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Results 41-49 of 49
Contact manager like plaxo. Works like this: 1) Install script on your PHP/MySQL server. 2) Use the system by pasting all of your friends' emails and bulk mailing them an invitation to fill in their contact information. 3) Your friends come and enter their information - it is automatically saved in your contact list. Your friends can invite their friends and so on. If someone's email address is already in the system, they will not be emailed - instead their information will automatically appear in your address book. You can also download your contacts in an excel spreadsheet. All of the contact lists are private - your contacts cannot be seen by other people and vice versa.
(13 ratings)
MyKazaam Address Book & Contact Organizer
posted byinfoinOrganizers
This Address Book & Contact Organizer is a powerful PHP & MySQL based script. It is powerful enough to handle even the largest directory and allows for fast searching. You can enter in a vast amount of information about your contact and search by numerous variables including first & last names, email address, company, title, phone # or affiliation. Since it is web-based, you can access your address book anywhere you can get to a computer.
(9 ratings)
Online Password Manager
posted byericinOrganizers
Online Password Manager is an online application specially developed to help people store data securely online. With this program, you safely store all your logins, passwords, PIN codes, credit card numbers, memos, to-dos, access codes, and any other confidential information in one place while freely access them anytime from anywhere. There is also specially designed PDA interface allows you to use OPM through your PDA/Cell.
(6 ratings)
PriceUSD 24.95
Report Manger
This is my first program in php. and only support farsi language (this is my language) Help me for better program and update this program
(6 ratings)
EContact PRO
posted byericinOrganizers
EContact PRO is an ultimate online database system allows you to store and retrieve contact information anywhere in anytime! You'll also be able to send emails to contacts with the build-in email client easily. EContact PRO features Email to All Contacts, Email to All Contacts in Particular Groups, Comprehensive Sorting, Group Support, Data Export (CSV/TAB/HTML), Birthday Reminder, Mass Emails, Preference Control, Full Data Manipulation Interfaces, 30+ Customizable Fields and much more. Try out our online demo!
(12 ratings)
PriceUSD 24.90
Work the F* Out
posted bywtfoinOrganizers
This program keeps track of your weightlifting routines. It can be configured for anyones routine and is multiuser. It also makes use of jpgraph so you can track your results graphically. If you weightlift, workout, or bodybuild you should definitely check it out.
(10 ratings)
phpAbook is a simple, easy to install address book that uses MySQL to store contacts and user information. It has a completely customizable interface using CSS and dynamic images. It has the ability to add, modify, delete contacts and an admin interface for managing users.
(3 ratings)
A�Z is a simple and efficient web-based address book powered by PHP & MySQL. You can use it to replace your phonebook or even use it as an office-wide phone directory.
(6 ratings)
posted byjhminOrganizers
ToDoList.php is a set of PHP3 scripts that create a web-based list of things to do. Items can be added and removed, and are sorted by an assigned priority. Also it is possible to assign special tasks to another person and specify a due date.
(3 ratings)
Results 41-49 of 49