File Compression
Collection of free and commercial PHP file compression scripts including file and folder zip, extract, compress scripts.
CSS & JS Minifier
posted bymatthiasmullieinFile Compression
A CSS & JavaScript minifier, in PHP.
* Strips comments
* Strips whitespace
* Imports @import-ed CSS files
* Includes small static files into the minified file (base64-encoded)
* Shortens hexadecimal color codes
* Shortens zero values (e.g. -0px)
* Strips comments
* Strips whitespace
WebZipper PHP Class
posted byScriptDirinFile Compression
Read the comments from zip archive, unzipping archives, delete and rename files inside the zip archive with user friendly messages. This class was written with prebuilt php functions available for PHP5 .2+ but can work in older php versions if PECL extension is available.
– Zip files/folders
– Zip files/folders with comments
– Read Comments from zip archives
– Unzip archives
– Delete files inside zip archive
– Rename files inside zip archive
– Friendly Messages
– GUI /UI Ready
PriceUSD 6.00
Zip Cart - AJAX Zip File Download Cart
posted byScriptDirinFile Compression
Written as a PHP5 class to scan through folders and powered by AJAX utilizing JQUERY . This app allows the user to quickly specify which folders they want to display, then zip cart will scan the folder(s) and display all the items inside and make the files available for preview / cart queue / download. The end user will visit your site with zip cart installed, preview your files then add a chosen file to their cart. They have the ability to continue doing this until they are ready to download, then with one click your user will be able to download a zip file of the files they have chosen. It’s that simple. Comes with a default CSS styling, but you can easily change it to fit your site.
Perfect for freelancers, photographers, small business owners, anyone who wants to offer simple, beautiful file downloads to their users.
PriceUSD 7.00
Download Packager
posted byScriptDirinFile Compression
Many uses: You can use the script to let users select files they want to download OR make it so that it packages selected files that you want the user to download.
Easy for the user: Let’s them download many files at once without having to download each file separate.
PriceUSD 9.00
QuickOptimizer - minify your JS/CSS. Save traffic.
posted byScriptDirinFile Compression
It minifies your JS and/or CSS files and combines them so the user’s browser won’t have to download many files. This affects the loading speed because there are fewer HTTP requests that are made. Most of the time the browser requests each file just to find out that it hasn’t changed and it can load it from cache. But in the meantime it waits for the HTTP requests to be processed. By merging the files together it has to make only one or two requests. The CSS minifier compresses your CSS files to the absolute limit by stripping out unnecessary spaces and combining some properties together. The files can be up to 50% smaller after compression. It also has the ability to fix some CSS errors and delete duplicating properties, leaving the last one.
The JS minifier can compress your JS files and can reduce the file size by half, not considering the time you save from HTTP requests.
PriceUSD 3.00
compressIt - compress what you want
posted byScriptDirinFile Compression
compressIt is a powerful tool that helps you to compress any folder, recursively or not, according to a pattern (eg. .jpg), or not, and download it in one step.
PriceUSD 7.00
Dynamic CSS & JS Minifier
posted byScriptDirinFile Compression
This reduces the transfer rate of your CSS and JavaScript Files from the Web Server to the Browser and definitely gives a positive impact on your bandwidth usage as well as it reduces the loading time by caching the output. By caching the output, this script reduces the number of requests to the web server every time the website is visited.
PriceUSD 5.00
PHP / AJAX File Downloader With Zip
posted byjrd89inFile Compression
Zip Cart is a simple file cart with zip down loader. Written as a PHP5 class to scan through folders and powered by AJAX utilizing JQUERY . This app allows the user to quickly specify which folders they want to display, then zip cart will scan the folder(s) and display all the items inside and make the files available for preview / cart queue / download. The end user will visit your site with zip cart installed, preview your files then add a chosen file to their cart. They have the ability to continue doing this until they are ready to download, then with one click your user will be able to download a zip file of the files they have chosen. It’s that simple. Comes with a default CSS styling, but you can easily change it to fit your site.
PriceUSD 12.00
posted byskrol29inFile Compression
TbsZip is a PHP class that enables you to read and write Zip archives. The class doesn't require PHP extensions or temporary files. TbsZip can read, add, delete, and modify files stored in an archive. It can even start with an empty archive. The original archive is not modified. The new archive can be saved in the server as a new file, or provided directly as an HTTP download, or even as a binary string. If the Zlib extension is activated in PHP, then TbsZip can automatically compress and uncompress files in the archive.
Zip N Email PHP Script
posted bymbmurrayinFile Compression
With this nice PHP script you can send an email with an associated file that will be sent as a zip file.
To send the email just enter:
* Subject
* Destination Email Address
* Your Email Address
* Message
* File to send
Site Requirements: PHP 4.x or greater
PriceUSD 4.95
PHPUnzip Class
posted byd010inFile Compression
For those in need of unzip functionality in their PHP scripts but do not have PHP compiled with zip support. Includes ability to output the zip contents to files instead of reading them into memory. Very easy to use and integrate to existing code. A detailed example is included.
This class can read and parse a file and determine if it is a zip file, and read through the file entries and insert the file data into a structure which can be looped over for processing. Extensive error checking and handling and easy to use.
The Zipa
posted byhdf131inFile Compression
This little class allows the easy handling of zip files (for reading only) with the help of php's zip extension.
Can automatically extract everything from a specified zip file, or can read everything in the zip file into an array.
Show Zip Files
posted byfcharruainFile Compression
A very simple php script that helps make your zip files available for download on your website. It can serve as the basis for a self updating photo gallery. To make a zip file available for download, simply upload it to the same directory as the php file containing this script.