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New Scripts | CFML | Scripts & Programs | E-Commerce

Results 21-24 of 24
CF Authorize
posted byinfoinCredit Cards
CF Authorize is a secure transaction processing software for the ColdFusion environment. CF Authorize will allow you to gain instant online approval of credit cards and bank checks in a matter of seconds.
(0 ratings)
CFX_ECHO Secure Payment Module
CFX_ECHO tag is a custom tag that drives all types of real-time credit card and check transactions using ECHO merchant processing�s free secure payment gateway and open-source real-time software. Supports system check, address verification, authorization and deposit, deposit, credit, commercial card, electronic check debit, and more. CFX_ECHO tag makes it easy to connect to ECHO. Ideal for all commerce applications. Perfect for ISP/IPPs to use for billing their clients, since this supports electronic checks as well.
(0 ratings)
Takes a given CC number and tells you the card type. Useful to verify a credit card number against a card type before sending it off for processing.
(3 ratings)
CFWebstore is a completely integrated web storefront and e-commerce solution. Customize the templates or utilize the built-in store settings to create your own custom store. CFWebstore can handle just about anything you want to accomplish in putting your business on the web. New features and improvements are always being added, and you'll love the flexibility and ease of learning the software. Check out the more advanced features like membership functions, role-based administration, batch order processing, delayed CC capture, and much more! The new version 6 release includes such features as SES links throughout the store, certified and automated UPS, FedEx and US Postal rates and tracking, product and article reviews, advanced promotions feature (buy 1 get 1 free, etc.), membership-based specials, gift registries, advanced tax system, PayPal Pro and Cybersource support, and much more! CFWebstore is more than a shopping cart, it gives you all the tools to make your store a big success.
(62 ratings)
PriceUSD 400.00
Results 21-24 of 24