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Listings by d_e_x_t_e_r_o_u_s

Please find all the active listings published by d_e_x_t_e_r_o_u_s below. Publisher has posted 4 listings. You may click on a listing to visit its detail page to learn more about the listing.

Number of Listings:
Flex Wizard Component
A Component for developing Wizards in Flex.
PriceUSD 14.00
(0 ratings)
Flex Paypal Shopping Cart (XML Based)
This is a flex application, which is fully customizable through external XML file. It is integrated with Paypal Express Checkout.
PriceUSD 17.00
(0 ratings)
Currency Converter Widget (Flex)
Flex Application that converts between 34 currencies. Daily live feed used for Echange Rates.
PriceUSD 7.00
(0 ratings)
Wizardify jQuery Plugin
a jQuery plugin to convert your html form or simple markup into a functional wizard (Step-by-step navigation)
PriceUSD 7.00
(0 ratings)