySQL databases that creates MySQL database backup files on your server. The backup files are in the same format as the phpmyadmin dump files. Simple installation. Optional german or english language. Comments in German and english.
(15 ratings)
Results 21-24 of 24